mudmask's Forum Posts

  • Willzilla - any word on this? I'm having the same issue.

  • - no man, that's great feedback. Thank you.

  • thanks! Are you referring to preparing to blast some enemies away before they nab you? I definitely have to factor that in. I don't know how much larger levels will get in the end, since I'm aiming for a more casual audience... but they will definitely get bigger.

  • Looks cool man. Graphics look really sharp. What's the story behind the character design?

  • burningcake - thanks man, they've been marinating for a bit.

  • Nesteris - good call! Thanks for checking it out. The only AI issue I'm having right now is with the geemer. I need to convert it to delta time or some how figure out how to make it frame rate independent. Right now it's moving 16 pixels, checks surroundings, and then moves again. If the frame rate dropped it would go super slow, as oppose to the hoppers who actually just use platform movement. Other than that, the hardest part was making sure that they stayed on the screen and weren't active if they weren't on screen or the screen was scrolling.

  • Updated build can be accessed here:

    A couple of notable updates

    1. New enemies

    2. New terrain elements

    3. Gravity and Physics modifying zones

    4. Some map UI updates

    5. New mission objective (Search and Destroy)

    Be sure to check the map for your objectives. Also, ryanrybot, I fixed that bug you pointed out!

    Thanks everyone for all the encouraging feedback! Getting to a point where I can start fleshing out some of the other aspects of the game (the level select screen, title screen, mission summary / ranking).

  • ryanrybot I noticed that too at times, it has to do with switching the animation from the standard running animation to running + shooting. Gonna definitely put a fix to that along with some other bugs. thanks homie.

  • TKesse - yeah man, I've found that having booleans triggered when a detector picks up an object, and then working out the possible outcomes of the flag combinations (front is yes, bottom is no -> turn right, etc.) is more efficient than working out all the possibilities of detector combinations. you'll probably be detecting more than just a tilemap object, for example, but if all you have to do is activate a flag, it becomes more simple.

    - that's got a real blaster-master vibe to it. did you create those graphics?

  • ryanrybot - Thanks so much man. Can I see your project somewhere?

  • Nesteris - I have their behaviors in a larger "Enemies" group and then smaller, enemy specific subgroups, and I just disabled the group(s) as needed. The only thing that I have right now that disables the object time scale is the on screen message function.

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  • looks great man

  • Nesteris - zone based camera movement was tricky! I found a way to make sure all the enemies are disabled when it's scrolling so that nothing breaks. Eventually I'm going to add crawling (similar to the morph ball in that sense), so I needed crouching to be a little more static as a transitionary state.

    Thanks for finding that bug, I'll work on it!

  • regisRquoi I'd love to drop some music in, haven't found a good resource yet for some free music (even just for testing).

    So what I'm trying to accomplish is boiling down the metroid formula into more of a casual kind of game. Lots of small loops, exploring and problem solving. I'll keep that in mind about enemy placement. I've played too much metroid... so sometimes I don't think about that kind of stuff.

  • Also, regisRquoi, what you mentioned about looping through the level - I felt like that was some of the fun of the original Metroid games. I'm glad you picked up on that! That's sort of the idea behind the 'Metroidvania' genre.