oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • While I didn't read through each item in detail, my understanding is that if the runtime is updated, a lot of not possible becomes possible.

    With the caveats that if and when are in the air, and possible doesn't mean probable. Basically I wouldn't hold my breath for anything. Work with what you have or get what you need with alternative software.

  • Sorry for bringing this up again Ashley, but I wanted to confirm if this was not possible at all or if there was any way to render the css obect and then place it in the canvas (before I make a post to the suggestion page for something that can't be done).

  • It only takes one loud active loud voice to turn the mood sour. Especially because more level headed posters generally won't even bother to respond (don't feed the trolls) until they really can't take it anymore. Responding at all will usually escalate the frustration anyways - it is fantastically difficult to change a person's views and opinions with words even in person, much less over the internet. It also takes a lot more effort to post constructive criticism as opposed to ranting.

    It is my hope that all the "X other software does better for free" people will actually eventually go and join those communities rather than hang around here and make demands from free software. Example of Scirra actually being too generous with their free version in my (unpopular) opinion. Vast majority of users looking for free software (students, low/no income - I was definitely there at one point in life) are attracted, then feel empowered and entitled for more free stuff, even though the original intent was that Construct is paid software.

    It is a strategy that IS workable in my opinion - I was attracted to the free version and then eventually bought the software on sale even though I didn't actually need the full functionality. It is just requires a delicate balance and more effort dealing with the disgruntled masses this type of strategy attracts.

  • Local storage is asynchronous, it doesn't run in the same structure of the event sheet.

    Basically you need to request a key first, then access the value with a get key trigger. If you try to access the value right away, before the get key is triggered, it will return the string "0", which is not a number (NaN).

    Proper use is explained clearly in the manual entry. https://www.scirra.com/manual/188/local-storage

  • Great success story, appreciate your sharing of the numbers. I hope Scirra features/showcases your game too, if you're willing.

  • Layers are definitely a hard limitation, luckily they are usually not essential to the core of a game.

    In your case it does seem like it is though. I can only suggest blending modes as an alternative. It won't be as pretty, but should be able to represent lighting in terms of game mechanics.

    Also with two layers you should still be able to utilize the techniques in the lighting example. At least the free version isn't limited to just one layer

    On the topic of layers, good ways to utilize additional layers are parallax layers, hud layers, and lighting layers. The first two can be simulated with events and viewport expressions. I haven't experimented much with lighting myself, sorry.

  • 11. A lesser known trick I first learned of in an example template (it isn't mentioned in the manual, or I missed it) -

    If you have the same number of instances with two objects, expressions automatically pick the relevant instance from an object when acting on another object. This can save a lot of picking through conditions and events when used creatively.

  • What would be most useful here is an isolated example capx of your issue.

    From your general description, it seems like you just have picking problems in your conditions. Unfortunately without seeing your existing approach, it will be difficult to pin down the issue.

    Going to put this here ahead of time - If your project is fairly large and advanced already (which it sounds like it is), it could also be difficult to help even if we see the whole thing, which is why an isolated example would be best as I mentioned above.

  • Someone mentioned FTP exporting/saving too.

    I'm no expert on extending Construct, but I wouldn't be surprised if it would be possible for users to create their own plugin/extension for specific services if they are so inclined to do so. Rex has been a hero in that regard for C2.

  • Have you looked at any of the example game templates? Most of them don't even go past 20 events...

    There is a lot you can do with 50 events. More than enough to try out the software and see what it is capable of, and make an informed choice about weather or not to buy it.

    I believe the free version is meant to give you a free demo and a feel for it's capabilities before making a purchase. In that endeavor it succeeds admirably.

    Rather than complain about what is and isn't available for free, why not try other free alternatives? Godot comes to mind (will redact if any authority deems this inappropriate), as well as others that were mentioned already. If you try it and end up back here, maybe Scirra is on to something - namely that they have created something worth paying for to unlock the full capabilities of. If not and decide the other software works out for you, no need to post here then right?

    Regarding the difference between $50 and $99 a year... no offense meant but I'm going to assume you don't have a job (which is perfectly OK! Everyone starts there). In all seriousness, in the event that you are not in the position to obtain a job, but have time to spend, throughout the history of C2 there were many opportunities to score a free copy of C2, given you were willing to invest some time and effort into doing so. Not to mention possible sales and promotions. Especially considering it is well within reason that purchasing this software will enable you to make money back from it if you are dedicated.

  • Right clicking on most places gives proper C3 specific context menus. Right clicking on text boxes and other form elements such as in the properties bar and pop up dialogues give the default Chrome (for me, when using Chrome obviously) context menu, which is a bit jarring and disappointing. I hope something can be done about this and not just be a hard limitation of using form elements in a browser window... *insert generic anti-browser-based application spiel here*

  • I'm a bit obsessive about refactoring (which is not always a good thing). In this case though, there are certain obvious tangible benefits to compacting your event sheet. So I thought I'd like to share some tips that may or may not already be common knowledge regarding this matter. Note that some of these go against traditional refactoring objectives in terms of losing readability and making things more complicated, but the goal here is to minimize event usage.

    1. Verify your e-mail address on your profile. You now have 10 more events! Easiest way to get a 25% event limit increase.

    2. Avoid using global/local variables to store and manipulate data. Use instance variables instead. Or data objects like arrays and dictionaries. Or instance variables in array and dictionary objects. Bonus (in C2 at least) - you get boolean variables for toggling! It may take an action to reset a variable after using it if you're using it in place of a local variable, but actions are free anyways.

    3. Focus on minimizing and grouping your conditions rather than actions. Conditions are the real limit, as you can have as many actions per event as you please. Avoid functions - again, actions are free, so just copy and paste them where needed rather than have multiple events call one function. Unless your functions have a lot of sub-events going on. In that case, utilize functions!

    4. Use conditional operators. Instead of having a set of If/Then events, you can often condense them into one action/expression. Note that you can use conditional operators in conditional operators. I would normally never recommend this due to the readability being crap, but it can save a ton of events in certain situations! Common use case - looping/repeating counters (cooldowns, ammo, score...).

    5. Alternative compact toggles - Use inverse math to swap any two numbers. Simple - Set x to 1-x will swap between 0 and 1. Advanced - Set x to 15-x where X is anything between 0 and 15 will swap between that number and its inverse. Can be used for animation frame shenanigans.

    6. Loops and loopindexes are your friend, especially for positioning objects dynamically. Note uneccessary use of sub events.

    7. Don't position objects dynamically if you can avoid it, as that takes events. Do as much as you can in the layout editor.

    I'm sure there are more but that's about it off the top of my head for now. I'm sure others can add to this list

  • Try max() (or min(), or clamp() if those are more suitable) in Set velocity.

    So Every Tick - Object Physics Set Y Velocity to max(Object.Physics.VelocityY, TerminalVelocity)

    (I'm not sure if its Min for Y velocity heading downwards)

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  • Look into arrays (they are basically spreadsheets of data) - https://www.scirra.com/manual/108/array

    You'll want a 10x1x1 array, one spot for each score.

    Upon getting a new score, you can "Push" the new score to the array (now there are 11 values).

    Then "Sort" the array so that they are in order highest to lowest.

    After that, "Delete" the last element in the array so you are left with the 10 highest scores.

    After that, you can display the scores however you wish. A simple single text object example would be as follows-

    Set TextObect text to ""

    Repeat Array.width times - Append "loopindex&" - "&Array.At(loopindex)&newline" to TextObject

  • So peer sends message "2.13123,32.1234"

    Host receives the message, saves it to a variable (or array or dictionary or instance variable ect.)

    On peer message - set SavedMessage to Multipayer.Message

    To get the first value as a float, use float(tokenat(SavedMessage,0,",")) - returns 2.13123 as a value.

    To get the second value, use float(tokenat(SavedMessage,1,",")) - returns 32.1234 as a value

    You can use tokenat directly on Multiplayer.Message itself instead of saving it to an intermediate storage variable first if you don't need the value to persist.