saiyadjin's Forum Posts

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    whta is the point of your rumbling?

    if you don't like the software, don't buy it. move along. if you are too dumb to learn some c++ and c# for programming, then i have some bad news for you. you are not for game development, or any kind of software development.

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    so i've noticed that people have a lot of issues with exporting to windows 8, and multiplayer and some other stuff..

    so i've decided to put this educational link here (or in education forum) ... evelopment

    all you have to do is register (maybe not even that but i think you can only watch half the video then) it's free, microsoft virtual academy, it's great and helps with loads of stuff around C2 to understand and use.

  • you didn't understand my question.

    my pc can run both version (with and without render cells) at the same speed - 75FPS stable and cpu usage for both around 1.3%, so i can't see which version is better for these layers i've described up there.

  • so i'm checking out some stuff in C2, and i was wondering if i have a 5x layered layout

    and layer 5 is GUI (a couple of static objects with collisions off, everything else transparenT) should i use render cells on it?

    also a layer where you have 2x3x5 blocks of 256x256 sprites (cloned) - should that layer use render cells too? (no collisions on that one too).

    problem is i can't test that because too powerful pc :/ always maxed whatever i do.

  • just a short question (since i don't have time to loop through 13 pages),

    would it be possible to add expressions to properties of objects?

    for example - pathfinding on some object - set it's max speed to i don't know someglobalvar * 20,

    or something like that..

    and apply that for each property on every behav, object and other stuff.. (not just for speed).

  • easy. if it's using pathfinding and los:

    condition - Los has view towards playerObject

    action - set pathfinding maxspeed +50 (from current, can be 0), and also remember to set acceleration to some number like 1000 or so (so your object will speed up to current +50(or however much you set))

    - regen obstacle map

    - find path to playerObjectX, playerObjectY

    - on path found (condition)

    - move along path

    though this will repeat itself each tick it might be hard on your CPU because of regenerating obstacle maps and stuff, so i recommend putting in first condition a "each 0.2 sec" - instead of each 0.017ms this is each 0.200 ms so it will burden your cpu less.

    also you could pull regenerate obstacle map outside of this event if you have a static map

  • talking about JS engine - they could give some time to develop at least a fast simple renderer, fully optimized and fast, because they would be the first ones to have something that works ultra fast - and gain some respect + sell it to others + become no.1 2D engine (even though i think they are already) with best anydevice speed.

  • you can do this - add a health variable to your sprite. add some hp.

    then do this

    condition - something (bullet, bomb or whatever you use to destroy objects) on collision with enemy - remove x from hp

    subevent - condition - if health <= 0 - enemy destroy (this will destroy the collided enemy)

    that way you can duplicate your sprite infinite times and have only 1 destroyed at a time. of course there's tons of other ways of doing this, but it all depends on the gameplay you want to achieve.

  • you ever heard of paint? like - use paint to draw what you need, because this doesn't explain anything.

    or give us a CAPX for it.

    but if i understand correctly, you want something like ping pong? use tan function to calculate new angle for the ball or whatever you are using

    to rebound it.

  • you have much to learn young one.

    1 st - use sprites to create fields

    2nd - since you want pvz game i assume your enemies walk a straight line, put a sprite on that field and check it's X and Y. spawn enemies on that X and Y, if you have more then 1 line, then random Y between 2-3-4-5 Ys (depending how many lines you got)

    3rd - you will have to do some logic of hp / stuff and more.

    4th - when you destroy last instance you removed that asset from layout, that's why it's prefered to put one instance outside layout (just drag and drop it outside layout (zoom out first) )

    5th - make some global vars where you calc your hp/points/whatever and use them for your game

    i can't help you much more because you didn't provide anything specific to solve, but you will get the just of it by working. a lot of working.

  • just another short question.

    i've noticed that a lot of junk in PNGs appear after exporting project. so i was wondering if it is safe to optimize

    images folder with tools like PNGoo. i've tried optimizing a couple of times, and on different versions of C2 i had different results (which is wierd) - once i had some glitches on screen (could be my bug), but the other time i didn't at all.

    anyway reducing size from 80MB of my game to 35MB seems like a neat improvement for no graphical loss at all.

  • now i've checked faq for this, but there hasn't been much help.

    what i was wondering is, how do you people control your main menu?

    let's say we have options / start game / exit / about on your main menu.

    when you click options - you want a window to open with options. how do you do it? just a hidden layer that shows on click or is there a better way? (can layout be included in layout, like window open layout) ?

  • so i have a maybe wierd question.

    when we use "include sheet" in another sheet, how much is that taxing on Javascript ?

    i mean where is the date stored? i know we get c2runtime.js and data.js, but where exactly is

    sheet included in another spawned inside the c2runtime or data js ? is it affecting performance maybe?

  • i know, but i want jpeg when i save as project too if i've already set the export options. some of us use SVNs for collab, and when 200 pngs of 1-3mb need to upload instead of 200 jpegs of 200kb, it's a big difference.

  • Problem Description

    I've changed on the only pictures on layout export option in animations toolbar to JPEG (75%), but once i save

    it as project and check animations folder for that picture it says it's PNG, not JPG.

    Attach a Capx

    DONE - ... 1212821100

    Description of Capx

    Does nothing, there's only one sprite with JPEG image that exports (save as project) as PNG instead of JPG.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - open capx
    • Step 2 - double click sprite and check if export option is JPEG
    • Step 3 - save project (not as a single file) - check animations folder - image is PNG instead of JPEG.

    Observed Result

    I get the image in PNG format instead of JPEG

    Expected Result

    I expect the image to be JPEG

    Affected Browsers

    Doesn't affect browsers

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 8.1.1.

    Construct 2 Version ID
