R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • When you use "Autoplay resource" the resource will be assigned to the next free channel. You are only stopping channel 1. A solution would be to use "load resource" to assign the sound to channel 1.


    Here's an example for a more correct pacman movement.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples4/pacman.cap made in 0.99.97.

  • A few aspects of families got fixed in 0.99.97. It seems to prevent the problems caused by adding and removing variables in families. At least in my tests.

  • [quote:62jiqqkk]Is it supposed to rotate the screen?

    Yes it rotates the screen, but you need to have "unbounded scrolling" enabled for that layout for it to work.

  • [quote:8n61c3k8]-How well does C99/C2 handle having a game take place on a single incredibly large, non-linear 'playfield' rather than having it chunked up into levels?

    They can handle it but like any other game creator the performance may bog down if there are too many objects at one time. A solution would be to destroy objects far from the screen, and create them as they get close, thus reducing the total objects to be processed at any given time. It would be a similar solution for most if not all other game creation programs, as it would be pretty game specific.

    [quote:8n61c3k8]-How well does C99/C2 handle a playfield that isn't easily broken down into squares/rectangles?

    They should do fine, objects can be positioned anywhere and be of any shape, they aren't restricted to a grid.

    [quote:8n61c3k8]-How is making a Sonic-type engine easier in Construct than in MMF2/Game Maker 8.1, if both of those systems already have full-featured, free-to-use Sonic-type engines available for use?

    The process is basically the same, but I've found Construct to be much easier to code with than MMF or Gamemaker, both of which I have tried in the past. If you haven't done so already I recommend doing some tests in all 3 programs (MMF,Gamemaker and Construct) and make your own determination which is easier to use.

  • [quote:1j0lo5kz]So I assume that when you have the action "Play Sound", it works much like the "App Path" thingy C.X had? Or do I have to make the project as a file, and then put the sound in that file? -Sorry if that's confusing-

    The sound files are relative to the html page of the project when you preview or export. I haven't figured out a way for the plugin to find the sound files if they are in the capx file or project folder. It is only really usable when you export the project, and copy all your sound files to the same folder.

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  • For the python bit, change it from this:

    Text[1].Text = "This is a test"[/code:33d0t2mh]
    to this:
    [code:33d0t2mh]SOL.Text.Text = "This is a test"[/code:33d0t2mh]
    SOL stands for selected object list, and is mainly useful for accessing objects just created it that event.
    You can avoid python altogether in this situation.  Just use the Set Text action in that event.  The newly created text object will be the only one affected.
  • The System Compare Time condition isn't implimented in the runtime:

    Assertion failure: Condition method 'CompareTime' appears to be missing, check ACE table names match script names[/code:1c6vnayk]
  • I imagine it may be something amiss in the cap.

    If you post the cap it probably can be fixed.

  • Using ImageManipulator, if you set a pixel's color to rgb(255,0,255) it will become transparent.

  • [quote:nejizup3]ROjo are you using a different method?

    I used trial and error as py2exe and other programs like it are, in my opinion, too ambitious and include more than what it needed.

    Basically I start off my script setting the module search path to just one empty directory.

    Then I run the layout.  It says import error, and I copy the missing pyc|pyd file from the python folder to my empty path folder, keeping the same directory structure.  Repeat until no more import error occur.
    For the dll files python was less helpful.  It merely stated, "Import error:DLL load failed", so I ended up copying all the sound related dlls from the pygame folder and that got it working.
  • Here is a working example:


    When exporting the only python library that needs to be selected is "stringIO.pyc". Also put the "py" directory in the same folder as the exported exe.

  • If you are using 0.99.97 you could use the Add/Remove Attribute action to enable/disable "Solid" or "Platform".

  • [quote:1void868]-Click "Run Layout" in any layout

    Does that crash Construct or just the runtime.

    [quote:1void868]I guess the .Cap is corrupted now? The project is pretty much all graphics with just two layouts having events, and combined it's probably less than 10 events total.

    Can the cap be opened on a different computer?

  • Here is a utility to fix caps where adding a new object removes another. It also has a newer version of capreader.py with many tweaks and fixes.


  • I made a utility that will fix the cap: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/utility/addobjfix.zip

    Extract that file, open it and change "filename=" to whatever file you want fixed.

    I'm unsure why this issue would come up. Did you do any copy/pasting between caps? Other than that I'm at a loss.