Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • LuisCGForte you can refer to the current item using a full stop "." and the top item with a blank string "".

    So the following event sheet:

    Would give you:

    outer 7647, inner 7648, inner 7649, inner 7650

    That should solve your problem without needing to wrap the array in an object.

  • Hi recca20 can you file a bug on our issue tracker for us to investigate. Thank you!

  • The easiest solution is just check if the value exceeds a boundary, and the divide it.

    So if value is greater than 1m then divide by 1m and round the value. This also has the nice side effect that you know which suffix to put on it. It's important that you round the value, or you will get decimal points stretching off into infinity instead.

    A downside to this approach is that you lose the fractional part of the value, but you can solve it with a slight adjustment. Try dividing by 0.1m, rounding the value then dividing by 10. This will give you the same value, but with 1 decimal place. You can do the same with 0.01 and 0.001 as well if you want more decimal places. Here's an example for you.

  • We don't currently have plans to implement renewable or non-renewable purchases at this time.

    Replacing the underlying cordova plugin has been on my low priority to do list for quite awhile. That would be the ideal time to reconsider it, but I'm cautious about implementing them after we added consumables. The proper usage of consumables requires quite a lot of forethought and potentially complex infrastructure on a users part, which I expect either stops anyone using it or they just ignore the implications. I'm expecting subscriptions to be similar or worse. A quick look seems to suggest that server side receipt validation is required at least. I also expect usage to be incredibly low, you are the only person who has asked for it as far as I'm aware.

    Your free to file a feature request at if there is significant interest we may consider it sooner.

    If you need the feature for an upcoming/ongoing project then you may be better served looking into implementing you own plugin.

  • Sounds like a bug in the c3runtime, can you file a bug on our GitHub tracker please. Makes it easier for us to keep track of the problem.

  • Hey . It sounds like a bug, can you please file an issue on our GitHub tracker. Forum threads are not the best place to track issues.

  • dop2000 I wasn't involved in the tween plugin so I'm not really sure. Diego is currently working on a bug that sounds similar though. See if the issue is resolved in the release that just went out, if it isn't file a bug for Diego to look at. He can tell you if it's expected behaviour, a quirk or an error.

  • There's no reference materials yet, we'll release documentation for new features with the next stable release.

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  • The native code in the admob SDK is quite large. It's not really clear why. Our code around the SDK is around 80KB before compilation, so there's not much we can do to reduce it.

    Apple is quite generous about app size so you don't need to worry about any limits, and I don't believe users will download that full IPA. Apple does code recompilation and optimisation before sending an app package to users.

  • > dop2000 Glad you liked it, I've wanted to make this plugin for quite awhile so it's nice to hear it's appreciated. The plugin technically includes a seeded random, which is used for creating the noise. We're experimenting with integrating it with the System random expressions, which would be better than duplicating them in a different plugin. It's awkward to deprecate expressions so we didn't want to expose it on the new plugin just to remove it later.

    Nepeo In C2 I'm using this plugin for seeded random. It somehow integrates with all the system random events and expressions (random, choose, pick random instance etc). It would be great to have the same functionality in C3.

    I expect they just replace the JavaScript Math.random method with a seeded variation, that would modify the behaviour of the System expressions. I've seen some libraries which do this. It would be good to still have it available though, to ensure a good source of entropy for seeding.

  • This is coming along really nicely, I'm looking forward to see how it turns out!

  • xahdy my first guess is that the plugin is failing to parse the JSON text, there is a condition that will trigger if there is a parse error.

  • dop2000 Glad you liked it, I've wanted to make this plugin for quite awhile so it's nice to hear it's appreciated. The plugin technically includes a seeded random, which is used for creating the noise. We're experimenting with integrating it with the System random expressions, which would be better than duplicating them in a different plugin. It's awkward to deprecate expressions so we didn't want to expose it on the new plugin just to remove it later.

    newt Yup! It is effectively "infinite" ( within numerical precision limits ) and also continuous. So tiles should be completely seamless, no matter when they are created!

    I'm not sure what adding an indexed version would gain, it's drops the event count on example projects that allow you to switch between noise types, but in real usage I'm not sure why you would want behaviour like that? You can emulate that behaviour by wrapping the noise expressions in functions, then when calling the function using a variable for the name. The plugin would be doing the same thing but in JS.

  • tunepunk check out this project

    It's quite simple to apply to a tilemap really. For each tile you generate a value using it's position, then you do some sort of comparison against the value to decide what tile to place. The example checks if the value is greater than 0.5, and places a tile if it is.

    There's a lot of ways to decide what sort of tile to use. You could:

    - check what the tile above is ( it generates top to bottom so that's easy ). If air then grass, if grass then dirt, anything else then stone.

    - use different ranges from the noise for different materials. 0.5 <= value < 0.6 for dirt, 0.6 <= value for stone.

    - if the first noise value is over 0.5 then generate a second unrelated noise value to choose a tile

    I also put a couple of other tricks into that example. I multiplied the noise by the height so that a higher value is more likely lower down. You can do similar tricks for creating an island or a lake. Also I'm using a slice of 3D noise to animate it, not very practical in it's current form but it's a nice demo.

  • My tutorial for the new Advanced Random plugin is now live:

    I'm looking forward to seeing some cool creations!