Noman Khan's Forum Posts

  • I have tried with Ajax -> post to URL, but it isn't worked. even i tried the to put the accesstoken in the variables but haven't any good luck.

  • Thank you so much dop2000 for your support.

    Could you please assist me with AccessToken? should it be also send as a variable or what it is for?

  • Hello Constructors!

    I need some assistance with implementing this concept to Construct 3.

    Actuallu i will catch accessToken, roundId and gameId (from query) when the game opens.

    example info (for using):

    "roundId": "623050765ae70f4af678e2a1",

    "gameId": "6231e6bb7f94b624b3d570cb",

    "accessToken": eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2MjI4OTA4NTczMDM5MDk1MDM1NzU0NDkiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDg1NTUyNzN9.9ICtNHu0EfsmV5GqiVnC9vAhvMCVPeypdO-O5A4RrrA

    will be sent with each point increase (put method):

    example request:

    const headers = {

    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    'Authorization': accessToken will be here


    const data = { roundId, gameId, score }

    const response = await axios.put('', data, { headers });

    The code which i wrote is something like in image 1, could you all please guide me me know how to resolve it?

    Here is the link to download the code

    Your response in this regard will highly be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • Hello Constructors!

    I am also very interested can anyone share a step-by-step process on how to use it?



  • Thanks for your valuable reply

  • Hello Constructors,

    How do i move ball only in one direction like in video below?

    Kindly help me with this i shall be very thankful


  • Hello Constructors!

    I wanted to create a game like given below in the link and attached images.

    Here is the link:

    Thanks in advance..

  • Outstanding!

    I will give it a try and if i get any problem i will must come to you for help.

    Thank you very much..

  • Hello R0J0hound

    Friend you are just awesome! you did it amazingly, half of the game logic you did it...

    The smoothness of ball movement, the balls adding in the queue, all the things are very awesome.

    How to reverse back the balls if in mid the balls are matched and destroy? also how to match and destroy the balls....

    if you give a try it i will be very happy and thankful to you.

  • Yeah you are right i have seen that post also which you quoted.

    But i think there are very intelligent and smart developers who have done this game and have idea with this how to do it.

    As we are the newbie with construct and have limited knowledge with it.

    So i wish there will someone who guide and help us accordingly.

  • Hello Constructors

    I wanted to create game like

    Zuma Deluxe

    showing in image

    If there is any tutorial, Capx file or something else please let me know or if someone guide me related to it, i would be very thankful to him. I have searched alot but couldn't find anything, there is just small intro in Construct Forum but 8 years ago.

    Your precious reply in this regard will highly be appreciated.


  • Thanks! :)

    the official Blockudoku game has more types of pieces that can appear - up to 5x5 blocks, so you can lose much quicker. Expanding the PieceArray to accommodate that would be pretty easy. There is a text file that has the piece definitions in json format - spaced out so you can kind of see what the pieces look like. You then have to tell the GeneratePiece function how many total pieces it has to choose from.

    Yeah you are right there are some blocks 5X5. I updated my game with those blocks which are missing now its complex. I have also added the feature of dimming the block which are not to be place on the grid..

    dop2000 Friend this is what we called the experts, whose point out the issues directly and solve it very easily and awesomely like AllanR

  • when you first posted about this game a couple months ago, I had a lot of fun trying out the version Maverick1912 came up with. I also watched a couple videos about Blockudoku and was impressed with how fast it calculated valid moves, and removed completed lines and squares.

    I was curious if C2 could match that speed, so when you asked again about showing the shadow I decided to give it a try... I started from scratch and used every thing I could think of to optimize how it calculates, and I am very happy with how well it turned out.

    as it spawns each piece, it knows how wide and how tall the piece is and uses that info to reduce the number of checks it takes to see if there are possible moves. Each block in each piece knows what position it came from in the PieceArray and uses that to reduce the number of checks it takes to test if the shadow should be shown. Each block placed on the board knows its x and y location, and what 9x9 square it is in, so checking for complete lines and squares is simply picking and comparing the pickedcount - no looping through arrays, or collision tests, etc.

    After each piece is placed on the board, it has to check if there are any possible moves for the remaining pieces, and it shows in a text box at the bottom of the screen how many squares in the array it had to test to determine if a move is possible or if the game is over. Even on my old Iphone 5s it does this instantly in surprisingly few checks!

    This game doesn't use any tweens, animations, no sound effects, doesn't keep score, or any of the other nice things Maverick did, but it is fast! I might add more, and put in comments to help make it clear what it is doing, but hopefully this helps.

    Thanks AllanR you did it awesomely.... My all dreams with BlukSudoko are slowly comes to be true. I really happy to see the shadow effect, my fingers are dancing hahaha..

    By the way i like your logic, you add some more twist in the game in just few lines...

    Yeah Maverik as all times great, but you are also a Guru in Construct 2 i can say!

    The way that you generate tiles is just outstanding and other awesome things with it, you automated the things in it. As we generate tiles manually...

    Thanks that you give it a try and optimized its code i really appreciated your work and the time you give it and very specially a Shadow. From your code i will learn alot of things.

    Note: Your explanation was very clear and transparent which makes it easy for anyone to implement it.

    You are my mentor!

    Now I'm thinking of leaving my code to your own code.

    Thanks once again!

  • Hello Constructors!

    I would like to add a "Shadow" feature to my Blocks game but i dont know how to do it,

    Means When i move a Block over the playing grid, it should casts a "shadow" over the fields where it can be placed.

    Like See the images

    Your response/help in this regard will highly be appreciated, Thanks in advance!

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  • Awesome Maverick1912 Thats work fine now for horizontal, vertical and square at the same time.

    Thank you very much you are just amazing and very helpful to this Forum.

    I am noticing one other feature of the original BlockuDoku game:

    When i move a tile over the playing grid, it casts a "shadow" over the fields where it can be placed.

    There is also a visual hint of the line, square, or combination that will be removed if you drop the tile at a particular location, even before the tile is dropped.

    I would really like to have this implemented. Would it be possible?

    Thanks once again