TheWindmiller's Forum Posts

  • Hey, great!

    Thanks, I think I see what I need in this example.


  • Hey thanks

    How do I make it see the first walls, but not any walls that may lay behind the them? Wouldn't this just reveal all walls in my LoS?

  • Just for firther clarification. The wall is part of the map enviroment. By design i need to hide all the map enviroment until i see it, for exploration purposes - so I cant really use it in the traditional way that it just blocks vision but is not open to being hidden itself. On the contray, I need it to both stop vision passing through while also hiding other walls behind it, but i need to see the wall that stops me from seeing behind it...hope I make sense.

  • Hey guys

    I have an issue. I have walls, walls are solid and are listed as obstacles for my Line-of-Sight behaviour. All is well but the fact that I also don't see the walls that should be visible - just blocking stuff that's behind them. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or is there a known *duh* workaround for this that I ain't getting?


  • wow, thanks, this would definately do the trick

  • Hey, thanks. These methods would do it, but the thing is the waterfall example was more of a...well, example. This won't really do it if, well, I have it rain using particles, cause that means everytime I change layouts in a, lets say rainy forest, I will witness the rain beggining to fall down.

    Hmmmm.... gotta figure it out .


  • In Unity there was a warm up option, which basically made it look like the particle system was already running when the screen fades in on a scene. Is there a way to do the same in Consturct? Like, when the layout loads you don't see the waterfall being turned on - of sorts/for example - but already see a waterfall running healthily and happily as you would expect.

    Thanks, & cheers!

  • Cool cool, thanks!

  • Tis why im talking about instance variables, not global...the sprites have variables, they have a default value, which was then altered and remained altered after leaving the room and coming back. The sprites are made to persist globally (aka not be terminated when the layout is changed.)

  • Hey, thanks. That's what I thought, but still I don't get one thing. My example is that a layout loads with one default value of of a variable which a lot of objects have - I then change that value by seeing it with my FOV (read I explore a map which is hidden in uncharted territory by default), I then change the layout, load a new one, and then I return to the former and I still see all the parts of the map which I have seen in my previous exploration (every object I see changes its IsSeen instance variable frmo 0 to 1, and then, on layout start all that are seen are set to visible, all that are not are set to invisible)...this means that the vars i;ve altered during the course of my game are remembered somewhere despite changing layouts. Where is this somewhere? Is it a temp file someplace, it remains in the memory?

  • I read the memory usage part in the manual and I think I get it, but still ain't sure of what the answer is in the following scenario.

    If I have objects that have a var attached to them, for every instance, seen (which by default is 0 but becomes 1 when the player's FoV sees it), for example, and they are not Globally persistent or anything, when I leave the layout they get destroyed right. When I come back they are loaded anew with the modified Is Seen var. (if I've seen them or not). My question is, is this bad memory usage? Like, real bad. Where does this modification of the var live? Is it truly unloaded when leaving the layout and the loaded back again when returning?


  • This is extremely enlightening - thanks a mil!

  • Hey thanks. I read something concerning windows limit and handles but I guess I got it wrong. Thanks mate.

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  • Hey guys.

    Here and there I catch being thrown around the notion of a 10 000 object limit for a project. While my investigating official sources fails to provide a definite answer, my project so far has ~1000 objects (if I count all the objects from all my Layouts - not running at once) and with every animated MOB having ~100 frames for all animations at their disposal, this notion quite frankly scares me a bit.

    Any light on the subject will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


  • hey, great, thanks!!!