Prominent's Forum Posts

  • mattb , The next laser is getting caught on the edge of the square(you can see there are more than one contact object on the edge when no laser reflects)..

    here's the fix:

  • I'm trying to design a dialog system and I am thinking about the structure for the data. I want to make sure I can cover a wide array of possibilities, but I'm unsure if I'm on the right track.

    This is what I have currently in xml:

    <layout id='layout 104'>
    	<interaction id='0' with='1'>
    		<condition prerequisites='none' disqualifiers='boughtFarm'>	
    			<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Hello, welcome to the farm.\nThe place is a bit old.</speaker>
    			<go to='menu' value='0' />
    		<condition prerequisites='boughtFarm' items='farmDeed'>
    			<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Congratulations on your new- I mean, old farm.</speaker>
    			<event action='createcondition' value='welcomeFarm' />
    	<menu id='0'>
    		<item disqualifiers='dontMind' goto='1'>I don't mind.</item>
    		<item disqualifiers='howOld' goto='2'>How old is it?</item>
    		<item prerequisites='howOld' goto='3'>This place is too old.</item>
    		<item prerequisites='howOld' goto='4'>A place with some history can be interesting.</item>
    	<menu id='1'>
    		<item prerequisites='(money>=5000)' goto='5'>I would like to buy it.</item>
    		<item goto='6'>I'll think about it.</item>
    	<interaction id='1' with='1'>
    		<speaker id='player' pos='left'>I don't mind.</speaker>
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Great!\nWould you like to buy it?\nIt costs 5000 dollars.</speaker>
    		<event action='createcondition' value='dontMind' />
    		<go to='menu' value='1' />
    	<interaction id='2' with='1'>
    		<speaker id='player' pos='left'>How old is it?</speaker>
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>It's about 100 years old.</speaker>
    		<event action='createcondition' value='howOld' />
    		<go to='menu' value='0' />
    	<interaction id='3' with='1'>
    		<speaker id='player' pos='left'>This place is too old.</speaker>
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Yeah, it requires a lot of work.</speaker>
    	<interaction id='4' with='1'>
    		<speaker id='player' pos='left'>A place with some history can be interesting.</speaker>
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Not much happened here.</speaker>
    	<interaction id='5' with='1'>
    		<speaker id='player' pos='left'>I would like to buy it.</speaker>
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Okay, that will be 5000 dollars.</speaker>
    		<event action='giveMoney' value='5000' />
    		<speaker id='npc' pos='right'>Thanks! Here's the deed to the farm.</speaker>
    		<event action='getItem' value='farmDeed' />
    Perhaps someone who has more insight into this sort of thing can lend me some tips/advice. I'm not sure if I like what I have.
  • Looking really good. I want to play this.

  • I have a similar problem. Ashley told me that when you open a capx, all the files get cached. If those cached files get deleted, then it creates errors. I only use project folders now so that I get around the issue and only use a capx if I want to share something. I've still had my project get errors, but since I was using a project folder, I could just reopen it and it was fine.

  • QuaziGNRLnose , the same reasons anyone would use global objects. It makes development simpler to manage when you deal with one object rather than multiple. No point removing something and then adding it back in when the layout changes if it is suppose to stay the same.

  • QuaziGNRLnose , what gave me trouble was that the new cameras aren't created with the same settings as the default camera is initially set with. The default camera has the up direction as -1 and the default camera is also automatically rotated 180 in both the y and z axis. You don't have to set these.

    But for any new camera that you make, you have to set them that way- which causes a disconnect in a person's mind. The logical way to think a new camera would be set is how the default camera got set. So when the new camera doesn't appear to do what the default does, it make you think something is wrong.

    btw, I'm still not sure why objects get their offsets added again whenever layouts change when the q3dmaster is global.

  • Seems like new cameras are inverted or something.. They don't point the same direction as the default camera. Not sure how to fix them either. I tried rotating them, but can't seem to get it right, everything ends up upside down.

    edit: okay, you have to set the up vector to -1 in the y axis, and then rotate the camera 180 in the y axis and 180 in the z axis.

  • Can't set background color/alpha on viewports/scenes..

    edit: alpha only set to 0 or 1, and color only is set if alpha is 0 or 1, otherwise it is black.

  • Anyone figure out how to move objects to another scene in another viewport? Seems like it isn't working for me.

    They get removed from the first scene, but they don't show up in the scene they are supposedly moved to. I have the camera set up for that scene as well, so it is strange.

    edit: I've tried to create a new object in the new scene after picking it, but still no luck. Doesn't appear in the new scene. I have created the scene, camera, picked them, positioned camera, etc.

    edit: seems to add it but new cameras aren't same orientation as default.. they're inverted or osmething.. or maybe the scene is?

    Edit: okay, seems you have to use the change parent in the q3dmodel actions, not the change parent in the q3dMaster.. the action in the q3dmaster doesn't seem to work even if you pick the object correctly.

  • Nice, it runs well. Perhaps you could prevent jumping after climbing a ladder when the up key is kept pressed?

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  • You'll need to actually test things out for yourself instead of speculating. I doubt you'll receive any concrete info from this forum regarding your issue you're having since nobody can test it for you. Have you tested your game on different hardware?

  • I don't know either, but that is what I would test, especially if the layers are global. Try turning all the shaders off and see if it still gets slow after playing a while.

    edit: if there's no slowdowns after testing, try re-enabling one shader at a time and test after each one is enabled until you get the slowdown.

  • Do you use any global layers with shaders?

    I personally would try removing all shaders in the game to see if it makes a difference.

  • Yann , You can't seem to create a loop inside another loop. How can I do this?

    edit: nevermind, I managed to do it with a call to a function.. This now allows me to loop through any nested objects however many levels deep.

  • Looks good so far. I like these sorts of games. I'm looking forward to seeing more.