Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • As far as I'm aware there's nothing to fix, your trying to insert a string with reserved BBCode characters into something that reads BBCode... if you don't want this behaviour then turn off BBCode in the Text objects properties and it will treat it as plain text.

  • The advanced random plugin includes a "permutation table" system. This is similar to taking a deck of cards, then shuffling it. You can choose the size of the table, and what the starting number is. Then you can just read from start to end to get random non repeating values. Does that help?

  • Hi everyone, we're looking into adding a new option for cloud storage that would work in China. No one on the team speaks Chinese, and I haven't had much success searching around with Google translate. It would be appreciated if somebody with knowledge about this could lend a hand. Posted this on translations as I presumed more Chinese speaking users would be here. I've heard that Box provides a service that they claims works in China, but from what I've heard people have had issues actually getting it to work?


    - HTTP API that can be accessed from the browser ( similar to Dropbox HTTP API documentation

    - Works in China and the UK ( for development and testing )

    - Preferably documentation in English...

    - Ideally free and popular in China


  • The beautified string will include a newline character after the square bracket, likely preventing the regex responsible for checking from recognising it as a BBCode tag.

  • See the "Using BBCode section" of the Text plugin documentation

    Square brackets are reserved characters in BBCode, so printing JSON arrays will cause you problems unless you disable BBCode.

  • Nepeo Thanks for your solution, it seems a rare way to implement it. Anyway it's solved now.

    Well it's similar to how push would be implemented at a programming language level. It would be nice to support more types in the push action, but as the expression system only supports strings and numbers that becomes much harder.

    When designing the JSON plugin we did have a prototype that separated the creation of values from inserting them. While this worked and allowed performing push/pop with complex types it was confusing to use and was awkward to implement so it was ultimately scrapped in favour of a simpler system.

    With the current system we could plausibly implement additional actions for pushing other types ( PushObject, PushArray, PushBoolean, PushNull, PushJSON ), I'll review how feasible that is.

    Nepeo Is there a way to make it persistent? I notice it does reset since is not saving new objects when I go to different layout.

    The instances of the JSON plugin are not modified or deleted when the layout is changed, so it is already persistent. I checked with the debugger and you can see the instances persisting between layout changes, perhaps you are referencing the wrong instance of the plugin?

  • Hi Joannesalfa, as you've discovered the "PushValue" action can only push numbers or strings. But what you want to do is possible. If you take a look at the description for the "SetArray" action you will see that it can also resize an existing array. So you can "push" a complex value by resizing the array to the array_size + 1, then setting the index of old_array_size to the complex object. You can either compose the object using events or use the SetJSON action to create the object ( SetJSON allows you to parse a JSON string and insert it at a given index ).

  • When your character performs a attack action spawn an "punch" sprite in front of your character, then in your events have an event for the collision of that sprite with the enemy for damaging the enemy. Destroy the "punch" sprite destroy after collision with an enemy or after a very short time ( the fade behaviour is good for this - fade in: 0, wait: 0, fade out: 0.1, destroy: true ). You can either have the sprite be transparent or set the initial visibility to false so that it doesn't appear.

    There's a few other cool things you can do with this as well, it's kinda handy.

  • Feel sad that I didn't get any flying sharks... did get glued to the seafloor a few times with a broken harpoon gun though. That was stressful

  • it's not a good idea to revive old threads, they tend to not be relevant anymore.

    The documentation was updated some time ago. Ensure you are using the following manual page C3 manual - Google Play. I say this as we've had some users end up looking at the documentation on which is for Construct 2, and is often missing new features or incorrect for C3.

    I don't believe we have a tutorial on using the Google Play plugin, but the documentation includes instructions on how to get started for both HTML5 and Android exports. If you have any specific issues ask on the forum, there's a number of active users on the forum who have experience with the plugin.

  • no worries, let me know if you find any issues and I'll try and get them resolved ASAP. We're pushing towards a stable release so it would be good to ensure this is ready before then.

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  • In the project you provided the first set of actions that run belong to the "on start of layout" event, and they are creating table/dictionary data then saving it to file. After that you have a pair of sub events that check the files exist.

    I think either you are looking at a different project, or you misunderstand the order in which actions occur.

    Blocks are labelled in execution order, I removed some set value calls to reduce the size of block 1. Block 1 creates the files. I have highlighted in blue the actions that create the file. Blocks 2 and 3 check the existence of the files. They both occur after the file is written.

  • As I end up covering most of the bug reports and fixes for mobile I can appreciate the iteration time is pretty slow. Even with the build server streamlining things.

    It would probably be reasonably handy, I will take a look into how hard it would be to implement. It's likely to be a little awkward, as I need to match the behaviour of the native component ( which may change ).

  • foxium if you have a clear example of something which working in r136 but not in r140 could you please file a bug report for us, it's not completely clear what isn't working from what your said here but it sounds like you are experiencing a regression and it's worth us investigating.

  • As boybacteria said, the MobileAdvert plugin only works when in a "Mobile" export ( Android or iOS ). This is because it relies on native libraries which are unavailable as a web export.

    We have had some requests in the past to show "test content" instead when using preview, but I think this will cause additional confusion for users who may expect it to work in web exports.