Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Do happen to know JS? If I was looking to do this in C3, I probably would just grab the JS library from: github.com/y-lohse/inkjs and include it in a C3 project and use the C3 JS integration to call scripts, etc.

    Here's an example C3 project of the most barebones functions to walk through the sample story.


  • Looking in your project it looked like you are using an element ID that does not exist? 'ElementQa' for ElementQuad2?

  • You can experiment with using my ElementQuad plugin. Here's an example. It will allow you to put your Babylon canvas anywhere in the C3 layers / order (and also add effects to it.)


    The head is a Babylon canvas changed into a texture for C3 ElementQuad.

    Check perf with your platforms of interest.

  • For quite a while now, webkit on iOS has not supported GetUserMedia. Here's the thread on it:


    We keep hoping the next iOS release will enable it, but no luck so far. If you find a solution, please post it here (or in that thread.)

    One idea is to try to find a cordova plugin.

    This may or may not work (there are some methods to capture.)



    Also QRScanner cordova plugin:


  • Glad you solved it! In general, any C3 distortion effect usually gets impacted if it's not the 'first' effect in the stack (opacity and color are 'built-in' effects and will be the first effect if enabled).

    There are ways around this which cost some performance in the shader.

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  • I like the bunny character, nice style! The bandaid when he 'dies' is a fun touch.

    FYI I helped create a Spine plugin which can probably work with your Dragon Bones character if you export the character in Spine JSON format and convert to Spine 3.8 JSON (there is a converter on the plugin website.) It may help make the transitions between animations smoother (you can add a default mix time between animations.)

    However, in general it's a little more complicated than doing a Sprite w/ an animation sheet.


  • Let's not hijack Artpunk's thread with other requests, look here: construct.net/en/tutorials/grass-interactive-dust-2398 . If you want to discuss more, please create a new topic/post.

  • I understand. If you know JS, it wouldn't be too bad. It's pretty straight forward to integrate into C3 (If it was worth it, you could hire a C3 JS dev, there are definitely a few people who could implement this for you on the forum or on the Construct Community Discord Server.)

  • It's a rest API, so you might be able to some of it with the AJAX plugin and use of the JSON object.

    If that doesn't work, you can use JS C3 scripting to access the API (using fetch / XMLHttpRequest, etc.). It seems definitely possible. I looked at the SR API github, it has not been updated in a few years. It might be good to make sure it's still working and operational before doing too much work.

    It does look a little clunky, you may need the user to copy and paste their special auth keys and save into local storage (but you can perhaps do this 'in game' with an iframe, etc.)

    Here's a library that you may be able to use for this (JS):

    github.com/SwitchbladeBot/node-speedrun (would need to package for web user browserify or something like that.) Also note this library only 'reads' values from the site. It does not have functions to post runs. The full Speedrun API supports posting runs.

  • Thanks for the links, very interesting reading!

  • Nice work, pleasantly addictive as is the genre :)

    Did you make a spreadsheet to figure out the costs, levels, timers, etc.?

  • Release 1.15.0

    Set Slot Color (temporary until new skin set), Set Custom Color Attachment (set color of attachment of a custom skin and set to the custom skin.) Fix one frame animation bug.

    The new ACEs are useful for runtime customization of the Spine skeleton instances.


  • Blackhornet, if you are interested, we can discuss C3/WebGL over on the Construct Community Discord (R0J0hound gave me some great tips based on their C2 work.)

  • Here's a JS line clipping library in case you want to do the clipping yourself:


  • In my experience, C3 renderer drawing lines or drawing quads will draw anywhere on the viewport/screen regardless of the worldinfo bounding box.

    If you want to clip to the size of particular bounding box, you might trying to clip the line yourself (e.g. find the line intersection(s) of the bounding box and draw the line with the new coordinates.) Using GetBoundingQuad() to get the coordinates to clip against.

    In the current public plugin SDK I have not yet seen a way to draw into another C3 texture (though I imagine this is what the Drawing Canvas does.)

    Perhaps you could try extending the Drawing Canvas plugin class and add the features you want to it? Or add a behavior to a Drawing plugin object which could do something similar?