Nabu's Forum Posts

  • Hello MarkeGamer,

    I've never used the touch but, basicaly I think just check the direction of the touch (with somethin like touch start and touch end, I don't know) and apply an impulse with Chipmunk physics at that direction or an angle (switch to polar when setting the impulse).

  • R0J0hound,

    I didn't think of tiny tilemap, or pasting a little sprite. Thanks for the tip.

    It is a bug in your plugin using WebGL ? Or does it come from WebGL only ? It's strange.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hey R0J0hound,

    I was using WebGL, and the problem doesn't occur anymore when I disabled it. Everything is correctly drawn without it. So you're right it's related to WebGL. So what can I do ? I used the Paster plugin because of that, in comparaison with Canvas.

  • What do you mean by orientation, scrolling ? In project properties, under Configuration Settings, you have orientations option, landscape, portrait.

  • Hello,

    Check every tick or every seconds if the object's size has reached a value, then disable the Sine behavior and set the object's size by yourself if needed (using scale object property, or dimensions directly).

  • No it's not mainly for big projects. It ensures that all ressources are loaded before doing anything. It's not a replacement for what you're already doing, it just loads all the graphics and the sounds if you have set the "Preload sounds" in the project properties.

    What you can do is wait for "On loader layout complete" to trigger and wait for the AJAX server side requests during the loader layout, while displaying a progression bar or something like that. Once all these things are done - you can here use variables for completion - you change to your next app layout.

  • fm4fanAT

    I'm gonn try it now.

    Thank you very much !

  • Sorry for this question, but I can't figure out how to mention the name of someone in a discussion.

    There's no button I see so quote the name or reference someone.

    How do you do that ?

  • Hello,

    To use loader layout you have to select the first layout to display in the project settings, and set "Use loader layout" to "yes".

    Then, in the selected layout event sheet, you have to set the system condition "On loader layout complete" that is triggered when everything is loaded.

    If you have only few ressources to load, you won't see the difference because it loads relatively fast.

    For the project file I think you should use AJAX object to make request and wait for AJAX "On completed" event.

    Hope this helped. Nabu

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to draw a minimap with the Paster plugin but I have difficulties.

    First I populate an array with random values for the map, and fill a tilemap in the same way at the same time.

    Next I run through the same array and draw 1x1 quads with a color for each value.

    The result is a minimap opposite of the real map. And some strange things I don't understand. I don't see any option to close path. Do I have to set the vertices of the quad ?


    What did I do wrong ? Something with the order I call Set Quad Color ?

    Edit : After testing, trying to run through a tilemap loop instead of array, trying to make two passes instead of one, I've seen unpredictable results. For example, if I disable the second color for the minimap, it works well. So it draws the quads at the right location, red 1x1 quad at black tile. But with the second condition, the results are wrong. If I set a first pass for the red quads at black tile, and a second for white quads at gold tiles, it makes some weird results. Really don't understand anything...

  • Hello,

    I noticed the HTML elements are moved when transition end. Here's a capx to illustrate.

    I already saw posts in this forum, that this plugin doesn't handle HTML elements but why does it move ?

    By the way, thanks for your work.

  • Hello,

    Thanks to you for the work done with your plugins. It's really helpful as I had troubles using Box2d and asm.js, with crash and can't fix it or neither understand. Some people have same problems of various threads in the forums, so your plugin is the only alternative.

    Many thanks !

    What is the difference between box2d linear damping and chipmunk one ?

  • Ho, thanks. I really miss something. I saw the different mass in the debugger but how to set the mass in editor ? Both objects are same, I didn't set the mass.

    Edit : Really sorry, I didn't search enough.


    The mass of the physics object, as calculated by the physics engine. This is the area of the object's collision mask multiplied by its density."

    From the manual :

  • Problem Description

    Two objects with same physics settings shared by family, but having two different polygon shapes will move in different way.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Two physics objects with impulse applied to the right to see how they move. The red one is using "circle" for Physics collision mask property, the blue one is on "use collison polygon", wich is square. No gravity, no air friction or anything.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create two same objects with physics.
    • Set the firt one on circle collison mask, the second on collision polygon.
    • Make them move the same way with no gravity.

    Observed Result

    The object with circle shape move faster than the one with collision polygon given the same impulse.

    Expected Result

    Objects with same mass given the same impulse should move at the same speed. Any thing i miss ?

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • NodeWK: (YES)
    • Others: (NOT TESTED)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 221 64 bit

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  • Hello,

    When you click on the basic layer, you have the layer properties usely on the right. Under the background color property, you will see a Transparent property set to no. Set it to yes and voilà. At least, if this is your problem.