UberdroidGames's Forum Posts

  • The thing about Berzerk robots is they have no idea how to pathfind, but they will either track your X or track your Y depending on what state they're randomly in for a while. This gives them a really human like behavior where they'll duck behind walls to "dodge your bullets" because you're ducking to dodge theirs and they're just kind of mirroring you.

    It's like when you meet someone in a hallway and you both go one way then another in a dance of blocking each other...

  • I kinda wish you could have families inside families.

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  • Just redid the fighter dogfighting routine so there's a "shipbrain" family and a "spaceship" family... turns out for the multiple-faction AI to work, there needs to be one variable for what team the AI ship is really on, and another for what team other ships "see" that ship as --otherwise just basic target finding events are much harder.

    It's kinda deep. They have now an outward "team" and a secret inner "team."

    On the other hand it's just basic encapsulation. Object Oriented programming 101.

  • https://044dc94b516c3ef4a616735832f0bc9 ... index.html

    Looks like we think alike. Berzerk is one of my favorite games of all time!

    (arrow keys and ctrl key to shoot) My robots don't pathfind but just track on x/y like the original. It makes them much dumber.. but at the same time they follow your movements differently.

  • I'm re-doing a project I abandoned a long time ago in Dark Basic Professional. It was great, but in the end it became unmanageable and there was no way I could really finish and keep it stable. Even though it used directx 3d, so far my re-make in Construct2 looks better in 2d. Because of Construct and the fact that I already have most of the game graphics and mechanics done, I'm doing in days what took weeks to do in the original.

    Here's my development blog

    http://uberdroidblog.blogspot.com/2014/ ... round.html

    Here's a video of how the original looked:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Attached a pic of the current version in Construct 2. I think there's a lot more potential than there was in my original prototype and I can finally make it live up to what I set out to do.

  • is it like "sea rah" or " skar ra" or "Sear ra" what?

  • I've only seen a couple of posts about it, but what's the easiest way to get a lua script controlling objects in Construct 2?

  • [quote:1c1bfeiq]Alpha footage of game mechanics, lots of particles used, independent turrets, faction AI and pathfind, game runs very well on older devices, tegra 3, samsung s3 etc.

    Holy crap that's awesome! I've been working on a game kind of like that called Captain Zero for a long time but it's on the back burner... Time to put it on the front burner I guess!

  • ...Actually that is an excellent point. However, one could with just as much conviction ask how much extra time we all should be spending trying to fuss with deployment instead of working on more important things like polishing our own applications. Some of us have solved multiplayer issues on our own with just as much facility as "a few mouse clicks" as well, but if we can't deploy the darn thing to a mobile platform, what use is any of it?

  • Sounds like I'm not alone. Deployment has always been the thing holding me back because no matter what options I try I always run into some or other issue. Pushing a button and getting an apk would be absolutely ideal. I don't think anyone would say "no" to that option.

    In the mean time I should learn more, I think about "the hard way" of using the android sdk and compiling myself.

  • I was just wondering if there was something besides the effort involved that was stopping it from happening. Maybe it's not a good idea because the format might change and the exporter would require maintenance or something.

    I can't get an apk out of Phone gap to work.. but if I point my phone browser at my game hosted on google drive it seems to work as though it was installed.

  • Why can't anyone create an android export that just produces an *apk file?

    Is there something code-wise or legally prohibitive about doing so --like it is a protected format or something?

    If not, then why not make one? I'd pay extra just to be able to save to apk and i'm sure lots of other people would too. What's standing in the way such that we have to go through all these third party work-arounds?

  • Thanks!

  • Aaah! Where are all the links?

  • I don't fully get how they come up with the second part either, the derivative... I just looked it up and it's that. There's a proof but phew I'm glad someone else did it.