Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Evening guys its me your favorite "H'n'S" section spammer! i am firing my lazzers again!

    So, in many games you propable seen ToolTips. You know, when you hover your mouse over an weapon, item, spell, skills ect it gives you its brief description and its stats. But diffrent objects have diffrent infromation amount. Item Shovel with absolutly no use in game will have just the name and maybe weight, when a "Legendery Brutal Battle Axe of Indescribeble Doom +14 made by Chuck Norris" will not only have a very long name, but wall of text of stats, buffs, description and other juicy stuff which fanatical gamers love to see/read.

    my problem is so the text object would adjuct its size depending on how much actual text is displayed. i know about the "newline" expression but in my case its off topic as i want to attach a nice graphic background for the tooltip and link its size with the size of text object.

    now how can this be done?

    i know that i can just make diffrent ToolTip objects for diffrent ToolTip types, like big one for weapons which has many stats and text, smaller for shields, and dfirrent for devices. is there a way to LOCK text object width or heigh and force it to expand to remaining direction?

    i am also aware that instead of "text object" based ToolTips i can just use pre-made images - but you know, one TextObject + one image + couple of variables will always weight less then any other two images. and the diffrence is perhaps small when we're talking 10 tool tips. but imagine 1000 tooltips. thats 1k pre-made images. even if they would be 1kb each thats 1000 times more then what would weight TextObject based ToolTips. Not talking about the amount of work. with Text you just change the text and the rest is done by the engine. with images you need to insert the text, adjuct the size by auto, save it, import it to Construct (even as a frame not object) and then remember WHICH frame was the ToolTip for that blasted Bannana Space Thrusters

  • The problem is non - existand when game maker uses just couple of layouts, but starts to be anoying with more complex, multi-level games. as in any game there are some conditions that should always work aside from whats going on on the screen (ESC button for quiting, fullscreen button ect). But i know we can import whole sheets into sheets but still theres no such thing as General Sheet with events that are always present - whereever we are in game.

    i think having a Sheets for a whole Aplication (Global Sheet?) wouldnt hurt, and for 100% would make some peoples lifes easier and better organised ("OMG why movement stoped working???? [4h later after re-checking the whole event for errors for 1032 time] oh... right... i forgoten to include controls sheet in that layer...")

  • Basicly if an event with condition addon "triger once while true" is being run - its being run once. but what if player changes layouts ? does it run again on the other layout or travel unchanged?

    EDIT: to not make another thread and beef my "i_dont_care" post count ill add this question:

    IS it possible to change Layouts from OTHER Layouts? think: i am on level 1 with a switch and there is level 2 with a doors, if i pull the switch on level 1 - will the doors on layout 2 open?

  • Ashley you havent understood what i wrote or i have formed my though not clearly.

    my idea is to not detect a singel pixel but a grid box , and each bos is made by many pixels

    for example: a window with resolution of 100 x 100 pixels would have 16 grid box (25/25 pix each)

    like with tiles where you can set the tile width and heigh.

  • Everything was okey till i instaled Resource Access Plugin. then when i start to run my game it goes:

    <img src="">


    aparently this is what was cousing the problem

    <img src="">

    any idea why?

  • digging deeper into the topic, what kind of solutions comes to your mind on how to simulate this idea? being able to detect color (even plain black/white) would be great in bulding a procedural generation system. this way the area is covered with two textures - one with the actul graphics and second black and white. so event X would take place only on Black or White part of the screen.

    i dont think a pixel detector is needed - this can be build on grid with pretefined W/H.

    like set grid 50/50 pix each box, and then "IF box is ALL BLACK then -> something.

    being able to set the grid parameters would be cool. imagine i set the grid on 100/100pix per box. thats +/- 10 on x and 7 box on Y at 1024/768 resolution. thats just 70 boxes to check. that would take much less memory usage and would work even better as pixel sampler.

    by being able to change the box w/h users could see for them self how high is the performence impact and adjuct the box parameters till it suits he's needs.

    dang, that would be awesome.


    oh and sorry for necroposting. i just think this is a great idea and my post/method/idea enhances it greatly

  • bumpy bumper bump.

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  • another problems... aparently i am a good friend of them.

    i want var ShieldsCurrent value to be downgraded to ShieldsTotal value. so you know, whenever it goes over ShieldsTotal var value it is fixed down. now what did i screwed up this time?

    <img src="">


    and my second problem. i never been good in math but i have even more problem forming a proper expression chain.

    basicly what i want:

    i want "Something X" to happend when Value of var "EnergyCurrent" is at 50% of value of var "EnergyTotal".

    how should i form it in conditions?

    i know "IF variable "EnergyCurrent" is Equal or Lower... what now?

    50 % global('EnergyTotal')[/code:x2xlir3c]...? is that correct
    EDIT2: adding to my last question what formula i should use when value X is LOWER then 90% but HIGHER then 50%?
  • nah its working already i am too scared to mess with it to not break it lol

    and NOW i finaly understood this "1-global('BattleEjectorsWeapons')"

    didnt knew i can use such expression this will get very handy as my spaceships armor aside from having durability they also have % dmg ressistance. so thx to this formula ill be able to calculate final damage with "global('Damage') - global('DamageRessistance%') = global('DamageFinal')

    so on example 100dmg - 90% = 90

    em i correct? can i use such a formula?

  • i tried this

    - if key F1 pressed, set variable to 1-variable (set the variable to 1-itself)
    -- if variable = 0, set position to .x+150
    -- if variable = 1, set position to .x-150[/code:45guzdhm]
    and its not working. well, more propable i just implemented it wrong.
    But i dont understand, so whenever i press F1 the variable  will be changed to 1
    so how the second sub-event gone trigger? 
    what have i done wrong?
    <img src="">
    EDIT oh sorry guys, i havent seen your posts before. lemme check your info and see if it works 
    thank you  
    okey i have tried this:
    IF key F1 pressed=>
                If variable =0 :
                               1. move Object verticaly 150
                               2. Set variable to 1
                              1. move Object verticaly -150
                              2. Set variable to 0
    and it works [i]almost[/i] right. the problems shows when i press the F1 rapidly. then it offten move twice down and one up or the opposite. ill try and add "every 500milisec" as condition to F1 key pressed and see how itll work.
    nope. it fixed one problem adding another one. now - yes, the event cant be triggered twice or more in row with the same moving values but also, because of the times it now works just half of the time lol so every 1/4 F1 hit acutlay works, then again when i decrese the times to the point when it works 100% of the time, the event overlaping stricks back.
    WOHOW! ive found an solution. its anything but elegant but it works!
    heres the deal:
    <img src="">
    i needed to add timer and a new variable, and it didnt worked at first. but when i changed the timer for 1000milisecs now its all good.
    thankc guys for support and stimulating my brain cells
  • Try: AppPath & "Subfolder\filename.ext"

    my God, so obvious. was right under my nose.

    Thank you Ashley!

    I have another question but i dont want make yet another topic(otherwise i will dominate the whole Help&Support section by the end of the month lol) so ill ask here in this thread.

    i have problem with setting up a basic "ON/OFF" switch based on variables. of course - if you now a way to do this other then by variables feel free to enlighten me.

    what i want/need:

    When pressing "F1" i want something to move from one place to another, and when pressing F1 again to go back. imagine it like a UI moving from outside of the screen down vertical into the screen, and then going back. bear in mind its not about X/Y position, but actual sliding from point A to B and from B to A.

    what i used:

    ive set up variable "Switching"

    IF key F1 pressed=>
                If variable =0 : 
                               1. move Object verticaly 150
                               2. Set variable to 1
                if variable =1:
                              1. move Object verticaly -150
                              2. Set variable to 0[/code:3srr8btz]
    and that should work... but it doesnt. most of the time it goes randmly up and down like it would ignore the chanching variable. is there a way to make so that F1 key will be disabled until the variables switches? 
    basicly - how would you write an event that when you press a key, moves the object alternate left and right.
    i tried crazy things and i am fighting with this dumb problem from over 2h
    now 3h lol
  • ahh perhaps i messed up something when describing my problem.

    i want the file to be played/loaded from custome location. as i have custome game folder structures. so instead of dumping everything into main folder i make sub-folders named after their functions "SFX" "Music" "Graphics" ect.

    dont tell me something so obvious cant be done under Construct O_o

  • umm and what about expression for file path?

    i mean i have a sound in game folder, how to tell the Construct the path? like


  • > Forget about video unless someone writes a proper plugin. Importing the video frames as textures is just ridiculous, don't do it. Try to make your Cutscene with events, it's the most efficient way.


    "Ridiculous" is a totally inaccurate assessment without respect to context. The suggestion was made before I knew his video was a whopping 5 minutes long. Had I known that, I obviously wouldn't have suggested it. Context is key. After finding out that his video was 5 minutes long, I suggested re-creating his video with events...

    If you're dealing with something that's only seconds long, it works perfectly and is not much different in operation from the standard way larger sprites with a good number of frames are dealt with in Construct. I know, because I've done both, never had a problem, and it always ran smoothly.

    i agree. for small, perhaps comix-like cutscenes Construct mechanics are more then enough

  • number 3 would be : Rojohound ,Personally i think he is a genius when it comes to python scripting.

    Rojohound. ill write that down. is he active around here?

    how high are the % chances of rejection lol?

    and thank you very much Draven

    sidenote: i dont know who is your music artist but you owe him BIG time. i cant remember when ive heard such a great music in game last time. and what about jumping animation? did you figured out what was cousing to just 2 frames being played?