WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • A different approach would be to use choose, Mavericks way is a bit more complex but more open and allows you to pass all layouts as a variable.

    choose("layout1", "layout2")

  • Hmm interesting, the C2 runtime seems to be indeed quicker. With todays update it appears to have been fixed, though it still seems that the C2 runtime runs just slightly (~3-5fps) faster.

  • Hard to tell without seeing the project. Have you checked the debugger or the developer console (F12). Possibly you have a while loop that never finishes.

  • but most of the activity is bad people growing a community discord and most people go there because the bad people hoard any projects they can get their hands on and distribute it to the discord and people overlook the bad evil things for the free loot

    You may want to find them, get what you want/need and use them and then scram as fast as possible but make sure to think about your mental health and stress levels first and take care of yourself okay?

    Really no need to exaggerate this much, none of them are bad or evil people. Some can be quite a bit stuck-up but that´s the worst I´ve seen. Your mental health should not be affected by that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Or do I seem like such an evil person to you?

    I agree otherwise, scirra is doing good things. I can´t wait for them to "finish" the new runtime because then it means they can focus on new features and whatnot. Defenitely great times ahead!

  • I think the "Load from URL" is not instance based. You can create a sprite with several frames (one for each image you want to laod) and then load them into each frame. An instance version of this would be awesome though. Ashley


    This may not be too useful though depending on what exactly you need to accomplish.

  • Where exactly is the series of numbers stored initially?

    Anyway, assuming you have them inside a variable: You can use "set Text" and put in the name of the variable in the field (without "")

    Automatically seperating them into a series of variables, probably not since you cannot define variables during the runtime. You could use a dictionary though instead of variables and use tokenat to write the "variables" into the dictionary. And access them again via "dictionary.Get('varname')"

    Here´s an example


  • Ah, totally overlooked that! Didn´t expect the first node to be -1 actually :)

  • Push all available cards into an array, then pick a random one out of it and delete that row from the array so it cannot be picked again.

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  • I did that a while ago, since you can access the pathfinding nodes (= corners/turnpoints) you can use a tiled background to draw lines from node to node. I´ve done a slight modification to the pathfinding example project.


  • In theory you can make a simple analytic thingy with a little bit of very simple sql/php using AJAX. Basically you can use "On start of Layout" and POST a small bit of data to the server, that then counts up a value by 1 and you know how often a certain layout is visited. You can basically add this to any trigger event (buttons, game won/lost,...) and count all the individual actions.

  • The easiest is probably this, just make sure you have "set angle" enabled on the bullet behavior.

  • Iirc you can setup the button within the browser object. It's a bit hidden there...

  • On that note, a useful tool right now for everyone searching the forums for links and such. The wayback machine, like google cache, except you can choose the date of the snapshot. Interesting to see how the website looked back in 2008, lol.


  • lennaert you seem triggered, take a walk...

  • I think this one is already known, right?

    Anyway, an "add image to post" would be awesome after uploading an image.

    WebWiz -> PHPBB -> Custom

    Custom? But why? Don't get me wrong, it's cool to do your custom stuff. I often do that myself, but sometimes it seems to be a case of "reinventing the wheel". Often you will have to solve problems that are already solved in established products.