oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • The top face at least can be done with an invisible helper object at the correct z elevation I believe.

    Also not sure if this works, but if you set the 3d object to a negative z elevation equal to it's height the top face should (might?) align with the base plane.

  • Are you sure the trigger is firing?

    To prevent websites tracking you based on the available gamepads, most browsers supporting Gamepad input will report that no controllers are connected until a button is pressed on one of the devices, when On gamepad connected will also run.

    Also note the index is 0 based, so 0 should be the first controller.

  • You might also want to check out the included example.

  • The engine certainly can, but it would be very clunky and inflexible to do it this way.

    Instead, you can simply get the difference of the x position between the ball and the paddle (assuming both are centered) on collision. Then using that difference, apply it to the angle of reflection. This way, you'll effectively have unlimited resolution/precision.

  • Have you tried setting a negative path cost? Although I'm not sure if it works.

  • The line of sight behavior also will allow you to cast rays, and get the angle of reflection from colliding objects. You can then modify this angle with a spin variable for example, or simply distance from the center of the paddle.

    I wouldn't recommend using the built in "bounce of solids" property, as that does not give you much control and treats corners as rounded.

  • Also going to suggest Araknoid has absolutely nothing to do with physics. Use the bullet behavior, set angles of motion based on your own specific set of conditions to achieve the precision you're aiming for.

  • The ideal solution would probably be to get and use unixtime directly on your backend server.

    You may be able to use an api such as helloacm.com/tools/unix-timestamp-converter to do conversions, or build one into your game.

  • I'm pretty sure you can just compare your current and previous position to get the angle of motion, with events or scripting.

  • It's not time based, you'll find posts from ancient history still available. Posts that break the rules could be removed the same day though.

  • Try a timeline? Otherwise describe the path with an equation.

  • To approach this efficiently, think about when you would actually need to update pathfinding. For starters, if an object has line of sight, you don't need pathfinding at all.

    When line of sight is broken, run pathfinding for that instance only.

    Upon reaching the first node or corner, check again if you have line of sight or not, and run pathfinding again if not.

    Basically during the whole time the object is traveling to that first waypoint, running pathfinding again is useless because the result will be the same anyway.

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  • Two loops, one for x and one for y. For each pixel, set color to whatever depending on the tile at loopindexes for x and y times your scale and using the player position as the origin.

    There are probably tutorials for this if you do a search.