Revilo's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply,

    I found a post that really helped me out.

    The last thing i need help on is:-

    To make my character swing round i use:

    Every tick move to postion etc... this make my character move in a very smooth circle motion around my floating object.

    The only thing is i am not controlling this. I want to put On mouse click move to position etc... but that means i can not put every tick. So this means (if i use on click) whenever i click the floating object my players move to a random position along the outside of the circle...

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  • Thanks for the reply,

    Yes "Grappling Hook" is what I mean, when I click onto my floating object I want my Character to Grapple onto it and swing around it until I let go.

    I have a rough idea how to do this, but It doesnt seem to quite work out yet...


  • So im stuck on this part of my game:-

    I have a character flying around, when i click on a floating object i want my character to lock a line onto the object to make him swing round it. Its like floating point game. Help needed, thanks!

  • Thanks for your feedback LittleStain, Everything is going great. All im not sure is about the joint, some help about joints would be awesome.

    Thanks and sorry for posting twice, i wasnt aware of bumping posts.


    So at the moment i have this unicyle the i need to be able to fall over left and right. The idea of the game it to keep it upright whilst going over bumps/hills. Any idea how to make it fall as it is just upright at the moment (i have physics on) and also how to make it change angle when i press left or right key, thanks a lot. ( im new to this so just learning

  • Hi

    So at the moment i have this unicyle the i need to be able to fall over left and right. The idea of the game it to keep it upright whilst going over bumps/hills. Any idea how to make it fall as it is just upright at the moment (i have physics on) and also how to make it change angle when i press left or right key, thanks a lot. ( im new to this so just learning

  • Thanks it works

  • Thanks it works a treat

  • All I need to know is how to select a random animation frame. I have the animation speed set to 0.

    Help would be appreciated, thanks!

  • Thanks for the response, how do you select a random frame?

  • So at the moment I have a spawn object spawning a car every random 1-3 seconds. My problem is I have different types of cars (Red ones, cop cars, trucks etc.). I need to know how to spawn a random type of car out as I don't want them to be all the same.

    Help would be really appreciated, thanks!

  • So at the moment I'm making a traffic game (where there is a 4 way cross road and you have to control one of the sides with a set of traffic lights).

    I'm stuck on 2 things:

    First one is spawning. I need to spawn a car at random 1-3 seconds and also spawn different types of cars (as I have different coloured cars and I don't want them to be the same).

    Second thing is stopping. once the first car is stopped, the car behind goes ontop. I know I could put collide but I want there to be a gap inbetween the two.

    Help would be really appreciated and don't worry if you don't know both, just post me one!


  • It works, thank you

  • So at the moment this is what I'm doing:

    I create a text, displaying the word 'score'.

    I Make a global variable called score = 0

    When my character collides with object Add to Variable, Add 1.

    Every tick, edit text: "Score &" Score

    This isn't working for me. The text just displays "Score" or "Score 0".

    Can you see if I'm doing something wrong? I just want something that makes the score increase by 1 everything I hit this invisible object (Like flappy bird).


  • Thanks for helping me, it works great. This is so obvious xD Im quite new to all this...