Uncheck "enable scripting" in the application properties and it won't crash. It is an error that is caused by python not getting initialized (no python scripts run) and 700 objects created.
Nice game btw, reminds me of quibbles.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You need to change some audio properties in windows to be able to record the sound being played. This is not a 100% programming solution but is simple enough for end users to do.
Enable sound recording in Xp:
Control Panel -> Sound and Audio devices
Audio tab -> Sound recording volume
and select "stereo mix" or "wav out"
and in Vista:
Then you can record the sound being played with any sound recording method.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples3/rec.cap made in 0.99.96
Fixed, no crash and no check failure.
Use 1 if you want objects touching to be marked as connected. With 49 objects with a 48 pixel gap between them will be marked as connected.
To load the array data you created you need a array object. Generally if you use a certain object to create a file only that type of object can read that file.
Overlaps at offset would work good in this situation.
+ System: For each Block_Green + Block_Green: overlaps Green : offset (1,0) + System: OR + Block_Green: overlaps Green : offset (-1,0) + System: OR + Block_Green: overlaps Green : offset (0,1) + System: OR + Block_Green: overlaps Green : offset (0,-1) -> Block_Green: Set 'Connected' to 1 [/code:15jad7z4]
3d as in rotation? You could do it by moving all the objects relative to the screen with some math. I thought that isometric games by nature did not rotate and scrolled the same as any 2d game.
It opens fine here.
In the same folder as your cap construct creates ".presist" files. They can sometimes get messed up so just delete them.
With the latest here is the call stack:
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. kernel32!RaiseException+0x52 Construct2!_CxxThrowException+0x48 [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\prebuild\eh\throw.cpp @ 157] Construct2!cr::GLRenderer::MakeCurrent+0x4e [c:\construct2\source\common\cr\glrenderer\glrenderer_windows.cpp @ 330] Construct2!ObjectTexture::GLReleaseTexture+0x150 [c:\construct2\source\ide\projects\objecttexture.cpp @ 391] Construct2!RendererLayer::ReleaseTexture+0x14 [c:\construct2\source\ide\rendererlayer.cpp @ 123] html5_exporter+0x1ea1e html5_exporter!ShutdownExporter+0x587e5 [/code:1a3xihxs] After hitting f5 (go) c2 will continue to run like normal.
It still crashes for me with xp sp3.
I ran it though windbg and copied the call stack at the point of the crash:
kernel32!RaiseException+0x53 Construct2!_CxxThrowException+0x48 [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\prebuild\eh\throw.cpp @ 157] Construct2!cr::GLRenderer::MakeCurrent+0x4e [c:\construct2\source\common\cr\glrenderer\glrenderer_windows.cpp @ 321] Construct2!ObjectTexture::GLReleaseTexture+0x150 [c:\construct2\source\ide\projects\objecttexture.cpp @ 391] Construct2!RendererLayer::ReleaseTexture+0x14 [c:\construct2\source\ide\rendererlayer.cpp @ 137] WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. html5_exporter+0x1ea1e html5_exporter!ShutdownExporter+0x587e5[/code:3uaarlj9]
{#} is zero indexed.
It is showing {1} in the event editor because there isn't a 2nd parameter.
Use {0} instead and it should work.
You can do most of your game with python, but you'll need to use events for stuff like triggers and all the system conditions. I'd say a full python game probably not feasible, but a hybrid approach, part events and part python, would work well.
I think I've found the formula to graph those curves. You could also use qarp or cubic but I was having difficulty getting a curve with the exact shape.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples3/bias.cap made in 0.99.96
I'm finding a problem with useing loops with subevents. I used for each and added a subevent to compare 1=5 (which should be never true). For some reason the subevent's actions are being run for all of the objects but one.
ex: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/c2/bug.capx
It seems to occur with any subevent condition.