undeadbobop's Forum Posts

  • It's s simpler way of having fonts, not really a custom font but it helps with performance apparently according to several guides over using the font plugin. Wish there was a online version of this though.

  • First of off I notice you don't own a c2 licences, you need to have one to be able to monetize last time I checked(could be wrong).

    Browsers, release it on gamejolt, & newgrounds, look around a lot see what sites offer montization programs and put them up on there. The more available it is the more public eye it has there for the more people can see it and the more potential profits you have. That is if your game is good enough.

    ketechapp I don't know anything about really other than they publish to iOS. It wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing to go through a publisher just be warry of the profit margins they receive over what you receive. Along with their terms of service could be exclusive to publish through them for all platform releases. They might throw some free advertising your way through social media sites, their publisher site, and much more if they are a good publisher. If not they will not show any games really, a good publisher promotes their games just look into it a bit more.

    Mostly what you need to do is some research on this on your own to really get what you want out of it.

    For montization with c2 games for mobile platforms though you want to use admob for android( you can for iOS devices too but iAds works well enough too for that) they are built into c2 without any external plugins.

  • Provide more information please,

    First tell us what platform you are planning on releasing it on, where you are planning on releasing it.

    Different platforms have different ad platforms, c2 has provided support for various ad platforms but if you are planing on releasing this onto a private website, have your game run in a iframe, with google adsense or something of the likes running either on the side, or bottom or top, would be the simplest.

    You can release it adless on gamejolt, & newgrounds and they will also pay you a percentage adrevenue, and sometimes it can be better than google adsense, which google adsense only pays you a very very very very very small percentage so this is the better option.

  • Legal issues differ from country to country, most international storefronts address those issues and problems to you before even publishing. Such as google play saying you need X cerdental such as some places requiring a rating system approval and rating based off a standard service most of which isn't worth selling to unless you have a game that supports multi-language, some cost money so yeah not worth it.

    Most of the legal issues is more or less a personal prefference of what you want to expect from the users other than liablity claims of loss data or damaged hardware, which basically are just put in some EULA's to prevent people from blaming them for hardware or software issues more than likely caused by the OS. Some places require that you address certain issues like the usage of cookies but all you have to say is cookies use & collect browser data for advertisement agencies and done if you do ads.

    Which you can easily address in a user licence agreement. If you sell it through certain storefronts they make you use their standard template EULA, such as scirra so you won't have to worry about anything if you sell it through them. But for the most part you won't have to worry about google play, steam, amazon, or most of the popular storefronts either.

  • Well, I have worked on games I have tried to get on wiiu and the first step if you are interested is signing up to be a third party developer, if you are interested. https://wiiu-developers.nintendo.com/It is actually very easy to use construct 2 to make games but it is a good idea to communicate with other third party developers while developing games.

    The experience I have had of making games for the WiiU is actually very fun, and well thought out, none of my games have officially made it on the system due to my own personal life events(Recently got married, Recently moved, Recently lost my part-time jobs, Recently had to drop out of college due to money issues).

  • Dreamout: Menu & Games — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>This template is a conglomerations of my previous works, massively improved on to allow much more user customization.</p><p>This template package contains:</p><p>Custom controls package, custom touch controls, on screen controllers, Bo's 200 sound pack, trirectimo, skimbob gone fishing, pool, and cups games. It has a basic platformer starter package including textures, and a starter racing game, along with a load, save game system. A game over screen, a video control menu system to simulate 3d, sound & video options, screen shot manager,achievement system, basic ad setup scripts, a custom mouse cursor with animations, and much much more.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Dreamout: Menu & Games

  • Well thank you for telling me this, it isn't much help since I don't have a webserver and most webhosts won't allow you to configure it unless you pay for them.

  • Goal: Figure out how to read RSS or ATOM Feed from blogspot and output XML content to inform users of future updates & news, along with quick messages to the user base.

    The Problem I am having: getting nothing but the "on ajax error" exception I put in to change the bg color & text.

    I am trying to grab it from this feed:


    Which is more clear with online xml formatters, which shows I need to grab from feed/entry/title & feed/entry/content.

    Basically I am trying to make a RSS feed reader and I don't see what I am doing wrong.

    Link to source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8hs1ucncmvn8bo/xmltry.capx?dl=0

    And Yes I am trying it inside exported projects too.

  • Sorry Just updated more information on the post to avoid double post, it is legacy it isn't part of the master template and isn't being updated. Has nothing to do with anything with construct 2, sorry for the confusion.

    As for undo functionality, it isn't a good idea to save the image rather have the brush marks as their own objects, so you can destroy them or make them transparent entirely in order of last created.

    Doing this would allow you to tint the brush objects, and mess with their transparency(something I didn't do in the template), along with that you can make different shapes by having them as sprite objects, the only down fall is performance might not be good depending on how far you want the undo functionality to go back.

  • Well I have a screenshot manager & character creator/paint program(legacy) within my ADV Menu Template on the store,

    https://www.scirra.com/store/royalty-fr ... plates-429

    but I also have tutorial showing you how to save snapshots to webstorage and load them onto a sprite.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    But if you don't want to watch that, all you need to do is save "CanvasSnapshot" to a storage key. All you have to do is have a selected image number value global or instance varible and you can make a if key exists ""ss" & (ssSelected+1)" and have it incriment ssSelected to +1 if true, same with minusing. You need to have a empty sprite that loads from URL which you just put "WebStorage.LocalValue("ss"&ssSelected)".

    it is rather easy to do, just beware that you want the image that you want to capture to be the only thing seen as it will capture the WHOLE canvas.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Bo's 200 Misc Sound Effects Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>There are 200 sound effects included with this package. </p><p>There are various sounds in this pack for these events:</p><p>Menu options, Pause, jumping, shooting, level sounds, steps, and much much more.</p><p>You can use them how ever you like, edit them how ever you want, so long as you follow scirra's licencing. </p><p>You can use the sounds with other game engines as you please as well. </p><p>Use these sounds to improve the quality of your games before you release them. With a plenty selection of different varients of sounds for different applications you can even set them up to play them dynamically on different menus. Game modes, and should be able to have more than 1 sound for a single event like jumping or shooting with this sound pack.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Bo's 200 Misc Sound Effects Pack

  • Bo's Small Game Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>This package contains a few small games, showing how to do different things exactly. It contains:</p>

    • NavelAdventure
    • bank robbery Drop
    • death smash crash
    • rail snag express
    • skeeter mad town skateboarding
    • bug crusher extreme

    <p>Source Project and desktop builds.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Bo's Small Game Pack

  • No Demo??

    Demo is up now.

  • TriRectuimo — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>4 way tic tac toe with triangles and squares, with multiplayer and AI. This includes:</p>

    • playable build
    • Game source project

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about TriRectuimo

  • The idea is there, just wrong implantation. With that for a test value in that case you would want to use a local var not global as it pertains only to that script. Trying to optimize my scripts as much as I possibly can, working on a massive game.

    A expression refference method would be more beneficial & what I'm trying to ask for as it would mean any independent but mathmatically connected value between two instances of the same object type would need a new value created just for the connection, just to be constantly called, never mind if I want to constantly call the function.

    If it is impossible with c2 then, yeah I will have to do it basically the same.