tarek2's Forum Posts

  • another thing you can do is add a compressor (audio effect) to a "tag" and then play the sounds through that tag. this will not totally fix the volume but it will help a lot.

    the compressor will act as a "limiter" and will try to squash the volume if it gets too loud.

    play around with the Threshold (lower it) to get it right. And set the Knee to 0 (so its applied right away)

    Hey Jobel Thanks a lot, that was some really nice tip swell, I tested in combination with Kyatric one and both sound great together on the web but on the iPhones they get distorted with some noise at the end of the sound, it could be a bug on iOS, I will keep playing with it, anyway, this was a great tip too thanks for sharing, will be helpful for the future.

    And Thanks to Everyone that helped I really appreciate it, hopefully, all the Grate Tips will help more people in the future.

    My issue has been fixed :)))

  • Hoh Woow Kyatric that were Awesome Tips :)))

    Just with the set (random Rate & Random Volume) Actions, it gave a totally different and nice sound effect incredibly I didn't know that two settings like that could change the sound that much also it added some nice clean echo, I'm quite happy with the results this is the final sound to use on my Game with those fixes.

    Here is it if anyone is curious:


    This might help a bit.

    Your bounce sound is pretty harsh from the start though, perhaps you could find a softer sound with less attack/harshness from the start.

    You could edit the sound in a sound editor like Audacity, and what you would want to add to soften it would be some reverb (not echo).

    Also, you could equalize it to reduce the high frequencies, and curve a little the middle frequencies to get some more roundness to the sound and yet keeping a certain impact.

    Hopefully, adding some randomness and playing with the random values can help you find something more enjoyable as far as sound goes.

    I haven't even tried yet the other Grate tips I will experiment with them as they sound what I was looking for to do.

    I haven't even tried yet these Grate tips, I will experiment with them as they sound what I was looking for to do.

    Thank you so much for all grate Tips is gonna be really helpful for now and the future, honestly I had no clue about audio as I thought you just need to find a nice sound and play, I see now like I will have to learn more about the topic.

  • Thank you Biim Games

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me as still does that Cranky sound but I do appreciate the help.

    I'm Contemplating removing the sound for the bouncing ball as I don't find any decent to put sadly (:

  • Hey lionz Fib Thanks for your help

    I didn't notice any bug. But checking the debugger that 1 sound plays ~20 times at once. No sound is going to sound good 20 times at once.

    Part of it is the sound itself has a long tail, so lots of opportunity to overlap and cause phasing issues. You should probably just use a much shorter sound, like 0.2 seconds.

    Unfortunately for me, all the songs I tried didn't work for me and I tried a lot, between sort and long but it always adds that crackling sound.


    Here is another one sort and that doesn't have any Echo, I limited it to Max 4 repeats but still does those weird cracks.


    Though I'm looking for a specific sound that has Echo which sadly I don't think is possible on construct.

    This is the exact sound that I need, it's clean and clear when it does multi ball sound, it's from a similar game and normally it's much cleaner and better quality as I just recorded the sound with a cheap App, the game I think it's done on unity.



    Multy Ball:


  • Hi

    is this a bug?

    Whenever I play the same sound multiple times it starts to crackling breaking the whole sounds effect and it sounds quite horrible, I tested around 200 sounds already for bouncing balls but they all have the same problem.

    Am I doing something wrong? or is this a bug?

    I just need that it plays the bouncing sound for each ball independent with as much clarity as possible so you can be able to distinguish many balls bouncing but at the moments doesn't sound like it, sounds more like a radio frequency broken.


    Demo Capx:


  • tarek2 can you please test this file on you mobile (both in browser and APK form)


    Also,a small point to be remembered:- before export,in project settings, set loader style to "progress bar and logo"

    And if possible then please share the APK so that I can also test it

    Sorry, I didn't have much time for doing the test but I think we should just keep using that simple test that it been shared on the thread so we follow all one demo and it clearly shows the stutters plus has no events, I think it's perfect as its the simplest you can get to show the issue, but it looks for some the issue has been fixed already so not sure what to think any more.

  • Just a heads up, make sure you do any testing in r247+, since we fixed a separate issue potentially causing jank in the WebView in that release.

    I tested the same S8 Galaxy with the R249 and still stutters the same, big jumps and stutters. It didn't make any difference in my case but it's nice to see that it's been at least testing new things to fix the issue with Android.

    Here is the video:

    Though I will need to delete it soon as I need the space on my Dropbox its nearly full


    Here is the APK:


  • Update:

    The web version after you leave it to run for like 5 minutes or so gets better and definitely is playable though I did the same with the APK and doesn't change anything it stills runs badly so yeah I change my statement above as the APK version def has bad performance.

    Here is a video for the APK test on an S8 Galaxy


    The FPS drops while recording but normally runs at 60 fps the big Stutters jumps are the same though (While Recording or not recording)

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  • Just to clarify, I need the info about the devices that run the APK poorly, but can run the HTML version smoothly, to figure out why is he difference so big. In your case it runs poorly on both.

    mm not sure what to think as if it cannot run just a simple C3 test with one object rotating then I think we should look at all the possibilities as it may not be just the APK problem, just saying, it could be the problem in both (Web & APK)

    Also, I forgot to say that I tested the web version from your exported project


    Which should in theory run smoothly as the C3 preview stutters most of the time.

  • Thanks for the feedback.

    That info is the user agent.About the Web version running poorly, do you have the Chrome browser updated?

    Np, I would like it to be resolve swell as it's been a long time like this

    I had Chrome 90.0.4430.91

    I believe Chrome it's updated as it doesn't show me any option to update.

    Also before I ran the Test I updated the phone to the latest updates from the Android


    The thing here is should you make any clean example removing all the txt objects?

    as that kills the performance on the phones, you can replace them with just Spritefonts. But you have only a few txt so not sure if that justifies the bad performance as it's only one object rotating so this is something to consider when testing Any phone performance as it should give you a more clear view as you remove any performance interferences in the test.

  • On my test Runs really really bad instead of just stutters it does big jumps lugging:

    Galaxy S8


    Android 9

    Render: webgl2

    Not sure if this is normal but why does it print info like:




    When the phone is a Samsung Android

    Aslo, the Web version runs quite badly on the same phone so I'm not sure if this is just a problem with the APK or the whole Android, as both run the same (APK & Web)

  • -You can disable collisions on the objects that are on the other layer


    -You can create collisions filters and activate them just when the player wins

  • +1

    That will be an excellent addition for the devs that don't have Mac.

  • Scirras mobile advert has not been updated in a long time and is now outdated.

    And IAP plugin doesn't even support subscriptions. It's frustrating how little attention Scirra gives to monetization plugins. Not all people are developing games as a hobby.

    We already pay a subscription. Why should we have to pay an additional fee?

    For the life of me I can't understand why Scirra don't afford a higher priority to the MobileAds and iAP plugins. They have to be two of the most used C3 plugins. They are one of the few proven methods C3 devs can use to monetize their games. And yet they are allowed to become outdated and Scirra don't bother to implement all the available features either (subscriptions etc).. why are they not given higher priority?


    I totally agree

    98% of the games that people been (releasing & showing) were for mobile (Android & iOS) it's very clear is the most used platform in C3, it deserves more attention as many people don't use it for just a hobby as they mentioned above. If I have to guess there will be more people using c3 for Busines than Hobby due to the C3 subscription model.

    And also if I could add something its update the "Notch" plugin to detect on which side is the notch located so we can adapt the screen accordingly.

  • EDITED: In the current structure, it is necessary to define in the variable the number of items and the order of these items. It would be possible to consider the wires as a single item regardless of the amount, that is, if you join several wires, the program understands that it was included the wire that is requested on the order of the value of the variable? I am asking this because putting together multiple wires instead of using just one shouldn't change the result.

    As I mentioned earlier you can do anything you like and it shouldn't be hard if, for example, you study just the function "Check For Winner" which is the one dealing with checking the circuit, here you can filter as much as you want or you can clone it and modify it do check something else as you know this function loops through all the connected wires so its a matter of just filter what variables you want to extract for the final result.

    For example, if you just want to count that is connected to 1 wire instead of more then one way to do it will be before you add the wire add an extra check in a subevent:

    Type = Wire

    Then check if the last type added to the Local (Right_Connections or Left_Connections) is a wire

    if not then added

    if Yes then don't add it

    Here is an example:


    Check event (22 & 23)

    Check event (38 & 39)