norab's Forum Posts

  • Where do I have to put these expressions?

    The action "create object" have three different text fields, and the expressions that you give me include all parameters.

  • Hi,

    My "playerSprite" is on "player" layer, parallax (100,100). My "background" layer is set on parallax (100,0).

    When I try to create an object from my "playerSprite" position on "player" layer, it works as it's expected.

    When I try to create an object from my "playerSprite" position on "background" layer, the object is no created on the actual position of my "playerSprite". It's created above on the Y axis.

    Is it normal? If yes, how can I deal with this situation?

    Thanks for reading

  • If you really want to check the boolean it would be:

    Sprite on collision with player

    sprite is boolean

    > sprite destroy

    Sorry... I didn't get it on first time, I'm not so good in english actually.

    Literally translated in my language, "check" does not mention the fact to pick.

    Thank you for having insisted

  • Ok, i see what you mean.

    Thank you.

    I have some questions :

    Is it possible to pick an instance by boolean instance and if it's possible, how to do it?

    Where can i find a tutorial about picking instance by instance variable?

  • Ooops, my bad, i forgot to say my sprite is actually a family.

    If I set "destroy" family, all objects of this family are destroyed.

    So i want to use boolean instance to pick what object have to be destroyed.

  • I try to use this kind of system :

    when "sprite" collide "player", "sprite" instance variable is set to boolean "destroyable". When "sprite" "destroyable" variable is true > wait 1 seconde > destroy "sprite".

    I guess it's a simple and efficient way to destroy only sprite that have been in collision with player. Isn't it?

  • Hey!

    All is in title... I tried to do it with "pick instance by comparison" but i can't find find the way to use boolean instance variable in "expression" field.

    thanks for reading

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  • ehm...


    This is it.

    Sorry for this "not a bug" report...

  • Problem Description

    behavior icons disapear in behavior window

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    I just did many manipulations with sprite editor since behavior last edit :

    • linking to image
    • puting a different image source on each frame

    Operating System and Service Pack

    windows 7 service pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID


    Note :

    • I have some visual bugs probably related to GC driver issue (object disappearance on "texture forced" layers)
    • only one object is affected by this "bug"
  • Lesson 1 - if you're stuck, provide a capx so people know what you're referring to.



    Thank you very much, you're really nice

  • Thank you for your suggestion AndreasR.

    Maybe the best way is to show what I did, and then someone could tell me what am I doing wrong.

    In the example below, I did a mutltiple value saving system with array and webstorage but I have trouble to do it with LocalStorage (my array is stored, i can see in in debug mod, but I dont know how to return it to my text object):

    my test

  • Comme ça?

    je passe beaucoup de temps à écrire un texte en anglais pour expliquer en quoi ma suggestion est susceptible d'améliorer considérablement le logiciel, et tout ce que j'obtiens en guise de réponse, c'est une ligne extraite d'un tuto de la part d'un des développeurs.

    Donc autant que j’arrête de me prendre la tête.

    Votre système de loclastorage, il est tout, sauf intuitif.

    Il ne faut pas moins de quatre events différents et plus d'actions juste pour sauver une variable et la charger, alors qu'il en suffit de deux pour sauver le jeu entier et le charger. Il n'y a rien qui vous titille l'esprit quand vous pensez à ça?

    Ce que je demande ici, ce n'est pas de la 3D ou un "built-in mobile exporter", mais une fonction qui éviterait à l'utilisateur novice de se prendre la tête. Et avec les notions très basiques que j'ai acquises en programmation, je sais que ce ne serait pas une chose dure ou longue à réaliser.

    J'étais enthousiaste à l'idée de participer... merci de me faire comprendre que cela vous laisse indifférent.

  • Thank you for the tip, but I already know webstorage

    I prefer not to use deprecated features, to avoid being like an idiot the day when they are no longer accessible.

    Anyway, the WebStorage is tedious to use, even if it is less than the localStorage.

    I am sure that even "experts" in the use of localStorage would almost only use the feature I suggest if it existed

  • I already seen your blog, but it doesn't help me much :/

    I'm still stuck....

    Thank you anyway.

  • I do not understand why you give me that answer. I know the localStorage:

    and aware of the tedious aspect of the set up of a saving system with "localstorage" function

    In my post, there is talk of adding a friendly-user feature.

    English is not my native language, I may have misspoken. One thing is certain, I am not suggesting something that already exists.