Wow man great job on this, even if it is just one level, its very nicely polished. If you made this for teaching purposes for your friend, is there any chance you'll release the .cap to help other people learn? I just started using this program 3 or 4 days ago and I'm getting the hang of it, but there is still so much to learn.
Unfortunately the short development of this game went like this:
Hey Tokin I did this
cool send it over
hey try that
send it back
oh cool ok I'll do this
bugs bugs bugs
send it over
no, like this
ok fixed that and added this
spend half an hour explaining to my friend how _____ works
wash, rinse, repeat.
long story short, regardless of how polished the game itself may seem, the .cap is incredibly sloppy and the events aren't the least bit organized ^^; That said, it probably wouldn't make a very good tutorial.
I'm planning on making some tutorials now that we have a nice tutorial section, though it might be a little while before I come up with something.