nacra's Forum Posts

  • Conditionally disable solid on the player/enemy instead of the obstacle?

  • Stilts, I’d hope you could run and debug your PHP locally, so you can step through it and see what values you’re really getting from the POST.

  • Sami, okay good! If you’re doing your own server-side dev, then you may only want to use the built-in AJAX plugin in Construct to do POSTs and GETs. That said, I am looking at PlayFab to get all of those services...

    And you can forget about that http header, as long as you’re loading the game from the same domain as your web app. But Google that term and you’ll find some good explanations, e.g., But I swear I’ve run into cases where a firewall, on a college network, didn’t allow cross-origin ajax calls even with the needed Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set.

  • Saving data to your web application requires server-side development, for example, using PHP and MySQL. Someone asked a similar question here: I’m not finding a Construct 3 tutorial but the ideas are the same.

    To avoid server-side development, you could look at services like Firebase or Parse, or PlayFab or GameSparks. I don’t know of any Construct 3 plugins for these now, other than maybe ‘s Firebase plugins:

    And about access-control-allow-origin, it’s one of those many server-side details. In a nutshell, it’s only needed when your game (html & scripts) loads from a different website (e.g., site A) than your web api server (site B). It’s set as an http header on your api app, allowing your site A app to make Ajax calls to site B. I think all of the hosted services, like Firebase, allow you to configure it.

  • Have you checked that they support the C3 runtime? To see that the plugins are C2 only, create a little test project, and set it to use the old C2 runtime. Try adding those plugins. If you can, you’ve demonstrated that the plugins are working, but are C2-only.

  • ...we already covered a max spritesheet size setting.

    And it's coming in the next beta release! Thanks Ashley, hopefully that helps Taximan's memory use.

  • Ashley, would it make sense to offer an import of sprites, and spritesheets, via TexturePacker? As a way to let us optimize for certain platforms. But that’s a very different workflow from what Construct has now and might not fit the spirit of the product.

    For a more Construct-like idea, since you’re adjusting the packing algorithms, how about adding a control to project settings, to let Construct users bias the packing towards more or less memory use. Maybe set a max spritesheet size?

  • TaxiMan, when you run your game in the debugger do you see 1000MB of memory used? I’d hope you could see what was happening by watching memory use while playing and switching between layouts.

    To throw out a guess, maybe you need to unload specific images as you’re done with them. (System -> Unload unused images)

  • I think this describes it in some detail: (The article mentions Construct 2, but the Scirra staff link to it from Construct 3 docs.)

  • TaxiMan, I'd suggest reading this tutorial by Ashley, as it seems to cover some of the questions you're posting.

    Memory Usage:

    Also, in the article below, he recommends importing only 32-bit PNGs into Construct. The export processing compresses images after they've been put into spritesheets by Construct.

    Best Practices

  • Beautiful!

  • TaxiMan, is there anything helpful in this tutorial? Optimize Exports:

    One interesting thing is to make sure Sprite images are two pixels below the power of two numbers, i.e., 30x30, 126x126 or 254x254.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try the Restart Layout action, instead of Goto Layout.

  • I think most of us on the Construct forums will recommend the product, as we're using it. You should ask the same sort of question on the GameSalad and GameMaker forums, to see if you get enthusiastic responses there too. It might tell you more about the morale of the forums than anything else.

    But I'd suggest trying Construct to see if it works for the way you think. Your time is too valuable to waste working with a product you don't like, right?

    EDIT: A little entertainment here, as it looks like the OP is just out trolling. His only other post states:"I have some experience with other languages and frameworks..." while here he has " experience programming", while suggesting vague knowledge of Construct performance and publishing issues.

  • Shift-Enter works for me too - working in the Windows Store build of Construct 3.