skymen's Forum Posts

  • DOWNLOAD: ... 29UZllpRUk


    Basically you can now add, substract, set, check, compare instance variables by name. You can also retrieve the array of the variable names and the array of the variable values for advanced control.






    DOWNLOAD: ... 29UZllpRUk

  • >

    > >

    > >

    > > do you think you can add a function allowing to change the horizontal / vertical alignment and the hotspot at runtime?

    > > At the moment those actions do not exist.

    > >

    > > Thank you!

    > >

    > > Regards

    > > Andy

    > >


    > Hey AndreasR,


    > I could do it, but there's no need because I know skymen is already working on such plugin. He already made the Text Alignment and will release the SpriteFont type one soon as well.


    That sounds great. Thanks for that hint!

    Then I'll wait for this plugin to be released

    Yeah, however changing the hotspot at runtime is not possible. We've asked Ashley and hotspot is part of these object parameters that are never supposed to get updated as most other parameters such as position, size and angle rely around it. So changing the hotspot at runtime just breaks the object, or doesn't work at all.

    Also I already made all the TextAlign features into Spritefont+, but I wanna add some other stuff that I'm not even sure I'll be able to add. Worst case scenario I'll just release the plugin as is and workout something else later.

  • Yeah, that was it. I reinstalled Chrome after trying to clear cache and storage etc, and it worked again fine. Thanks

  • Some feedback about the French version.

    First of all it's really cool. Kyatric did a pretty good job at translating pretty much everything.

    Everything is pretty smooth, but only if you do everything in French. I've taken some habits to write expressions and search objects in english. So I'd say there should be a tick to allow searching in english too.

    (Like if I write "arr" it returns "barre coulissante" (slider bar), "barre de progression" (progress bar), "arrière plan répété" (Tiled Background) AND "tableau" (array))

  • Indeed. I gotta say we were going to look for a way to manually compress everything the game had, because at best it would reduce the memory usage by not that much when going to the background.

    I was really not prepared to see the app just jump from 120+MB of usage to a mere 100Kb in less than a second x).

  • Small correction I'd need to make in order to make things more clear.

    "tabbing out" doesn't actually do anything. Windows still runs it as if it was in the foreground. To be considered "background" it needs to be minimised. That doesn't make anything else false nor any less precise. It's just that if you want to try this, keep that in mind.

    To know the app went in background mode, you can turn your speakers on. When the music stops, then the app went background.


    My intervention is almost useless.

    Btw, i'm very interested in talking with devs who got their games on XBox, in order to discuss performance etc. If any of you is willing to talk about that, just come in the Construct community Discord server, and I'll be happy to have a little chat with you.

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  • This is a behavior version of my Action sequence plugin

    For details and changelog, everything will be kept updated there:



  • Oh , I'll look into that, thanks

    EDIT: Indeed it looks like calling it when the action sequence is not on causes a bug. It's now fixed, thank you


    There was a bug with the condition "Is any action sequence on?"


    Renamed DeltaX and DeltaY to Radius and Angle.

    Added CarToPol and PolToCar expressions to convert Carthesian to Polar and vice versa.

    Same download: ... 0NQOTNGbG8


    Some bugfix

    Added a param where you're allowed to set the default global timescale

    Added actions, expressions and conditions accordingly

    Same download link: ... m9XNWowZ0E

  • Neither. A step is just a part of the sequence. In the gif the steps are "go right, particles, jump"


    Let's make it short: New plugin, Action Sequence:

    BEHAVIOR VERSION: viewtopic.php?f=153&t=195001


    Makes making action sequences easier

    (see this gif where everything is automated) ... -44-14.gif






  • I would like to suggest other names, to give it more an intuitive 'polar feeling'. But that is up to you.

    .OriginX i would name .PoleX / .PoleY. "Pole" is mostly used to point to that point. (i think)

    .DeltaX i would name .Radius

    .DeltaY i would name .Azimuth. "Angle" is taken. And Azimuth means the angle to a reference angle.

    Well the Origin X and Y designate the position of the origin of the polar coordinates (aka the point (0,0)), so I think it's better named that way.

    I could name DeltaX and DeltaY, Radius and Angle for clarity purposes. Also the "Angle" is not necessarily taken as it will be Object.PolarCoordinates.Angle

    You could add that 'reference angle' (the polar axis, up to you), but i guess that will complicate things for most users. Everyone is used to zero angle as reference.

    Say you have two objects under an angle(x1,y1,x2,y2)

    Say we can set an expression .ReferenceAngle to that angle. (or leave it to a default zero)

    Then we can set .Azimuth with .ReferenceAngle as the angle from where .Azimuth starts to rotate from.

    I understand what you mean but I don't think that's really useful. The purpose of the plugin is to allow the use of polar coordinates, not make the act of polar rotation easier. However, you can make that pretty easily, as you can see in the two example capx.

    And you can set the "Start" angle from the editor in the behavior's parameters, so it's kinda similar to what you want.

  • Tell me if you see anything wrong or that I could do better