SNN135's Forum Posts

  • I'm looking for a way to make text appear one letter at a time in dialogue boxes (similar to most RPGs). Right now I'm using the "Set text" function which causes the text to appear all at once, but I'd rather have it come in letter-by-letter. Any advice on how I could do this?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • i can confirm that with an official xbox controller everything works with node so maybe it has to do with drivers and unofficial game pads.

    I use a Logitech controller, so that may be why. I don't have a 360 controller I can actually use to test it unfortunately, so I can only hope a fix comes along eventually.

  • I was on r153 for a while and only recently updated to r170. I had set up a configurable control method that worked just fine in r153 (the gamepad was detected in Firefox, Chrome, Node-Webkit, etc). However, since updating, I've noticed that Node-Webkit fails to detect my gamepad, whereas any browser will just fine. I'm just wondering if anything major has changed between r153 and r170 that would result in a sudden loss of detection while using Node-Webkit.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Specifically, I'm wondering how I could go about making a sprite stick to solid objects and circle around them (or follow them if it's a wall). As an example, something like the fire enemies at 2:22 is what I'd like to code in.

    Any advice on what the best behaviors/whatever to use would be fantastic - thank you in advance!

  • Turns out it was actually a problem with a program on my computer and nothing to do with Construct at all. It must have been a sheer coincidence that it started occurring when I initially downloaded r152.

    Thanks for the help anyway!

  • Just tried that but I'm getting the same issue. I even tried exporting a .exe and loading that, but nw.exe fails to load the game.

  • I apologize if this isn't the right forum for this - feel free to move it wherever if it's not.

    I've been having some issues with Node-Webkit recently. Whenever I try to run the current layout (~90% of the time), the little "loading" bar pops up and vanishes as per usual, but after waiting for a few minutes, nothing loads. Attempting to run it again results in the same thing. What's odd is that if I open Task Manager, instances of nw.exe are indeed running, they just don't load the game up.

    Any insight on this problem would be greatly appreciated - I'm using r152. Thank you.

  • Is it possible to make an object with the Solid behavior only behave as such to certain objects? For instance, if I want to have a rock that acts as "Solid" to the player, but can be passed through by enemies, how would I go about doing that?

    Thanks a lot.

  • I don't have a ton done as of yet, but I figured I'd show a couple of screenshots of a game I've been working on titled "Project Pixlar". The goal is to create a puzzle platformer with colored "pixels" which can be used individually to produce different effects (eg. grey summons blocks, red aims fire, etc) or mixed to produce combinations (eg. red + grey = a missile). You'll also be able to switch from pixellated to non-pixellated levels on the fly, allowing me to create various gimmicks based around this. Here are two screenshots: one of the map, and one in-game:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You move around the yellow square and select a level (red square). None are revealed on this map, but four are currently made. I'm also looking to draw a unique, fitting font at some point, so that's a placeholder for now.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is the player pushing a placed grey pixel onto a switch. The smoke clouds are simply the platforms appearing as a result.

    I've also been composing music for many years, and as such I'm doing my own soundtrack. Here are two of my recent pieces for the game:


  • So I'm trying to use objects from one layout on another layout. I've checked the "Global" box on each object I'd like to use on both. While I'm able to actually use the objects in events, I can't actually place them in the layout itself (as in, they don't appear in the Objects window). What I'm essentially trying to do is take a rock (decoration) that I used in my first layout and use it in my second as well without having to create another copy of the rock. Any advice?

    (while I'm here too, I should probably ask: if I were to migrate to C2, would I be able to transfer my current CC game to it, or is C2 not backwards-compatible?)

    Thanks a lot.