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    I cant believe some of you guys are spending $100+ per month on games?

    Its not the necessary the money that surprises me..

    its just that there is no way you can be playing all those games through or to their full intended potential.

    personally I might buy 2 major console or pc games a year,

    plus a couple of small Indi titles and a couple of mobile games.

    even then I don't have the time to play them all to their fullest

    also I will usually buy the DLC for games that have truly grabbed me which is very rare.

    I will never ever do micro-transactions that are pay to win/play/level-up/get that better weapon/ability etc

    I think these monetising methods are the scourge of humanity. If you put them in your game you are not a true game lover and if you encourage them by buying then you are an idiot. (rant over)

    In the special case of Overwatch (who have promised all future characters and maps DLC for free for ever) I am happy to spend the odd few quid on loot boxes, 1) to support the further development of a game that I love and 2) because boxes only contain cosmetic items that have no advantage in game besides looking awesome.

    all this might amount to $200 a year max.

  • Games that I …

    1) have spent far too much time on

    2) have been inspired by, not just in terms of games but life in general.

    3) believe have successfully implemented the core applicable game design principals for their genre.

    In no particular Order (and what Im playing it on , played it on)

    Overwatch (PC & PS4)

    I cant believe this is not on any previous list. It released with a lot of issues but straight away you could see the potential. This title really has raised the bar in terms of online MP gameplay design and developer approach of on-going incremental product development and community engagement). Totally reignited this jaded gamer's passion for games. If you haven't played it you are missing out on the phenomenon of a generation. If you are not into online MP just give it a chance the ranking/matchmaking system should ease you in with players of similar skill (mostly).

    Deus Ex 1 (PC)

    Masterclass 1 in game design, subsequent iterations never quite figured out why it was so great and the latest one was just abysmal)

    Ocarina of Time (N64)

    Masterclass 2 in game design. There are still no words that truly describe the impact this game had on me, and clearly many others. It was the first, and still one of only a very few, games that transcended the "game" itself, immersing you in a world and adventure so captivating that you never wanted to leave. In this dual analogue world revisiting OOT emphasises the clunky single analogue controls. But even with all our modern game engines and electronics there still hasn't been a game that has bettered this in terms of game ideas. Using the musical tunes as keys and triggers, and the time travel puzzle mechanic must have taken so much up front engine design planning and effort that (besides its, equally as good but slightly rushed, sister game, majoras mask) it has never been implemented again since, even by Nintendo itself in subsequent Zelda iterations.

    Shenmue (Dreamcast) (Clunky but so involving)

    Sonic 1 (megadrive/genesis) (Never been bettered even by subsequent iterations)

    Mario Galaxy (Wii) (played them all but this one really grabbed me hard)

    Assassin’s Creed 2 (xbox360) (Perfect example of lessons learnt from 1 implemented in 2 then forgotten in 3+)

    Quake 3 Arena / Team Arena (PC - the true Father of all online MP FPS shooters IMO fast and brutal with beautiful maps and a once thriving mod scene)

    Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube) (OMG, that atmosphere!)

    Minecraft (PC/XBOX360) (whatever you want it to be)

    + Im sorry I just cant leave the following out so....

    ..Honorary Mentions –

    F-Zero X (GameCube) (played this until my eyes bled)

    Driveclub (PS4) (with a wheel this is one of the best racers ever IMO and Ive played them all. Cant believe the dev team got shut down by short-sighted Sony)

    Streetfighter 2 (it may be nostalgia but the later faux 2D 3D iterations never had the same appeal)

    Last of Us (PS3) (captivating)

    COD Black Ops 3 (Multiplayer Only) (PS4) (current pinnacle for online FPS shooters IMO no bettered by IW)

  • Yes and No

    Yes, it is good to have drop downs with names of the functions you already have.

    No, no too much restrictions on calling the function.

    I want to be able to call function before I have them in my project.

    It helps to plan and allows to import functions I wrote in other projects, or to use entire event sheets...

    Ok yes I understand there should not be this restriction.

    But that does not stop functions being available in a list somewhere


    any functions that are imported or created within the tool are available in a drop down list like variables

    however this should not restrict calling functions that do not yet exist in your code.

  • Nice..... U got a purchase....keep up the awesome work...

  • totally amazeballs......

    im trying to play it on a tablet at the moment so not getting far. ill have a proper go tomorrow with keyboard.

    But holy cow that got to be one of the best things i ever seen made with c2. !!

    Did u make an editor for the waves? i ask because i am trying to make a galaga type game and have just started an editor but its getting too complex a task for my small brain....

  • I see what you are saying it is the one from last instance deleted that sets the default value instead of the very last instance deleted

    although I would much prefer that the original set value remained and only changes if you change the main object IV not inheriting any values from those in layout

    I cant really see how this would be in issue though.....interested to know why it is a blocker for kururugi66

    maybe it would be better to spawn instances at runtime from spawn objects or by system at co-ordinates. And then set the instance variables in game in a different way eg from an array.

  • Running the capx they are the both same for me. But in the pic you posted above they are different.

  • It would be nice to have function names have the same features as Variables with in Construct 2 (or C 3 suppose now)

    For example

    functions that you have created are available in the drop downs / pop ops to be called..... just like variables can be

    also, that you could change the name of a function (possibly available in a list somewhere) and anywhere it is called that name would change, so you don't break your game by changing function name.....again just like variables.


  • Dude. I just looked at a real world of goo video and the curser looks nothing like this!!!

    The tail is kept short and consistent and there are no trailing balls, hmmm there is something else going on there.....this is not over yet.....

  • here updated with capx, I had to delete the last one as the scirra arcade got a bit confused,,,,

    you could probably play with the valies a bit to make it a bit cleaner....

    it doesn't look as organic as R0J0hound amazing way of doing it with lerp. But it probably uses a less sprites. also if you wanted it really smooth you could lerp a few joining sprites together and taper them from one size to the other. or the ultimate, as R0J0hound suggested, do some interpolating of the curve and create more points where needed. That's a little past my noobie capabilities presently though I'm afraid........ <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> ... rser-14435

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  • hey , freezeframe...I feel exposed....Yea , that dot is the curser sprite. i was testing different things and forgot to change before i uploaded.

    Currently its drawing between the last two sprite2 points spawned.

    Instead just change the objects in the drawline function to the last sprite2 point spawned, and the curser sprite (sprite).

    Also, it looks like the ball sprites are not centred ...sloppy work indeed

    Ill update the arcade files later


  • so I tried it out on something "simple" (haha) for this question


    and it worked. thanks again R0J0hound

    for anyone that interested theres a capx in my arcade link t(the second one "GooTwo") in the above thread.

    or straight here

    you will see that the drawline function passes parameters that are themselves calling function getIDfromUID to get the index number of the sprite from the UID (which could be swapped for an IV) , hope that makes sense


    stamping as solved...... (how to I change the heading to marked solved ????)

  • here I did it with lines, its a bit rough could do with some more tweaking and ive drawn between the last two balls instead of the curser ball so that would need to be sorted. didn't do the outline this time..

    but no more balls.....

    R0J0hound and I must thank R0J0hound as well as I was using this as an excuse to try the function call idea he gave me earlier. and it worked a treat. cheers.....

    looks like I need to update C2 to see what R0J0hound did for this ..... damn

  • I see.

    if you study the video you posted you will see that the guy is controlling the speed to preserve the tail.

    and at around 6-7 seconds when he moves fast (if you pause) you will see a trail of balls.

    so he is either fading to destroy or reducing the size of the balls then destroying at a certain size

    but you cant get rid of the balls , maybe just fine tune the reduction and destroy size.

    but yea you could draw lines between the last 2 balls every tick and destroy them in line with the balls.

    if you move fast though you will get a long line.

    unless maybe you could destroy balls that are a certain distance from the curser

    or destroy balls that are not overlapping another ball

    hmm tricky one....

  • Dude check this, did it with the alpha threshold , its not perfect it is near, and left click for some fun

    the cap x is there as well ... rser-14400

    (note don't go widescreen or full screen as it seems to slow down the curser, don't know why this is, I think it is a scirra arcade bug)