yes would love to get more inside infos on jow to start. Would love to see some more comments in the source code. Awesome stuff i digg it!
tatogame & Oxnard is the random all function allready in this update? The random per category is working good.
It it possbile to get a audio TAG for this plugin too? Or how to i check if it playing via text output? would be ober awesome to have a mute function too.
Rampant... ups that sounds odd.
thanks for the details on the visualiser.
you mean the setup is simple, the math looks a bit difficult. but i love it.
Hello Gigatron u misspellt the url to download your stone shader.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
— 1000 Thanks for the source file, i will study it!
— or my internet is not good
is the video from youtube or is it on his server?
But beside the loading, the effects looking awesome.
and thanks for bringing this stuff to c2!
— UPS, its working but loading time is here around ~ long.
i Like your new audio visulizer demos alot. very artsy.
— WOW, you put up a really nice visulizer. any chance we can peak at the source?
keep up the good work!
i love how fast it is. different forms would be awesome. it looks like there is sand inside the cube. cool effect
Gigatron will you release it?
iam in 4 this neat stuff here!
Its an easy way for storing up useful sounds beyond the General Midi Soundset. it is possible to generate a single Wav as SF2 or it is possible to get a full GM Extend soundset. i often have raw midi file from different DAWs e.g. Rebirth or Chordpulse. thanks xoros for a theoretical way.
next step would be to load up SF2 files to exchange the default GM sound from the intern soundcard?
Na, but would love to see it in a near future!