Nevesbr's Forum Posts


    [quote:3elh5b34]Pick nearest/furthest

    Pick the instance either nearest or furthest from a given position in the layout.

    Very Well Thanks

  • Hello friends, How do I get the instance of smaller distance from my character?

    Already know how to use the Distance (x, x, x, x) I do not know where and how to use.

  • You mean the instance that has the defaults for newly created instances?

    If you save you capx as a project folder and look in the xml files in the layouts folder then look at all the lines with say

    <instance type="TiledBackground" uid="0">

    The one with the lowest uid is the first I think. You probably want to use some searching software like agent ransack to automate the searching.

    Exactly... Thank...

  • Hello, how do I find the first instance of an object on the stage, in the case already have 30 Levels ... do not know where I put the first instance it ...

  • So thinking is true .

  • So thinking is true .

  • Hello, Team,

    If possible one day, create groups with passwords in the event list, it would be interesting to protect the code. Even for those who sell the STORE ...

    Ex: I buy a platform engine,

    i can make all in circle this but not modify or "RESELL" .

  • Hello, Team,

    If possible one day, create groups with passwords in the event list, it would be interesting to protect the code. Even for those who sell the STORE ...

    Ex: I buy a platform engine,

    i can make all in circle this but not modify or "RESELL" .

  • Thankkkkkksss ))))))

  • hello, I tried the standard procedure, even already uninstalled the contruct but this plugin does not come out. The folder is not "PLUGINS"; (

  • Very Well Tk )

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  • left mouse button should create a new perfect marionette set.

  • hello, I would like the ragdoll create the correct way at the beginning of the layout ... But he does not seem to fit as it should. can you help me?

  • Improvement of multiplayer object.

    I make a request to developers to facilitate more multiplayer object,

    I actually already tried many times and I can not make any multiplayer game ...

    Consider facilitate more the object. Actions that could have already come ready.

    For example...

    I insert a Sprite object, and in the event I get ...

    Multiplayer Object> Condition: Is Multiplayer> Action: Set multiplayer object (Sprite).

    And this time the players would see the Sprite already moving.

    If the sprite then shoots:

    Set Multiplayer object (bullet).

    Something of this kind. Please...

    It's really hard to have not seen successful multiplayer games in the construct.

    I know I will receive my order and if possible will fo something about it.

    Thank you for everything until now Ashley, and scirra in general ...


    MELHORAMENTO do objeto multiplayer.

    Faço um pedido aos desenvolvedores, para facilitar mais o objeto multiplayer,

    Eu realmente ja tentei muitas vezes e não consigo fazer nenhum jogo multijogador...

    Considerem facilitar mais o objeto. Tem ações que ja poderiam vim prontas.

    Por exemplo...

    Eu inserir um objeto Sprite, e nos eventos eu obter...

    Multiplayer Object > Condição: Is Multiplayer > Action: Set Multiplayer object (Sprite).

    E neste momento os jogadores ja veriam o Sprite se movendo.

    Se o sprite atira então:

    Set Multiplayer object (bullet).

    Algo deste tipo. Por favor...

    Está realmente dificil não tenho visto jogos multijogadores bem sucedido no construct.

    Sei que receberão meu pedido e que se fo possivel farão alguma coisa sobre isso.

    Obrigado por tudo até agora Ashley, e scirra em geral...