yeah I think I've used cocoonjs native physics for some apps
I'm not sure exactly, take a look at the paragraph under Conclusion at ... ed-physics
Your best bet though is to just play around with your own project under different settings
wow, I really like the idea of this battle system ("SRSB"). Did you come up with it yourself? Turn based games move a little too slowly for me but this seems like a really fun concept to make it much more fun.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
ByR thanks for checking the restore purchases thing, I was wondering about that. I dont know if it's something in the plugin javascript or on their compiling side that needs to be fixed
Always appreciate these monthly summaries, thanks again. One thing that could be added is that CocoonJS plugin went open source and added ios game center and google play game services.
Whiteclaws looks great, is this game on steam greenlight?
here's one way to do it, in very basic form and assuming the zombie has the platform behavior
condition: compare zombie x, and if zombie.x > player.x
zombie simulate control left
else zombie simulate control right
this is good too ... nd-gotchas
anyone tried restoring in app purchases with the latest open source version of the cocoonjs plugin? I'm thinking about giving it another try
yeah, 168
Here's some good links for you ... our-memory
vitorfgd a lot of it is trial and error, i do try to keep down on memory issues. Also my phone is a few years old (htc evo) which I think is good because it means if it works on my phone it will work for most other people's devices
Ragevortex I haven't tried it
vitorfgd are you talking about Run from Zombies? I don't think I am really doing anything different--that game is pretty lightweight and doesn't have a lot going on as far as graphics and sound to load. I have noticed what you are talking about though more in some of my other games.
refais23 I use Canvas+, version 1.4.7 and have both google play services and mopub ads working