Ruskul's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound - sorry for so many posts. Here is an image that shows the movement path of an object with input being angle 0 full acceleration, switched to angle down (90) at full acceleration.... you can see how the rat of angle change is fast but then slows down.

    My current thought, is that I can calculate the angle of input and then apply a constant deceleration towards 0 in the angle perpendicular to input angle like so:

    The deceleration vector would be a constant amount declared ahead of time but never pushing the result angle past the input angle in either direction. It would be calculated anytime the current angle mismatches the input angle. This is sort of neat because it would allow the character to resolve angle without affecting velocity though I think I would anly apply it if the character is traveling at or above max speed.

    I just remembered a game and in it they did deal with this problem though different goals means they probably found a different solution... , but I remembered each plane still had a max speed, a current angle/speed, and an input angle/acceleration. The direction the plane was pointing seemed to affect deceleration, but only when attempting to travel beyond max speed.


    As it turns out this works quite smoothly:

    The character was traveling from the left to the right leaving a red trail. The cool part is that this can be modified in a number of ways depending on when it is used and what you provide as a deceleration parameter.

  • R0J0hound , alas, the above method doesn't work... at least not without me learning more about angles or something. For example, if input is opposite to current velocity, you really don't want to be changing angle at all (not until speed is 0 and then angle is changes instantly to -180) I suppose I could try basing the degree to which one accelerates towards another angle could be scaled full if the two angles are perpendicular but be 0 if they are parallel.

    I think one might have to split the angle into several pieces and only adjust one of those pieces and then put it back together... problem with angles is I really know nothing about them (how to manipulate them with each other)... I don't know if quaterneons or whatever they are called could offer help...

  • R0J0hound - I'd share the results of whats going on now, but I use several custom plugins and behaviors that you'd need to run the capx and I think you get what I am saying?

    Iv'e tried describing what I want several times and each description I don't think gets the point across. Regardless of what I have done, the angle seems to lerp towards the new input angle to varying degrees. Its like I need to be able to come up with a way to doctor the angle as well. If I just handle the magnitudes and handle angle as a consequence (like you did in your example)... I dont know... Like I said maybe I want something that can't exist. I want it to be exactly like the 1 dimensional problem, but in 2D. In all practicality, I don't suppose to many people would notice... though I think it really depends on the style of input (sticky vs inertia based)... I've been playing around with a lot of top down games to see how they were all implemented, and it seems nobody has made what I am describing (usually because direction is sticky even if velocity isn't). Characters often time can reverse direction instantly.

    I suppose one could, as I said above, doctor the angle, but I want to avoid carrying the "overTheMAxSpeed" towards that new angle... WAIT, I think I may have had an epiphany: Why not treat velocity up to max speed different from the the remainder that goes above max speed!

    Get angle and distance of vx, vy.

    If distance > max speed get the x,y components that is the difference between max speed and current speed (I'll call this velocity spill over, or spill.x/y for shot)

    Now, calculate vx +ax, vy +ay If the result < max speed... ad spill over and you are done.

    Else, get check the input angle(ax,ay), and using a desired lerping method (ease in, ease out, linear, etc) change the angle to what you want it to be that tick. then add spill over back to the velocity.

    In this way, I can treat velocity changes that are a result of input separate from the rest of the spill over. and then add them together. I don't risk changeing the angle of speed > max but I can deliberately doctor the angle below that value. I can also decelerate spill over using different deceleration values (that way I don't have to constantly decelerate velocity by half of what acceleration is, and so on and affect both sides) Does this make sense at all? I'm going to go try and test it. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • R0J0hound - quick question... If I have 2 vectors, both expressing magnitude and direction, can I add them together without having to figure out their x,y components? I can't find anything abou thtis and it seems everbody solves this by finding Ax,Ay Bx,By then adding those together and then calculating angle and magnitude based on that.

  • This might be more of a c3 thing but honestly... why cant we a.) have static variables for objects, constants for objects, as well as functions for objects.... you know, the same way you can if you were programming.

    It would be nice to be able to declare object functions instead of just general functions. Then you could have local function variables for that object that would be different for each instance if you set them to constructs "static" (also, why does construct 2 call its variables static... this doesn't really fit with what static means in other programing languages... why not "persistant" or something along those lines...?)... well anyway, people who program might see the benefit... Those that don't, well, you would want them if you had used them.

  • Did you end up coming up with a good solution? I'm dealing with the same problem atm. For me it all comes down to scale-ability and how well I can change things and how efficient it all is. I am considering 3rd party plugins such as rexrainbow's csv, csv2array, asv2dictionary.

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  • R0J0hound - I had thought about that, but as it stands there is a major drawback:

    if I am going max speed at angle 0 and the player inputs up, you get this sort of lerp angle change where the angle sort of halves towards -90 while the character remains at max velocity. Does this make sense? It basically (in this case) is the same as simply keeping velocity the same and doing lerpangle(current angle, desired angle, 0.6). If I apply deceleration every tick against the current angle and velocity before applying acceleration it isn't as obvious but it is still there. Maybe I'm being to picky or expecting something unreal (my brain model isn't reality possible)

  • Okay, please bear with me as this takes some explaining.

    In a particular game I have (platformer using my own behavior), when I press a direction (left or right) I accelerate my character in that direction, but not exceeding its max speed. It is okay for the character to be above max speed, but not as a result of acceleration due to input (this allows for boosting, getting knocked back at expeditious speeds, etc) .

    the result of input is handled along this sort of idea:

    if speed.x > maxspeed.x then do nothing.

    else if speed.x + acceleration.x > maxspeed.x then speed.x = maxspeed.x

    else speed.x += acceleration.x

    Now, this all works fine in this game. X and Y are handled independently, essentially making this a 1 dimensional problem.

    In the game I am currently working on (top-down adventure), The problem is now 2d. If I handle the Axis seperatly, then I get a greater diagonal speed than either left or right so I need to handle them together.

    Solving the problem with a hard "max speed" and a constant deceleration against the current angle of travel and speed works fine and is an easy solution, but again, I would prefer to be able to implement a sort of "soft" max speed. But I really can't figure out how I go about this. I thought about having an acceleration to change angle of travel after getting input, but this sort of results in a race car like behavior and not something on foot.

    Any ideas how I can cort of check speed and then figure out how to change angle and resolve input?

  • You mean the dictionaries instance variables?

    yeah, not the data in the dictionary itself. Just instance variables.

  • korbaach - ah, thats a distinction to note. I imagine its intended then. But what would the purpose of instance variables be then on such an object? I was using them to store dictionary.asJson strings to load the same object to a previous point. I was concerned this wouldn't work depending, but since it doesn't change them it works out lol.

  • megatronx - egh, I better check that. I don't think I ever pick dictionary by uid, but... that could make things go squirly in some cases!

  • Hey,

    I think I must be missing something... when I was inspecting Json strings generated by construct using dictionary.AsJson, it seems that they don't include instance variables like they do for sprites. Am I missing something or is this true? Wouldn't that be a major bug if so or is it intentional?

  • Iconoclasts! oh wait... that'c construct classic...

  • Newb question here:

    If I create an object type variable it'll basically be static like in c# right?

    Like, I was needing a behavior that needed to know how many other behaviors of the same type were enabled. The ones that are enabled need to "talk" to each other from time to time. I thought having static variables would be the way to do it it but I seem to never know for sure what is happening in jscript lol.

    Does anyone know of a behavior that uses class types variables and how they function?

  • rexrainbow - oh no! I tried to access the links you provided ad they are down (angular torque).

    I'm currently trying to figure out how to access another object's behavior (I'm trying to make it so I can have a behavior access itself on another object for an inventory system)

    is it something like this:, i, j);