Hello everyone,
I've been working for the last couple of days on a random island generator that I want to maybe use for a project in the future. I used the Zelda 2 overworld sprites and tiles modified them to work with a BitWise algorithm (thanks to R0J0hound), and I'm more or less using the method described here for my island generation: http://dxprog.com/files/randmaps.html (also similar to what
Ethan described in a post somewhere, probably this one ).
You can view the build here:
controls: arrow keys, press SPACE to regenerate the islands, zoom in and out with your mouse wheel
Originally I wanted sandy beaches on the edge of my islands, but when I generate my heightmap and run it through a few times, I get some ok island shapes but I wasn't totally sure how to make just the edges of my islands sand. SO, I ended up making everything at my 1st height sand. It just looks really sparse now, with so much sand.
I guess my questions would be:
1. How would I just outline the edges of my islands with sand, using an array? Is there a way to do that? I feel like it would almost be like a bitwise method, but just finding my tiles that are next to the ocean/water
2. Or, when I'm averaging out my array values, I really only end up with values of 0-5 - is there any way to increase that range?
These are some more complex array scenarios for me, and it's been great learning how to do some of this stuff! I appreciate any help!