thegodo's Forum Posts

  • kingpirux ahhhhmmm... I thought about that, but with hope in somebody's experience, who could tell me more about it.

    Anyway, thank you Kingpirux.

    Actually, only way to have a planet in orbit is using Rotate behavior, or have a multiple frame for an animated sprite, which consumes more memory with almost 100 frames per planet. I have no idea about other ways.

  • kingpirux can you tell me how did you do to use this effect? Every time I try the planet shows cutted or bad positioned.

  • Thanks Scirra! My vouchers for my two games has just been arrived!

  • MarkusR

    I'm sorry Markus, I don't know why. In the process I sure not checked any restriction option (all markets where Amazon sells its apps -- available). I'll check it again.

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  • A good "start" for learning C2. I have tried to make two simple but funny games for the contest.

    Thanks for the chance, Scirra.

    Here are my games. ... garbaspace ... =klintuwin

  • Hi. I'm still finishing my game. Need only one more day or two, but my question is could I be able to get rewarded if I sent the app before April 1st, but Amazon takes long to publish it after date?

    Thanks guys.

  • I know why now

    Problem is you are using "set direction speed" which are setting the actual object speed in the moment you are entering the plane again. If you use "set maximum speed" your problem goes away. Here is the fixed capx.

  • Try only removing the "set 8 dir speed to..." in both events (entering and exiting the plane). It works then

  • Ashley, should I make a new bug report then? Or this one is what you was refering to? According to Aphrodite it was reported already, wasn't it?

  • So, Ashley can you help us with that?

  • Sorry. Maybe I forgot to make the Question here

    Is it a known bug? SOme of you have had the same problem?

  • When you set the Layout increasing the 43000 px width, (or height), the scroll bar won't work properly while you move along the width. Near the border, the scroll bar jumps to the end. It's impossible to view the entire layout moving the bar. Only the continuous click on the arrows (left/right) works fine.

    As usually, excuse me for my english please.


  • Hi, JLH1964.

    Here is an example. It uses only the sine behavior (as Rjan said). All you have to change is the main origin point (which is set by default in the middle of each sprite). Then, set the sine behavior on Forward/Backward movement, and TACHAAAN!

  • Thanks Frozenen, the "Enigma vb" option looks like the best way.

    Anyway, the cmd its a quick solution

    EDIT: the CMD solution freezes eventually the new exe. I though maybe, only the Enigma would works. I have tested it with the trial version and then I realize that it only protects executables files. There is NO posibilities to hide "package.nw" from users.

    Any other option??

  • Anybody knows??