scidave's Forum Posts

  • Right off the bat, I didn't see anything that stood out being wrong but your code is somewhat messy. It might help if you cleaned things up a bit and maybe any errors might pop out more.

    For example, some things that would simplify your events:

    1. In the Pause event sheet. Event 5 (the second else) is redundant and can be removed. Events 7 and 8 can be combined into one event. Plus 7 is blank on the condition.

    2. In the item event sheet, Event 14 (the always event is not necessary). Just make sure all of the other comparisons are not in the start of layout and they will always run each tick.

    3. All of the actions in the item event sheet under the global "item picked" equal 0 and 1 comparisons can be drastically simplified with one or two Functions. You have 4 out of the 6 actions that are duplicate and belong in a Function. The others that are different can then be normal actions or they can be paramters to the function. This will remove 70% of the actions on that sheet.

    4. The wall jump event sheet is super messy. I have got to imagine that the wall jump functionality can be alot simpler than that, but I don't have any immediate pointers without spending more time to determine why so many events were used.

    5. Animation event sheet. You don't need always in event 2, the second condition will be checked each tick. If event 4 is the only possibility then make it an Else. You are constantly checking if value dead is not equal to zero. It sounds like all of these event belong in a Group that is active if Dead is not equal to zero. Event 24 appears to be a duplicate of one of the wall jump events. Sounds like you could replace all of that with a common function. Events 64 and 65 are mostly duplicates, only check the duplicates once, put the unique conditions in a subevent. On the whole this event sheet was really complex, and I'm not sure it needs to be so.

    6. In the pod_control event sheet. Events 2&3 and 6&7 don't need to be subevents of the Always condition.

    7. Camera event sheet. You don't need the Always condition. Hopefully, you know that you don't need an Always with other conditions. You only need an Always when you have actions that need to run each tick. For example, your Pod actions that is a good example of when to use Always.

    btw.. The game is looking pretty cool and played around a little and mostly got electrocuted, but it looks like it will be fun.

  • Ok, I am getting the crashes from hitting C to restart the layout when I die (is this the bug you already fixed?). No helpful messages for me so it would take awhile to troubleshoot. If you have more bugs send out a new .cap and I'm sure someone will take a look at it.

  • Did you check the box to always open .caps with Construct? Which OS are you using? I just tried setting .caps to open with notepad and then went in and changed it back to Construct and it worked fine.

    When you select the "Open with" just make sure you check the box to "always open". If that doesn't work then I have no clue what is going on!

  • Have you tried the Ghost Shooter and other tutorials? They cover having enemies in the game although not specific to fighting game. ... =Tutorials

    Your question is very vauge and it would help if you provided more details on what you have tried and are currently trying to do! Welcome to the forum!

  • I couldn't get it to crash. I went back to the main menu from several layouts and it worked fine. Although, I did get some buggy behavior such as the player dissapearing sometimes when returning from the main layout (hitting start game again).

    What are the exact steps you did to get it to crash?

  • Grinding was mentioned, is this an RPG or strategy?

    I'd consider it an action/adventure but it includes many common RPG tasks similar to leveling up. There wasn't any strategy that I could see.

  • so far I haven't experienced any error.

    Yeah, it was super stable for me too. I probably played for around 4-5 hours and it only crashed twice. Once when trying to start the program, and the second one that wiped out the save file. It's a bummer cause I really like this game.

  • This question should probably be posted in the "Help" section.

    Anyway, if you are making a platformer you should go through the platform related (Platform School and Crazie Robbies) tutorials and that will show you everything you need to know. Both show how to animate a sprite. ... =Tutorials

    Also, trying a google site search on "" for "animate sprite" pulls up some useful references.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Kickjsx@ss game! This is definitely the largest and most polished Construct game I have seen to date. The music and voice acting was awesome, very professional sounding and really fit the game well. It was quite addicting yesterday and I explored all over the place for several hours. Unfortunately, the game locked up on me today and forced me to do a hard reboot and that wiped out the save file (apparently) because now when I start it back up it goes to the start off the game.

    Here is some feedback based on what I found:

    1. Don't write the save files/directory to the C:\. It should either go to the program files directory or to the users "My Docs" directory.

    2. Give an option for the user to have multiple saves. If only for helping to avoid wiping out the only save file you have. Strange enough, in the "Phenomenon 32 saves" directory I see three .ini files but I'm pretty sure there is only one save point.

    3. The game was interesting up to the point of working on later researching and buying some of the more advanced systems. This was starting to require some serious grinding and I found myself going back and back and back again to the same layout aimlessly collecting the same gems over and over again. It was fun at first, but after a couple hours I was starting to lose steam. Perhaps there would be a way to have more side quests that the user could do to avoid going back to the same areas. The other problem was they were "easy" resources and there wasn't good payback alot of times for going to the harder places.... so mining of the easy resources was encouraged. It was still on the whole very fun, but I think some improvements could be made.

    I don't think I have the motivation to start over again but here is the a screenshot of my progress before it crashed:

    <img src="">

  • There's more to is obviously and I'm rambling so I'll stop here. Anyways, is this a doable plan?

    That was quite the brain dump. But yes, everything you are describing sounds very doable. If fact, if you were to look closer at the tutorial series all of the games (pong and dungeon escape) are essentially the same as the chat client and chat server.

    Is it not possible to parse data from a read-only chat channel? For instance, you could have your normal chat channel that people talk from and then another channel (read-only or invisible) devoted to the "system" or "combat," etc.

    Technically, you only have one client "channel" in podsixnet but you can have as many ConnectionListener and as many actions as you want. When you refer to "channels" here I think you really mean actions.

    A smart cookie would make multiple channels devoted to certain objects. For instance you'd have one channel devoted to chargen, another to object location, another for combat, another for map states, etc. This way you're not parsing from one huge string every turn and only call on what's needed...

    Yep, this all makes sense.

    I would probably use a simple state machine on the server and then just select the next client. The way I see things working is:

    0. Server issues a "start turn" action to the next client. The client enables it's turn group.

    1. Client does their stuff via different actions (object location, combat, etc). Once they are done they issue an "end turn" action. The server can also forcefully end the current turn by its own "end turn" action if the client is taking too long or what ever reason. This then turns on a group dedicated for processing user input on that client.

    2. While a particular client is working all other clients see player updates but they can't process user input. The server then picks the next client and the process continues.

    It sounds like you have a good idea how this would work. Turn-based should be relatively straightforward with Construct, Python, and PodSixNet.

  • Is a simple Construct game, with only the Path and File objects in the project, able to create a folder on Windows 7?

    It's not the admin privileges, either

    I guess this means it is not a permissions issue? I'm assuming you have tried it as admin and it fails as well.

  • There is quest ( It is specifically designed for text adventure games and there is a limited free version but the full version is like $40.

    I've messed around with the free one and it seems decent, but only the full version allows packaging into exe and other features you would really need. Might be worth a look.

  • The problem is, in order for a new user to search and find it they'd have to either get lucky or know the specific search terms to find it...

    Better documentation is sorely needed for Construct. However, as someone who has written tutorials and Wiki pages it is a long sometimes boring process to write simple documentation. It would take several weeks of full-time work to make an all-inclusive tutorial and I doubt either the developers or any users are up to that.

    There are definite holes in the documentation and many answers to the missing information is on the forum. What we REALLY need people to start doing is to write a short wiki when they make an example. Also, don't answer someone's question with information that is not on the wiki! (Just about all of us are guilty of this) For example, the timeline object has several good examples on the forum but no wiki article. Instead of posting an example and explanation on the forum people need to put it on the wiki instead.

    One thing that is clear is the info on the forum is hard to find and not the best place for knowledge.

    SO I think the two big things we need to get the documentation better:

    1. More people need to sign up and start adding to the wiki.

    2. People need to stop answering questions on the forum unless they have added that info to the wiki.

    Edit: I wonder if having a Construct game contest where part of the requirement is to submit documentation on a behavior, action, or object used in the game would be of interest. The focus would be on info not currently on wiki. Problem is people love to make games, but dislike writing docs so some incentive would be needed.

  • Nice work for two days with Construct (although the name isn't necessarily my top choice .

    My big gripe with this game is the controls. It is awkward to jump around and try to land on blocks, you often end up falling off and dying on spikes. It would be nice if the deceleration was set a lot higher or some other mechanism was used to make moving easier.

    The only reason the game is difficult is because it is hard to move the way you want and that isn't a good thing. Everything else was quite nice.

  • I'm using .99.84 and it doesn't do anything for me at all so this definitely sounds like a bug.

    When using your syntax (putting the Sprite name in) it doesn't do anything, when putting a 1 or 2 for sprite name it crashes.

    I tried to find the source to the ImageManipulator but it isn't available so I can't do much more to help. I've posted it to the tracker.