mOOnpunk's Forum Posts

  • I havent noticed any issues running my game, however for me its the editor. When i reach around 1000 events the editor begins to lag and menus take a while to open. I filed a bug report but they didnt seem interested in investigating since i couldnt provide a way to reproduce, though i submitted a profile.

    I think it has to do with this blog post about how slow the layout is. A result of their decision to put the editor in a browser. I just have to put up with it i guess. I turned off menu effects and things, and there was a recent update to the layouts which may have helped.

  • I think the browser plugin can change the game to fullscreen.

  • Since the game level is a board and people move on squares in a grid, you could find the square you want to move to, mark that sqaure as 0. Then go outawards in a circle pattern so the next squares surrounding that would all be 1, then go outwards again and all those squares would be 2 etc until each square on the board is covered. Dont count squares with a wall as you cant move there. Now all the person who is moving needs to do is to always move each step towards the sqaure with the lower value to the square its currently standing on to move there.

    You could artifically inflate the value of squares under certain conditions to make those squares less attractive to move to, such as if an enemy drops a bomb then that would add say 100 to the sqaures value and would radiate 99, 98, etc for the bombs explosion range. The person would avoid those squares and find a path around them.

  • I think Bomberman uses a minmax algorithm like chess where all possible moves and outcomes are tested then the best result is chosen. I don't think its possible to do it with events as it would be too slow and complex.

    An easier approach (which has its owns problems) is some thing like this

  • - Preview, debug.... button on main screen. Is it possible to make them all visible?

    There is only a "Preview layout" button and a little arrow to press on to show more options. It would be nice to be able to customize it to show more then one button.

    I already asked them to put back the debug preview button, it seems their server can track how many times a button is clicked, apparently not enough people clicked on them so they put them all under the little arrow. It's all about the hot keys don't you know.

  • I don't use any collision detection in the game, and it doesnt matter if its not grid based, you can just use sort by y position ascending.

  • The way i did it for my sim game was to have the tiles on a bottom layer, then another layer above for the buildings and people. I kept it simple by putting only the buildings and shadows into a family to z order. Once i sorted them i then picked each of the shadows child character by storing the characters uid in the parent shadow and moving it above its shadow. This means no matter where the child is it is always correct to the parent. Notice how the people characters can bounce, and how the ships are also correct and building icons too with no worry for origin points.

    Sorry for poor quality.

  • I'd also really like to have these suggestions.

  • Gigatron i will try it. Thank you.

  • I don't think so. I wanted to do some thing similar so i ended up using dictionary object.

  • Do you know about the Pick top/bottom condition?

    "Pick either the top-most or bottom-most instance, taking in to account layers and Z index. For example, the instance at the front of the top most layer is the top instance."

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  • Thanks so much for your help.

  • Thanks for the example, and taking the time to help, but i'm not sure what it does.

    I'm really look for the maths formula to give me the correct percentage. I'm probably trying to cram too much into one value. I'll have to try a new approach


  • yes thats correct.

  • Can anyone out there convert Somebody's "Shift" effect over to C3 please.

    Shader file


    Thank you.