umarfarooq's Forum Posts

  • Alon

    Good progress. You're half way there.

    Just add another condition in "AND" to either of these and you'll get the idea how to implement it for X seconds. You can refine it then.

    Still having problem, drop me an email, I'll send my Skype ID, share screen, I'll do it for you.


  • 1. Websocket in C3

    2. Node JS on back-end

    3. MySQL on back-end

    Have fun!

  • AnD4D

    More than one way to do it. One possible way is to create a MySQL database with links to your music. Write a Node JS script to be accessible via Websocket in your C3 project. That Node JS script can send the link to your game and it can play. This way you can keep on adding more music easily in the back-end without requiring any changes in your game.

  • fredriksthlm

    Doesn't need a plugin. 1) Export from C3 as Android Studio Project, (2) Open in Android Studio, (3) Setup a Firebase Project, (4) Integrate Firebase with Signal One, (5) Integrate Signal One with the project opened in Android Studio


  • Alon

    There can be multiple ways, here is a simple one.

    Wherever you want the mouse to be able to Click, add another Check Boolean condition in AND with Mouse Click condition

    Now this Boolean can be True once your X seconds are over. Whichever action is performing those X seconds, at the end add a line to Toggle that Boolean to True so click starts to work else keep the Toggle to False and click won't work.

  • Bl4ckSh33p Okay. Let me know if you need help. Signal One works just fine.


  • Bl4ckSh33p Were you able to do it successfully?

  • Would be good to try. Can you please add.


  • Please do what AllanR have proposed.

    Should work.

    Else I can take a look at .capx later


  • Place a Text/Label on layout,

    SET TEXT to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    You'll see Bob there : )

  • Can't say your condition / logic is correct because, 1) I don't know what you're trying to implement, 2) If it's the best way to implement that. Now knowing both can render a condition / logic correct or incorrect : )

    Regardless of above, what happened when you Disabled this and triggered using a Button? If you say you're getting the same result, there is something wrong with Condition.

  • LocalStorage.ItemValue is now set for this key "name".

    This is assuming there is just one value here. If this key is set against an Array or Dictionary stored in local storage then you can call that particular value accordingly.

  • Without knowing rest of the code, structure or what you actually want to implement here.

    On top of my head,

    1. For each XY element having a sub-event can sometimes cause un-expected loops. I used the word un-expected to explain that they may differ from what we have in our head.

    2. To debug this, take it out of this sub-event. Make a new event which gets triggered on click of a button and then press the button at the appropriate time in the game. Keep the debug window open and see the result. If you get correct result, this means a problem while using "Every XY..". If you still don't get correct result with a button, means check your Array values.

    / Umar

  • Is this a sub-event?

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  • Create a Global Variable.

    On event Click (which gets you coin), add +1 to Global Variable. It will count your clicks.

    Reset it if mouse clicks a new/different object. Begin adding +1 again.
