WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • It has to be done with a user action (touch, click). There is no way around it since browsers want the "user permission" for it. Though I think you could make it so any click will request fullscreen.

  • This should work


  • Would construct 3 be fine for mobile games (in terms of performance) as still I have not heard of any successful mobile game made with construct 3.

    Performance is good, don´t worry too much about it.

    I read many articles written by Ashley regarding some updates which will make construct 3 better than 2 in terms of performance. But he also said that it will take some time. Is the task completed? Will it be beneficial also for mobile platform?

    Yes and yes. Just make sure you use the construct 3 runtime. It should be default with a new project.

    My only-earning will be thorough admob. Will it be fine?

    Fine in terms of what? Don´t expect any substantial returns unless you can get a lot of users.

    It is said that construct 3 can be run anywhere. Can I use my ipad for that? What would happen if my net gets disconnected in between?

    Yes it runs anywhere, also on your ipad. Construct generally runs offline, you have to reconnect every week once though to confirm your subscription. Also obviously, if you are offline you cannot use cloud saving.

    There is online support for making android apk files for construct 3 projects. Is there such support for ios? (I may be wrong)

    For ios, you need a mac with xcode to build your project. The process for ios is generally more complicated compared to android.

  • If it really is just about sharing it with friends, use what AllanR wrote

    And you can export for HTML, upload it to a website, open it in Safari and save to Home screen.

  • you can also use remote preview if you just want to test it out for free.

    And you can export for HTML, upload it to a website, open it in Safari and save to Home screen. This works really well - and the price is right (free if you already have a web site).

    Indeed but there is sadly no guarantee that it will behave exactly the same as a regular app.

  • Fair enough. I'm excited either way, but I'll have to wait until these maps drop to convert my current project. :)

  • what would be the benefit of having it be it's own block?

    I don´t see why such a map would need to be created during runtime with individual actions, rather than just beeing there.

    i think it will just be for better visual, since its integrated into the new function system

    But it isn´t really, if you have to create it in an "on start of layout" event with individual actions.

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  • Just to clarify something

    + On start of layout -> Create function map "color" -> Map "color" string "Red" to RedFunction

    Wouldn´t it make more sense (and be more neat) to have that feature similar to the new function feature. Like a block that you add where you can define this rather than having to be created and populated in an event?

  • Actually not sure about that, maybe with the drawing canvas plugin?

  • Don´t check for "on collision" as it won´t trigger like that. You can just put the "destroy" below the "create object"

    Also I recommend using a function for this. Functions are love!

  • If you have 20 fixed spawnpoints, you could use (invisible) sprites. Place them as you like and then do:

    Pick random instance --> Create object at sprite.X, sprite.Y

    Then repeat as often as you need. You should make sure though that the same sprite cannot be picked again (e.g. you can destroy it after you spawned the hiding object.)

  • use "wait X seconds". It´s in the system actions.

  • You also need a mac with xcode

    It´s also possible to get it working fine in a VM (virtual box) but that one was quite a task to get working properly (also emulating won´t work I think, because you´ll have an iphone emulator running on a virtual mac running on a windows machine, at least my pc didn´t manage but might be possible). But still, that doesn´t circumvent the developer account.

    IIrc you can create a debug .ipa that only work on specific devices, not sure anymore if you get the actual file or have to deploy it via a beta-channel in the store.

  • You can't. You have to use xcode because apple. Even then you cannot just install it, you'll have to get familiar with all the apple developer stuff and probably get an account too (100$/year). Not sure if you can avoid these restrictions with a jailbreak.

  • That sounds good to me.