The_GD's Forum Posts

  • I could be mistaken, but:

    Thanks, but I'm not really sure how that helps, maybe there is miscommunication between us. I'm saving my game via Local Storage(!) object and building my game via NW.js (PC build). I need to know where the Local Storage object saves the files with a player savegame. I'm not(!) releasing my game by HTML build.

  • So here is what you can try. You can, using NW.JS object - create a save file in BinaryData and then use a BinaryData file as a save. It is difficult to use, but I think is possible. And exported project have to be in NW.JS, which takes a lot of additional space.

    That would require me to remake ALL of my saving system (and I save like hundreds of different values). It took me several weeks to make it right. If that's what it takes - I'm better off without Steam Cloud saves whatsoever.

    But doesn't ANYBODY knows where Local Storage saves are located? It would be much simpler, I think, to just tell Steam Cloud the location of the file. Or am I missing something?

  • Hi. I'm using Local Storage to save information about players' playthroughs and I'm planning on releasing my game on Steam. The saving/loading works perfectly, however, I can't find any information on where to look for the save file on the local hard drive?

    The C3 documentation just says "The Local Storage plugin can store data locally on the user's device" but it doesn't say where it does on PC, for example.

    I've found a similar discussion here, but it looks like the developers could not find the solution:

    Here people discussed a bit further on how to link Steam Cloud with a save file, but still - no data on where the save file may be located:

    Please help, thanks!


  • Hi. While I'm working in the engine online - everything works fine.

    But I've tried exporting my project by NW.js and launching the game... The window opens up and it's just black screen. Not even Contruct 3 logo at start.

    The console show me an error. Please tell me how to fix this:


    !!! UPDATE !!!: I've finally found what is the root of the problem. It's the CSVtoArray plugin I've used. I seem to have downloaded it from here:

    This plugin seems to not be working with webworker. But I really need my project to be able to read external CSV files and convert them into arrays. Anyone can help me, please? Is there anyone who knows how CSVtoArray works and can make it work with webworker?

  • SOLVED. Here is the solution (use angles instead of next pathfinding nod position):

  • Here is a video, showing the sudden mirrored changing error I have:

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  • Hi. I'm using pathfinding behavior to move my character. I want my character to be looking on the left (be mirrored) when he is moving to the left and looking on the right when moving right. Seems easy: I just need to know where is his next node he is moving to located and if it's X position is higher than my characer - set not mirrored, if it's lower - set mirrored.

    However, there is a problem. When moving to the left - he is looking to the left always. But when he's looking on the right - he first looks to the right but then right when he's near his last node (without an obvious reason) he starts looking left, then right again (all while looking right).

    That's headscratching. I've thought that maybe pathfinding thinks that it reached it's final node too soon, so I've tried updating mirrored not every tick, but on reaching next node. There is no "on node reach" pathfinding condition, so I had to make 2 new variables: one will hold the information of current node, the other one will change when the node will be reached.

    But that did not help as well... Anyone have any suggestions? I can't seem to find any tutorial where pathfinding is being ised in isometric perspective (instead of top-down where character do rotates with pathfinding). Thanks!

  • Hi. So I've just spent about 4 hours trying to identify why doesn't my Timeline "on keyframe reached" (any tags) condition does not trigger. I've made a master keyframe with a tag, made the condition, specifically copied the name of the tag (so that no typing error occurs or anything). And it still wasn't working properly!

    I've rewatched the scirra's Timelines tutorial for dozens of times, tried to replicate the moment where the gentleman speaks of tags.

    Have you quessed already what my mistake was? Yep: the bar on the left requires the tag to be written without these "", while the condition asks for a text with these "". As a result - the engine probably saw the name of my tag as ""trialpreparenpc"".

    Why am I writing this? First of all, out of frustration (sorry, I needed to chill a little). Secondly, things like that needs to be documented in some way or another (or - which would be better - tags I write on the left properties bar should visualise getting "" after i write them so I can see them duplicating). At least make small remark in tags help that "" are not required here.

    I know in the end I still managed to figure out the problem (and it was my fault - not the engines bug or something), but small things like that increase the learning curve exponentially for new developers. Thanks

  • Okay, figured it out.

    Apparently, the condition "on timeline finish" checks not for a timeline of a specific name, but instead for a Tag (that was assigned to a timeline at the moment of starting it). So my mistake was to put a timeline name into the condition instead of tag.

    Not very intuitive, I would say. I just wanted to check for a specific timeline ending, there was no need to get tags involved IMHO...

  • I seem not to understand completely how timelines work because the simplest events like "On timeline finish" -> "do something" does not seem to trigger.

    I've checked that my timeline:

    - is starting by another event (and doing what it should);

    - doesn't loop, nor does it use ping-pong;

    - has "1" in it's repeat count;

    - ends (has green line in timeline editor) at 5 seconds mark; somewhy still doesn't trigger "on timeline finish" condition.

    Please tell me if thats a bug or if I need something else to trigger this condition? Thanks

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  • You can use CSV file format - export the table from Excel or Google Sheets to a CSV file, add this file to the project. Use CSV2Array addon to load it into an array at runtime.

    But personally I think using the array editor in C3 and simply copying/pasting text between it and Excel is a much easier option. I do this all the time.

    Thanks, I'll look into it!

  • My recommendation is to learn how to actually use a Json data file as a project file, parsed in via the Json object, rather than a construct array as Json.

    Seems like an advice of this kind: "my car tire is flat, please help me" -> "learn how to repair the engine first".

    The whole reason I'm using Construct 3 instead of Unity or Unreal is the "easy to learn no programming knowledge is required" thing. I'm not sure how making things more complicated for me will help me to make things easier. I wanted to know if there is a way to make an easy export to spreadsheet - not spend dozens (or in my case maybe hundreds) of hours learning some stuff I may not need in the future.

    But thanks for an advice.

  • I'm planning on making a game with tons of dialogues, so I'm using .json files to put all the text in the game. I'm also planning to:

    1) work with several different narrative designers;

    2) translate all the text to several different languages;

    3) make a "make-your-own-quest" style of editor, where any player can make their own storyline by editing the lines in .json.

    But the narrative designers, translators and (especially) players do not have Construct 3 and it's pretty much impossible to try logically changing .json as it is:

    (spreadsheet as I see it in Construct 3)

    (json file I get if try to download it)

    The "easy" solution to that problem is just selecting all the content inside the Construct 3 json editor spreadsheet and pressing CTRL+C, CTRL+V to paste content inside the google spreadsheets. It does work. But there are several errors with that method. For example, after I will receive new dialogues in google spreadsheets - I need to manually CTRL+C, CTRL+V them inside of Construct 3 engine's json file editor. So it can help if I'm with narrative designers and translators but generic player will not be able to do that on his own, so I'd have to abandon the idea to allow players to make their own content by simply changing .json. Also this way is a bit tedious, since even a small error while selecting / copying / pasting (and backwards) can result in a game being umplayable.

    Is there a way to easily convert json table that Construct 3 generates into XLS (microsoft office) format and backwards (from XLS into json that Construct 3 will understand)?

    I've tried several different automated online JSON->XLS converters but they all change the initial json's Construct 3 spreadsheet into something barely recognisable (structurully-wise).

    If there is no option to do that - I would like to suggest implementing such a converter as a possible next feature inside Construct 3: Import XLS as a json / export json as a XLS. I know devs might have more important things to do but I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with it. Also, I'm not a programmer myself but I think it shouldn't be too difficult to implement, since the original json file editor in Construct 3 already pretty much looks like a table from windows excel.


  • I found another way using wait time and the free typewriter addon that Construct 3 has. The other way was just too much work to do repeatedly but this way works just fine for me. It has "Pause typewriter" and "Resume typewriter" actions that help make this really simple. Thanks for all the help though :)

    Hello. How do you check where to stop/continue the typewriter? I mean how do you tell the typewriter to stop at a specific letter (like "." at the end of the sentence)? Thanks.