mudmask's Forum Posts

  • this looks awesome. seriously.

  • ryanrybot - thanks amigo - I figured you were using Spriter to get those silky smooth animations.

    - thanks for hoping on here and replying super quickly. I actually nabbed the pro version a while back when there was a sale of some kind or some early adopter special (I think) because I anticipated maybe moving to that one day - at least as a way to streamline some of my work. I've been watching a bunch of your videos this week, and I think I'm going to give it a shot. Great job on those btw.

    I will still be separating upper body and lower body, but it doesn't see like that should be an issue binding two body parts together as opposed to 3 to 4 +. I'd like to start doing some of my enemy work on there too, where appropriate... but first I'm going to see how this goes.

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  • Hey Constructors,

    One of my current projects, Galaxias (), uses a custom built modular system to display different heads, bodies, legs, and weapons on screen depending on different conditions. Right now I'm utilizing a bunch of image points and ticks to make that happen, and there are times when I see a drop in responsiveness or lagging body parts.

    I'd love to hear from some people that have really utilized Spriter - namely, what were the performance gains like, and was it pretty easy to utilize? Or are there any other quirks to keep in mind?

    I've been playing with building sprites and animations this week and it seems like it would be a good direction to go in - but I know it'll be kind of a large undertaking, and considering I just dialed in the current modular system, I'm a little hesitant to start on something else.

    Thanks guys in advance for any feedback.

  • Dude this is dope. Reminds me of Karateka.

  • so hey sman118 - each individual part of your sprites are separate images right? as in actual separate files? can you designate different files for those body parts in construct?

    just finished watching your robot enemy video - pretty interested in this

  • man nice, I was just thinking about this game the other day.

    and this:

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  • is it just the waterfall portion that's animated? or is it the whole background itself? that purple is looking pretty dope.

  • ha perception is 90% of the battle.. I only have 1 finished

    I'll check out your video for sure. this will be super helpful. I have a wife and (lots of) kids now too, so time savers are always a plus.

  • this is looking pretty sweet. I've been thinking about using spriter for some projects in the future (or maybe even my current project) but I haven't taken the time to really learn how to use it.

  • looking good man.

  • Cryptwalker and varr - thanks guys! Yeah for sure, key areas will have some significant background elements. It's kind of the 'less is more' approach.

  • ha I just voted this on greenlight. nice work!

  • RedBlackSpade I suppose that's the challenge then. I do have a few backgrounds in the works, nothing I've shown yet though, and I don't plan on making them a main feature.

  • brushfe - thanks so much again for the feedback and insight. bclikesyou as well. seriously, it's encouraging to get feedback from guys who really have a feel for the 8bit aesthetic. maybe somewhere deep down, I channeled some battletoads without realizing it

    here's a quick update on the snake boss - trying to come up with a more consistent graphic style (as well as some new behaviors):

    This would be an example of using mainly a 3 color palette with either an extra color in a key area, OR a subtle palette change in a different 8x8 block.

    I had thought about doing some kind of attack mode where it grabs you in its mandibles and drives you into a wall or something...

  • brushfe - thanks so much for the detailed and well thought out feedback. It's really encouraging to have some people watching my project who actually want to see me achieve the best end product possible.

    at one point in my design I was committed to keeping a strict 3 color palette, utilizing the black background for a fourth accentual color. one of the issues I of course ran into was how sprites were obscured when overlapping other elements. why does that matter? maybe because I was born in the 80's.. ha, but as the guys who made Odallus: The Dark Call pointed out, at times key sprites were able to utilize more colors using kind of an overlay technique.

    I figured that was a good compromise, so that's maybe the direction some of my more important sprites are heading in right now (bosses, suit parts). I know it looks more 16 bit (and I'm glad you pointed that out), and I could still roll everything back if I decide that's not the visual direction I want to head in in order to tell this story.

    I did spend a few days thinking about whether to include the shadow specifically on the player, or the highlight, and the highlight won out (for now). for his proportions, black would've added maybe too much contrast, and I felt that the highlights were just a bit more subtle and maybe made it easier to track the player on the screen.

    any more thoughts that you have are totally welcome. I really take a lot of this into heavy consideration. thanks again!