Not as soon as it's added, just when you need to do the time calculation. Now you could convert it to minutes or hours just as easy. So for example you could do this:
TotalMinutes = 0
ListText = "0230-0420"
time1 = tokenAt(ListText, 0, "-")
time2 = tokenAt(ListText, 1, "-")
minutes1 = int(left(time1, 2))*60 + int(right(time1, 2))
minutes2 = int(left(time2, 2))*60 + int(right(time2, 2))
TotalMinutes = TotalMinutes + minutes2-minutes1
Set text to zeropad(int(TotalMinutes/60), 2) & TotalMinutes%60
Which would give your result in hours and minutes or "0150".
If instead you want it display the total minutes in hours you can do this:
Set text to TotalMinutes/60
which would give "1.83333333'
Or if you always just want only two decimal places you can do this:
Set text to int(TotalMinutes/60) & "."& zeropad(int((TotalMinutes%60)*100/60), 2)
which would give "1.83"