Potato23's Forum Posts

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  • Thx Guys! I made a plane it has Bl4ckSh33p idea for moving, and Lancifer for shooting! You guys helped a lot!

  • I have never been able to figure this out... If I have a player with 8 Direction, he moves around with the Gamepad's left stick but i want his angle to be in relation with the right stick on the Gamepad. So he moves with the left stick, rotates with the right stick.

    Anyone know a solution?

  • At the beginning, ask if the player will play on mobile or computer. I'm guessing you didn't make those graphics, and if you did, I'm VERY impressed! If you didn't, add a small hint of graphics you made in there. add different types of ghosts that are harder and easier depending on which one it is. Hope this is helpful!

    Aboves comment, I just didn't know if you got it or not...

    Some guy rated it one star! Dangit!

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  • lucky Star

    Thx, I really appreciate the comment,

    I want this game to only use the mouse or your wonderful finger!

    I'll add some more things, thanks again!

  • If it was a bug I would post this on the Bugs Category but i'm not sure if it is.

    So when i uploaded my game to the arcade for the Game Jam, I accidentally put the category as RPG games.

    So I edited and changed the category to the Rikoshe Game Jame, but it keeps changing back!

    I had to upload the same game to simply change the category! It's been doing this every time I want to change a category!

    By the way if your interested,

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/rikoshe-m ... ition-6347

    ~This is a game made with a 13 year old and with Free Edition, so if you think it's lame, I have my excuse. I'm trying to get a personal license!

    Thanks tell me what you think!

  • What should I add, fix, or take out?

    Help me with this guys, this game was made by a 13 year old with free-edition...

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/rikoshe-m ... ition-6347

    Tell me what you think! Enjoy!

  • Thx that helps

  • If I had 5 songs, how would a play them randomly, so if one finished, another random one would play, not the previous one though.

  • C-7 I was thinking of that, thanks. You helped me a lot.

  • C-7

    I looked at the capx, you did think it the right way and fixed it, but as I said i'm not good at explaining stuff. I wanted the ship to shoot outward not forward like a real ship. But i fixed the angles. Quick question, when I hold down the up arrow, it plays that animation, if i hold up and any other one at the same time the animation cant choose. How can i fix this? Thx for the help!

  • Yes, Potato23 that link wored.

    Here's a fix for you.

    I added comments to the event sheet to show you what I was doing. Firstly, I had to fix your right-facing image points. Did you know you can right-click on an image point in the image editor and apply it to the whole animation? That way, the cannonballs spawn correctly. I also set your animations to loop (it comes up on the left side of the screen in the image editor), so just change it back over there if that's not what you wanted.

    Anyways, I added a private variable to your ship so the game keeps track of which way it's facing. I made sub-events to yours that change the bullet angle of motion for your cannonballs based on the direction of the ship. Remember, 0 degrees is ? and it rotates clockwise from there.

    Lastly, I moved your firing actions to functions so you can use the same actions for all of your events. This makes it easier to maintain stuff and not copy+paste a bunch of stuff.

    Thx for the fixes, nice way to solve it, but I missed the recent update. U know where I can get it? (Can't open it without it) Never mind, found it!

  • You could make invisible spawn points and have a condition that prevents them from spawning enemies if they are on screen. A really cheapo way of making them spawn if they're in a specific distance would be to maybe attach a big invisible shadow to the player so you could have "If spawner is overlapping shadow and not on-screen" added to its conditions.

    That is a better way, XD!

  • I don't know how to upload a Capx