shinkan's Forum Posts

  • why does one person use separate Event Sheets while another one doesn't?

    I think you could compare C2 to programs like photoshop.

    There are some rules You must follow to make working game but how you actually use your software depends entirely to you.

    I know many great artists who use dozens of layers and different brushes in photoshop to draw something and many other artist who use only one layer and one brush to do same thing.

    It really doesn't matter if you are using groups, variables or include event sheets. Like jbadams said, it all comes down to personal preference. There are many path you can follow but eventually they will all end up in same place. Finished and working game ;)

  • It's quite hard question to answer to be honest.

    I have no answer for that :D

    Personaly I like using different event sheets for stuff like player controls, global events etc. and groups. For me doing it that way it looks obvious and clear what is what and where to find stuff I need to change/add.

    But there are many people who like to use only one event sheet and groups to organize things in it (or even use variables instead of groups).

    so yeah, it's hard question :)

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  • How do you set your variables on main layout?

    for example if you do something like this

    +Start of layout -> var 1 set to 1

                        var 2 set to 1

                        var 3 set to 1

    They will always set to these values every time you visit that layout - no matter if you save them or not.

    I haven't seen your capx but I think thats your issue.

  • I'm quite impressed. On my Samsung Galaxy S3 all of the demos are working perfectly fine, no lag or frame skips at all.

  • TheHat your characters for player one and player two are in the same family, or in seperate families?

    and what kind of controls they have? platform behavior, or custom (made in events)?

  • It's quite easy to do actually

    +System: Layer "menu" is visible

    ++ do your event

    ++ Mouse: On Left button clicked,

    ++ Keyboard: On any key pressed

    ++ anything

    That way those events will be valid only if actual layer is visible.

  • Maybe this will help You.

  • ok, now I even can't watch videos on twitch :/

    "Sorry, this broadcet is no longer available on Check out the channel" This window pops up after few second of watching and loads of error in chrome console (just like on youtube) :(

  • What version of C2 are you using? Free or paid?

    What You want to do is very easy in C2 paid version. In free version of C2 You can do exactly the same but will require few more events.

  • The king is dead, long live the king!

  • Survey completed. Good luck with your buisness.

    ...right now paid games with no ads are beating free games with ads by a 2 to 1 ratio which surprises me.

    It's kind of story of my life ;)

    I have my samsung galaxy s3 for about 5 months now and I have only downloaded 4 maybe 5 free games... On the first week only. Never more.

    Rate of ads, popups and alerts was unbearable, annoying and frustrating. Now I only downloads apps I paid for and if I'm 100% sure that I will never have to watch none of that sh*t, ever.

    Ads in app are fine, I can understand that. They are usually small and do not interfere in gameplay.

    So yeah. Paid aps with no ads.

  • To save

    On Trigger -> WebStorage: Set local key "x" to "y".AsJSON

    to load

    WebStorage: Local key "x" exists -> "y": Load from JSON string WebStorage.LocalValue("x")

    Trigger - condition where You want to save your array (On button press, On collision...)

    "x" - name of the local value you want to save (can be anything "aaa", "save"...)

    "y" - Array object

  • Yeah, it worked for me. Can you provide a specific example of it not working? (Share a .capx and say which event to replace object on)

    I'v noticed yesterday that it's doing it but not always... On my project it's a bit random. Sometimes it's only changing an Action object and sometimes Action object and object in expression. Unfortunately can't reproduce it in new projects.

  • What do You mean by "ignores its blend mode setting completely" and "Hiding the blend mode would be an easier solution" ?

    I have modified text object plugin, well copied all the blending mode stuff from Sprite Plugin and all working fine, on editor and on runtime.