Messy Hideout's Forum Posts

  • You can try to paste sprite A on Canvas above sprite B.

    Then when you draw on Canvas, you need to choose the Destination Out for Canvas.

    Is there anyway to achieve the same thing if I replace sprite B with numerous sprites? Like what if I erase A to reveal more than one sprite underneath?

  • To change the name of the game, you must edit the project properties and change the name there, as the file name has no bearing on the exported project:

    To change the icons, you can change them in the project bar:

    After exporting, run the windowsiconupdater.exe, which will update the icon.

    Thank you so much for your answer!

  • So I have two sprites, A and B, A is above B. I want to erase A, as in you use an eraser and slowly erasing parts after parts of A so that B is gradually revealed.

    Could anyone please help?

    Edit: To anyone having similar problems, thanks to Maverick1912 I've found a way, but you have to use touch control (the mouse does not work) and keep the sprites at the starting viewport position (0,0).

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  • So I have a project originally called "Game1" and I have since changed the c3p to BeforeWeDo.c3p, thinking that upon exporting the .exe would be call BeforeWeDo.exe, but no it keeps the same name. So how do I make it change to BeforeWeDo.exe without doing it manually?

    Also this feels like something trivial but I'm just a novice, but how do I change the game icon?

  • Use Pick Top/Bottom condition on the sprite object

    Thank you! This works perfectly.

  • Shouldn't the on-the-ground movement already look a little bit like this?

    Key "RightArrow" pressed -> Character Accelerate towards position

    Key "LeftArrow" pressed -> Character Accelerate towards position

    and so on.

    Shouldn't it work the same while in air?

  • I have a game where you click on one tree, it disappears. The goal is to click on all the trees to win.

    The problem is that some of the trees are overlapping each other, so when I click on a tree, all the tree sprites underneath it also got clicked. Note that all these trees are essentially the same referenced sprite called "Tree" and on the same layer.

    I want to be able to pick the top one on the layer, how do I do that?

  • Thank you! It works perfectly! I have to change a few parameters for my game to work but now it's just what I need.

    Thanks again!

  • So I want to make a game where you can draw on the drawing canvas. I know there is a drawing game tutorial but given that it's a Construct 2 tutorial, I wonder if there is other ways that use the drawing canvas plugin of Construct 3, like Draw Line and things like that without spawning hundreds of sprites.

    Could anyone please help?

  • I think groups also keep their status and you deactivated "Start" at some point. You can add an action to set this group active with the other ones that are deactivated on start of layout.

    Hey thank you! I posted this in another Construct forum and a helpful moderator helped me solve this problem. It was some group issues like you said and I corrected it.

    Thanks again!

  • So I have 3 main layouts, one for the gameplay (1) and the other two for the endings (2 and 3). In layout 2 and 3 each have a restart button that basically do this:

    Mouse clicked on Restart button -> go to layout 1

    And in layout 1 I have:

    On start of layout -> restart

    On start of layout -> reset global variables

    What this does is make the screen goes black and basically crashes.

    I added two lines above this because for some reason if you play the game once and you restart, layout 1 cannot be interacted with anymore so I thought I would reset it but it does not work.

    Can anyone please help?

    Here's the file:

    • Post link icon

    So basically I have three main layouts, one is the main game, the other two is for the endings. If you play Layout 1, it will transfer you to layout 2 or 3, depending on your choices. There will be a restart button in each of these layouts that transfer you back to Layout 1.

    However, if I play the game once and then restart, the "new" game (Layout 1) does not work anymore and basically cancels all interactions.

    Can anyone please help me with this?

    Here's the file.

  • I am trying to make a calendar starting from 0, and I want to slowly add 1 to it and show it on the screen. Can anyone please show me how to do that?

  • Oh man I'm a dumber. Thank you, I got that figured out. But now I want the game to detect that I have a save game available and display the "Continue" button upon entering the main menu. How do I do that?

  • So I have this work in progress project, and I wanted to test it. So I exported it into and I got it to run as an exe on my computer. But the game didn't save and I'm not sure what I did wrong, or didn't do.

    If it helps, I included in the level:

    System: on start of layout -> save game to mysave.

    Please help.