oosyrag's Forum Posts

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  • Add a system pick Nth instance condition to just get 1 from the currently picked instances.

  • Hope you don't mind if I leave this here for my own reference if I ever decide to revisit this gamasutra.com/blogs/SvyatoslavCherkasov/20181023/329151/Graveyard_Keeper_How_the_graphics_effects_are_made.php

    Edit: At the very least, the first step is to have any given object affected by light, or not affected by light. This can be done with 2 layers with z-order preserved, as the light can be isolated by layer, and objects can be moved from layer to layer preserving their z-order by comparying y-position with the light. Unfortunately, each light would need to have it's own layer for a comprehensive solution.

    The next level would be to control how much each object is affected by any given light. This would prevent jarring cutoffs for moving lights, although it is less of an issue for static lights. Might be able to design around the light per layer solution with static lights as well, as long as you don't have overlapping lights at different y positions with objects between them.

    Bump mapping and shadows after that.

  • If I were to hazard a guess it would be number of consecutive tiles of the same tile.

  • Afaik it uses the system speech recognition, which is local to the device and not always available, but there shouldn't be any limits. Could be mistaken though.

  • What addon were you using? That would be bad if they removed default actions from the list and should probably be looked into.

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  • Set angle to choose(angle1,angle2,angle3)

  • No...

    You were using the Set Animation action, which takes a string - the name of the animation.

    You want to use the Set Animation Frame action, which takes a number.

  • You can use the exact name of the project file as a string in the AJAX - Request URL action.

  • + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on card
    -> card: Set animation frame to card.AnimationFrame+1
    ----+ card: Animation frame = 2
    -----> card: Destroy
  • Would you ever have "foreground" objects affected by light?

    My idea would be to have all foreground objects on an upper layer. A darkness mask object on top of that layer with multiply effect on the object, and source in, with force own texture on the layer.

    This will color all foreground objects with darkness, without affecting any layers below. This layer will not be affected by the light.

    The middle layer below that will contain the white light objects. Set layer to non transparent, the background to the same color as the darkness mask, and apply multiply effect to the layer.

    The bottom layer is your floor. Anything on this layer will be affected by the light layer.

    Edit: Example - dropbox.com/s/8pplu6nkogp6yfc/lightlayersexample.c3p

    You can always use an object for the middle layer too instead of the layer itself being the color.

    Your Z-ordering should all happen on the uppermost layer, so that should be fine, assuming you never z-order below your floor.

    The problem happens when you want something to be lit, but on top of a foreground object that you want not to be lit. If that's a thing that is possible...

    Edit 2:

    I guess never mind, there are tons of issues with this. It won't work if you want your light z-ordered along with the rest of your objects. It will also still look weird even if it is z-ordered along with everything else - for example if the light origin was above/behind the base of the tree, but extended past/below the tree, you would need a shadowed area.

    Night mode is hard ><

  • I just figured somewhere along the way, there would be an option/check-box, short code, etc that changed the format to include commas in numbers that were greater than 3 digits.

    Did you look at AllenR's example?

    Set text to RegexReplace( str(int(num)), "(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))", "g", "$&,")

    Then add

    -> Text: Append "."
    -> Text: Append int(abs(num)×10)%10
    -> Text: Append round(abs(num)×100)%10

    to pad the decimals.

  • Mm... usually best not to mess with it IMO. If you're getting anywhere near the VRAM limits, by default that means you have a lot to load, which could cause freezing when changing layouts. Sprite sheeting is a good thing.


  • AFAIK it would be loading into memory on start of layout. Pretty important for people with huge layouts to load, as the "freeze" during loading is not pleasant and often resembles a crashed program.

    • Post link icon

    I'll be using C2 to fiddle with multiplayer and families when my C3 subscription expires. My situation is similar to R0J0hound. I don't really have any major projects and I have a sub mostly just to support Scirra. For all the little examples I like to make the free version of C3 is more than enough (minus the previously mentioned availability of multiplayer and families).