twg's Forum Posts

  • twg

    can you check... does your project have a proper Launchimage for iphone x?

    eg: LaunchImage-1100-Portrait-2436h.png

    Earlier in the thread I already said I have tried using both launch images and storyboards with the correct dimensions, those are not the problem. I have Unity projects using the exact same launch images and storyboards that display fine on iPhone X.

  • twg

    Any luck?

    irina nope, still getting the viewport shifted off the left of the screen, only solution I have found is to set viewport-fit:auto and the game is at least centered on the screen but doesn't not fill up the entire screen.

    The bug report has been open for over 2 months already with no updates , and no one else is chiming in about their experiences with C3 & iPhone X here on the forums.

  • Anyone else testing their games on iPhone X?

  • Google has had Adsense for HTML5 web games for awhile now.

  • Ninjadoodle no hostility is meant, I'm honestly trying to help, I'm just saying we both told you, the C3 documentation explained it, even the Instant Game plugin tells you in the Set Player Data dialog "Consider using a JSON string from the dictionary plugin" when you open it and you were still saying you don't understand how to use a Dictionary object with Instant Games.

    I just gave you the exact events you need to save/load your data to Instant Games from a dictionary, there aren't any more steps for the Instant Games plugin so I'm not sure what you are missing. All the data you have in the dictionary will be saved/loaded to Instant Games platform.

  • I'm however really struggling to understand how to use the 'dictionary' object together with 'Instant Games' and 'get player data / set player data'.

    There don't seem to be any options that allow me to link the 2 together.

    You have literally been told how to use the Dictionary object with Instant Games twice in the same thread(JSON) AND linked to the Dictionary documentation which explains the expression for saving/loading a Dictionary as JSON.

    To Save Data:

    Condition: Whatever condition you want

    Action: Instant Games>Set Player Data>Dictionary.AsJSON

    To Load Data:

    Condition: Whatever condition you want

    Instant Games>Load Player Data

    Instant Games>On Loaded Player Data>Dictionary>Load From JSON string>InstantGames.PlayerData

  • Ninjadoodle just like Renfd said, just save whatever data you need in a Dictionary and save/load the dictionary to Instant Games as JSON. ... dictionary

    • Post link icon

    I've been using the build server all weekend with r92 for Cordova Xcode exports and HTML5 exports, all day Friday, all day Saturday and all day today, Sunday, I haven't had any issues or timeouts.

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  • Kraudi I still get the same result with your project in portrait or landscape. I really have no idea what is going on, the screen is always shifted off the left of the screen even with blank projects.

    I've tried with existing projects and this blank project ... t.c3p?dl=0

    Unbounded scrolling on/off makes no difference

    Scale inner or outer makes no difference

    Launches images vs storyboard makes no difference

    I'm not sure what else to try.

  • Kraudi I have my storyboards set up exactly the same as yours, still getting the screen off to the left.

    Anonnymitet I tried checking Unbounded scrolling and it still gives me the screen off to the left.

    This is so weird, on the C3 Github they were saying the issue has to do with the build server using an older version of cordova-ios, but I think it has to be something else cause you guys are getting it to display correctly.

    My projects are all

    • 1280x720

    • Viewport-fit:Cover

    I have tried both Scale Outer and Scale Inner, Unbounded Scrolling on or off does nothing, I have tried both LaunchImages and Storyboards and I have tried both existing projects and blank C3 projects and nothing works, I have no idea how it is displaying correctly for you guys.

  • Isn't this due to not having "unbounded scrolling" checked in C2/C3? If I remember correctly that fixed the issue for me. If you scale outer and you do not have unbounded checked it will put everything to the left of the screen.

    The unbounded scrolling is not the problem, all my C2/C3 mobile games use scale outer and do not have unbounded scrolling checked and display fine on all phones except iPhone X.

  • [quote:12dqe51e]I am just using the current version of C3. Exported a xcode

    project and that was the result^^ Dont know what makes the difference. Strange

    Are you creating a new storyboard or using the existing CDVLaunchScreen.storyboard ?

  • twg

    I tried my current beta and it worked just fine out of the box.

    I just added a 2048x2048 LaunchStoryboard!

    The only problem I have is that the default C3 launch screen is shown but I have set the project to Not using any launch screen at all (Because I want to use a static loading screen with xcode.) Don't know why it uses one when compiled. It doesnt show any c3 launch screen when testing on browser, only after compiled with xcode. Maybe Ashley can help me with it?

    I just tried my same blank project with a 2048x2048 storyboard and the game was still shifted off the left of the screen. I am using an old build but I just tried adding a storyboard with those dimensions, was this a new build using the C3 build service?

  • >

    > > Wow amazing ..... I mean how should I add iPhone X support now? My last app was built using but they haven't even added iOS11 sdk so no iPhoneX support yet.

    > >

    > > Now I can't even use scirra's build service because it also do not work on iPhone X? Come on guys that's a joke.

    > >


    > You can always build the Cordova app yourself


    > ... ova-cli-21


    > I assume the build service should be updated to the newest cordova-ios pretty quickly as well.


    Yeah I know but we pay a monthly fee also for their build service and I don't understand why that isn't a top priority for scirra to keep it updated as quick as possible. They also do not say when they are updating it so I have to try it every day just to see if they have updated it? Hm <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    There are 61 open bug issues with C3 right now, I'm sure they are doing their best.

  • Wow amazing ..... I mean how should I add iPhone X support now? My last app was built using but they haven't even added iOS11 sdk so no iPhoneX support yet.

    Now I can't even use scirra's build service because it also do not work on iPhone X? Come on guys that's a joke.

    You can always build the Cordova app yourself ... ova-cli-21

    I assume the build service should be updated to the newest cordova-ios pretty quickly as well.