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    I've tried multiple times to update my game and it isn't working. Updating the client doesn't help, changing the version numbers and other info doesn't help inside and outside the actual Construct 2 program. When updated it either shows the same exact update as there was previously or a black screen. I know I'm uploading the correct file because I check the time stamps on the game file when it is exported. Any help???

  • It's fine guys, we decided to remake the whole map with separate sprites. No worries

  • Dinosystem on steam was also made with Construct 2.

  • I don't resize the map though, and pixel rounding and linear only makes my character move veery fidgety while never really achieving anything in terms of the blurriness. I'll tel l the artist to change it to PNG-32 and see if anything changes.

    Edit: My artist tried exporting to 'PNG-32', and these were the only options presented to him. Not really sure what the difference between PNG-8 and PNG-32 is and how to export to PNG-32. Any help?


  • - I can't say for sure what is the problem if I don't ask you with these questions.

    1)If I were to guess, I believe the map was made as a whole image not as a sprite sheet or tile. Am I right?

    2)Did you make it inside the Construct 2 Editor or did you used an external image editor? If you used an external editor, then what editor was that?

    3)Did you by any chance re-sized the image using the Construct 2 image editor?

    4)Did you stretch the image in the game editor or layout?

    5)What is the original image size of the image?

    6)What is the size of the layout and the window?

    If you answer those questions then we will know the reason.

    1. Yes, my friend made them in a program and posted them on imgur, from which I downloaded. It looked fine on imgur tho.

    2. External image editor. Not well known, my friend said he used (It's a program not a website)

    3. I didn't resize it. Of course, I tried resizing it later to see if it made a difference but it made it the same or worse.

    4. No, I didn't stretch it.

    5. Not sure, in Construct 2 it shows as 1360 by 1020 pixels.

    6. Size of the layout is the same as the same as the map size stated above, and in game the camera is zoomed in as shown in the picture, which illustrates the window size if you open the full picture on a different tab. (On here the image is too big and cuts off)

    Thanks I hope we can fix the problem!

  • I'm working on a small project and when my partner made the map for it, the sprite looked perfect up close, not blurry at all and you could see every little detail but when I put it into construct 2, and even when leaving it at the original size, it is very blurry and ruins the whole thing. I feel like **** now, because it looks so nice and took so much time to make only to find out it is basically unplayable. Here are some pictures:

    Original sprite:

    The picture was taken with Gyazo, but in the program he used itself he zoomed in and this is how it looked.

    And now, this is how it looks in game:

    It isn't even zoomed in as far as he did in the paint program he used yet it's extremely blurry. I would like to further put everything like the character and such into proportion but since it's so blurry I feel like there is no point in using the map because it's basically ruined

    Can anyone tell me how to fix it, or if not, just tell me WHY this happens so we can avoid it in the future or somehow fix it outside of the Construct 2 editor? Please, the map is so well done and we don't want to restart for a 3rd time or want to get rid of it

  • This may not be the most ideal way to do it, but it should work. Have a small, invisible "spawner" object (just a sprite). Every few seconds, set its position randomly within whatever range you're looking to use (set position X: random(player.X-1000, player.X+1000) and so on). Then, check if it is overlapping a water sprite or water sprite family. If it is, immediately reposition it. Then, right after, if the object isn't overlapping water, call a function or event to spawn an enemy at that location.

    Would it be possible to instead have the invisible spawner set position every few seconds to a random place ANYWHERE on the map each time instead of a set distance away from the player all the time? And if so, how? It's kind of essential for my game because I plan to have a somewhat living environment where creatures will interact with eachother around the world.

  • Thank you very much, I will try this!

  • Put pathfinding on the crosshair, and set the the speed to what you consider slow. Then you must make an event to find a path towards the player every tick, and make an event where once a path to the player has been found, it will move along that path. This way it will constantly follow the player in a natural way, and you can even give it obstacles it has to go around it you like.

  • For my survival game, I want to create a system to spawn enemies / AI on the map in random areas. I do not however, want them to spawn in water or on screen to make it seem believable. All water is a seperate sprite / sprites. So I am wondering if it would be possible to make them spawn every couple seconds randomly anywhere on land and away from the player.

  • Sorry for the Triple post, but I fixed it myself.

  • It does not work at all. It simply instantly sets all ferns to animation frame 3, which makes it invisible to see (which is what animation frame 3 is for.) I don't see how this has any difference at all to be honest, it has the same effect as labeling each amount of capacity as a different frame while breaking it completely.

    Alright, I noticed a problem and moved the On collision with small fern and it's actions into a sub event, but it didnt change anything. I can still eat the ferns while they are invisible which is what i wasnt able to do before, but i dont want them to be able to be eaten while invisible. Although if I do manage to accidentily eat one, then it automatically skips to 1 capacity, therefore skipping 1 whole capacity number and animation frame. It doesn't even regenerate after fully eaten either.

    My problem is only the damn timer, the timer starts, but stays at 0 and seems like it's resetting and none of these 'fixes' you have said make any sense to me or work in the slightest.

  • It does not work at all. It simply instantly sets all ferns to animation frame 3, which makes it invisible to see (which is what animation frame 3 is for.) I don't see how this has any difference at all to be honest, it has the same effect as labeling each amount of capacity as a different frame while breaking it completely.

  • You need to make all of your Capacity checks under a sub-event of the Collision. Right now, only Capacity>= 1 is checked on the collision. The rest are checked constantly, which is resetting your timer constantly.

    I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you elaborate please?

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  • I wanted to set up a certain timer for a specific 'SmallFern' that was already eaten, or in other terms, it's Capacity = 0. Capacity 0 meant you could not eat it anymore and it went invisible by switching to a frame in the 'animation' that had no sprite. Upon Capacity turning 0 I wanted it to start a 'Regrowth' timer set to once, which, once the time was reached that specific instance of 'SmallFern' were to change it's frame in the animation to fully-grown and it's Capacity to 3. Each time you eat the plant while it is atleast 1 or greater then 1 capacity it would fill some hunger and subtract one capacity, therefore changing the frame of the animation to a more eaten look.

    The problem is that the timer never starts, when using Debug testing the timer does start, but stays at the number 0 and never goes up, therefore the plant never regrows.

    Here is a screenshot of the events.

    Thank you for your help.