piranha305's Forum Posts

  • Yeah... I know I am not artistic... But yeah I agree some color would be nice.

  • https://piranha305.itch.io/word-finder

    the game uses dreamlo and and firebase for the online leaderboard, you can download the project file and a dev log HERE


  • I think there will be tradeoffs. The more something is abstracted out and made more high level, the more you lose the ability to customize it at a granular level.

    I remember products like Dreamweaver back in the day that was a wysiwyg web page creator. They had drag and drop html elements.

    Even with something like that there is still this tradeoff that happens. And to fully customize what you were making you had to dig deeper. If you use the high level tools you lose some control. And i feel like that leads to cookie cutter solutions.

    If you think moving to unity because you have to write a bit code in construct is going to speed up your development time you gonna be in for a surprise...

  • Couldn't you do this mapping in events? Kinda of how you map strings to function you can map dom element events to c3 functions. You would just need a bit more information such as the element ID and the event you want to map?

  • i think the issue with those native dom elements would be the positioning? how do you position them? drag and drop? and use absolute position? that would be very hacky and depends on the ratio of the consumers windows.. relative positioning? you lose the ability to position the ui elements in the game window, and what you see might not be what you get in the end.

  • I kinda agree with you, but building UI widgets in webgl is not trivial, that would be a huge undertaking. plus why rebuild all those widgets when you kinda already have them in html and css, it seems like there needs to be a better way to incorporate html and css with the canvas.

  • drive.google.com/open

    trying opening the link form there, it's public image?

    well in a nutshell

    Browser Execute Javascript => self.c3_callFunction("functionName", ["param1"]);

    should work as long as functionName is a valid function

  • so you can't see the image?

  • I agree the Gui tools can be improved. I would stay away from a cookie cutter Ui system though. Right now the html Controls exist on top of the canvas where the game is actually eing rendered. Trying to line things up become a real pain when u need it to be percise.

    I am not sure leveraging the html on top of the canvas can solve this issue. Maybe an approach how other game engine handle Ui would be worth Considering.

    It's like op mentioned we also need some type of grid system to layout elements in a predictable way. Like flex box or bootstrap grid system.

  • It would be great to able able to set the whole data structure that the tile map uses. That would be the most efficient way. But you would still need to transform you 2d array into the tile map format with I think holds byte data for each cell. Plus some other meta data

  • https://piranha305.itch.io/tanktrax

    The game was made in construct 3 using javascript/events, you can download the project file and a dev log HERE


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  • Here is a very basic example of the flow I described,


    the function splitString takes a string splits it then uses the runtime to call a function on the event sheet to populate the ArrayObject

    after that you can use the array how ever you want. hopefully this helps

  • I think as of right now the Array interface has not been defined from the scripting API (at least not in the documentation) so you can't directly manipulate the array properties from javascript. You would need to call a function in the script that would callback into the eventsheet to manipulate the object.

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  • That's why I have not filed a bug yet doing a bit more research, I will check on a different connection later today and verify it's not a local issue. Thanks