R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Pretty much any c3 example of raycasting won’t work with this plug-in. Raycasting isn’t supported.

    Two options would be to either:

    * modify the plugin to access the vertices and triangles of the objects. With that you’d need to then transform the triangles into world space and then do some math for each tri vs a ray.

    * or just skip the plug-in, make an obj loader, transform triangles into world space…etc. basically the same steps.

    This plug-in really doesn’t provide anything that would make ray casting easy to do. I’d recommend doing other things instead of raycasting.

  • Gotcha. Looks like that works by having the mesh points as physics objects and connect them with distance joints. I found a way to make a 2d grid into a circle, but I haven't investigated a way to use that with that example.

    After a few failed attempts to move the 2d grid points into a circle shape I ended up making this tool to do the transform gradually so that points are evenly distributed as possible. I think this could be modified to do different shapes too.


    Anyways here I made the soft body simulation directly without the physics behavior. It loads the mesh point positions from what that other tool generated.


    After the points are moved into a circle shape the uvs are calculated easily:

    u = (p.X-ball.BBoxLeft)/ball.Width
    v = (p.y-ball.BBoxTop)/ball.Height

    Admittedly it's an incomplete solution. I didn't get around to adding volume preservation or collisions with other objects. Here's an older example that does those things though.


  • The tutorial randomizes the tiles by literally setting them to random values. To make the puzzle always solvable you’d want to start with the solved state and have it do say 100 random moves, but I guess that’s a different problem to solve.

  • Realistically I don’t think they have plans on making it free.

  • Dropbox links seem to be breaking when posted on this forum now.

  • The distort mesh always looks like that. It distorts the sprite image which is always a rectangle.

    What kind of mesh were you hoping for?

    You can move the points around to make any shape you like, and you can make it so the image isn’t distorted if you adjust the uvs too, but I don’t know if you can do that in the editor.

  • Hmm this forum broke the link. Copying it from the code block seems to work.

  • There's a bunch of ways you can tweak it. The motion is done with verlet integration currently which just infers the velocity after moving objects apart. We could change that to deal with the velocity change with each collision instead. That probably would fix the explosions where crowded objects end up moving rather far and get a lot unintended velocity because of it.

    Having bigger objects, slower speeds, and simulating in sub steps (kind of like the physics behavior iterations) are also few ways to make it more stable. Even the physics behavior itself has a threshold where it breaks under pressure.

    Utilizing the velocity to do a continuous collision detection is an idea, but it would be more complex and slower to do.

    Also there's no reason this can't handle different sized objects. It just needs some reworking.

  • To my best understanding you'd add a cube and set the six texture faces to relevant images. Then you'd center the cube on the 3dcamera's position. Then just rotate the 3d camera to look around.

  • MyXpandaZ calminthenight

    The simulation is rather basic so I can lead to instability.

    I'm not sure how you're moving the sprites toward the target, but it's better to set the velocity than setting the position, and better than that is to gradually change the velocity. In general that allows everything to be more stable. Another thing you can do is limit the max speed the objects can move. Another solution is making the push out less rigid. As is it pushes each pair out of each other completely in one go, but changing it so it only moves apart 25% of the way or lower will smooth things out more. Look for the js line that sets dist. There should be a /2 at the end. Change that to /10 to make the pushout softer.

    I probably need to revisit this to clean it up.

    Here's were I tweaked the example from last week but it deviated a fair bit as I was messing around with various ideas.

  • If instead of a random area outside the screen you just want a random spot on a rectangle bigger than the screen you can do this. The var k sets how much bigger the rectangle is beyond the edge of the screen and r does a calculation to make the random more uniform. If we just set r to choose(0,1) the short sides would get more points.

    var x=0
    var k=16 //0 would be edge of screen, 16 would be 16 pixels beyond the edge of the screen
    set r to random(1)<(OriginalWindowWidth+2*k)/(OriginalWindowWidth+OriginalWindowHeight+4*k)
    set x to (r?random(-k,OriginalWindowWidth+k):choose(-k,OriginalWindowWidth+k))+ViewportLeft(0)
    set y to (r?choose(-k,OriginalWindowHeight+k):random(-k,OriginalWindowHeight+k))+ViewportTop(0)

    Or if you wanted a point outside of the layout instead of the screen:

    var x=0
    var k=16 //0 would be edge of screen, 16 would be 16 pixels beyond the edge of the layout
    set r to random(1)<(LayoutWidth+2*k)/(LayoutWidth+LayoutHeight+4*k)
    set x to r?random(-k,LayoutWidth+k):choose(-k,LayoutWidth+k)
    set y to r?choose(-k,LayoutHeight+k):random(-k,LayoutHeight+k)
  • Yeah, that looks pretty good. I wish I could knock out good art that quick.

    Here's the idea I was working on. It needs to be reworked to handle multiple vines and the transfer of momentum when grabbing the vine needs tweaking.

  • Here's one way.

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  • Looks like he found a a nice solution. My guess it’s a nice animation and it moves along the vine segments. Not bad.


  • I think calculating the path in a more dynamic way could be possible too. A reason for that could be you want the spinning to start where you first grabbed the vine, or if the shape of the vine is dynamic.

    The first step would be to have a curve fit the shape of the vine, then find the point on the curve that was grabbed.

    After that it’s a matter of moving along the vine, and the spin is done by moving along an angle perpendicular to the vine with a distance of 32*sin() or something. You can use cos() for the zelevation or use it to change the zorder. Finally when the end is reached you’d enable the platform behavior and set the speed.

    The coiled path around the vine could be refined further by doing some relaxation filter or something. Maybe overkill but it seems to kink a bit otherwise.

    I’ll finish up an example tomorrow and see if I can simplify the solution further. At this point I only have twisting around an arbitrary path.