oosyrag U **** MF <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">
could you please give some inside details about your code mechanic?
some parts seems to be higher thinking.
e.g.: "repeat int(TextBox(1).Text) times" or: System pick by evaluate Text2.IID>0
Also here is the orginal with some more functions:
in mathematica the sliders have a little play & pause buttons, the slider plays from 1 to last value automatically. Is this possible too.
the last Value Size seems not to work.
is it possible to get colored fonts too?
Why is there a debug field, how can it be helpful.
When i look at your code i see that my way in learning C2 is only a few steps from a start away.
i have to LEARN HARDER!