megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Thanks guys. I'll look at it again when this beer dies down.

    Basically u use for each when u r building your own custom behaviors, logic or state machines with events. For behaviors from plugins it is not needed.

    U might just want to add for each above your first monitor enemy event in the second tree, under walking and distance.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looks really cool! I watched the video, and I really like it. GL with it! But I can't get my head around the doors unlocking logic. How does it work?

  • Ok so I have been reading about Vector art and decided to give it a go. It's near impossible for me to do so I think more reading is needed. (Pixel art is harder I would say).

    Here is my attempt at making a house to show you how bad I am when it comes to art... I was going to hire an artist but cost is a real problem.

    Yeah, it looks awkward. Best thing to do is too look in to it and find the elements you're good at and develop those in to your own style.

  • I'm making one of those right now!

  • If you can't come up with any ideas, then maybe game dev is not your thing? Think about it. You might be much better off in some other domain. Maybe you'd invent something incredible within what you are really good at?

  • Pc is great editing tool. But creativity wise it is a slog. I'm finding only two exceptions from this rule : using drawing tablet or keys with synth sampler.

    So do it all on paper. The advantage of that is that you can write, sketch, make notes on a side instantly. No need for wasting time on thinking about moving your hand on to the mouse, selecting right tools, moving hand back etc. And it's more intimate. You can really dive in to your own imagination. Pc's are distracting. Once what you see on paper is more or less what you see in your mind, you go on to pc and start "porting it" it. In my case works almost in an instance, because the moment i sit down to bring something i did on to the pc, i already know almost all of steps i will make. I even plan codes logic on paper.

  • They addict you trough anticipation, just like old games ( movies and music ) did too. In old games you would be building up satisfaction with every good move you'd do ( in other words the further you'd go the more satisfaction you'd feel but the more challenging the game would be), while in new games that element of satisfaction is gone, because of how stretched those game get. It seams to me like this new model is based of heroin addiction, where with every shot you're getting less and less satisfaction, but you keep on doing it because you're hooked.

  • Hello,

    I'm experimenting with procedural generation, but can't figure out how to generate just one path, square grid based, from point A to point B, not straight, but with some turns and such, but also without any sideways, but can't figure out how i could get it done. Any suggestions folks?



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    Beaverlicious Creator puts his item up for the price he sees it as fair exchange for his work. What you as a potential client can do is to either buy it or not. Telling someone that his item is overpriced is a purely subjective statement and has nothing to do with any measurements. And as a matter of fact there are none measurements other then creators statistics.

  • Ever since I started learning Construct, I've gotten this weird feeling of it being something new that is really going to revolutionize things.

    However, I have really struggled with my skepticism around Construct not being as good as writing "pure code". Today I understood why it doesn't matter. Because at the very core coding is essentially building logic. And Construct can do that just the same, but with the joys of a graphical user interface. Construct does to coding, what Windows did to Ms Dos. The graphics make it easier to stay organized, avoid mistakes and understand complicated projects.

    Insisting that Construct is inferior to plain coding is like insisting Dos is better than Windows. In some situations that might indeed be the case. The point is that for most tasks people would rather use Windows than Dos. And for the same reasons I prefer working with Construct instead of working with plain code.

    ARGH, it's all cool, but before windows, before ms dos, there where already PUI's. Already in 70's there was Xerox Park interface

    The real, unmatched even today in terms of depth was original gui created in the 1968 by Dough Engelbart. It was awesome, running on network, with bi-directional hyperlinks, no file formats only statements that could hold any type of data, no file chierarchy, video chat, desktop sharing, collaborative working and many more awesome features. It was incredibly and it's a shame pui's dumbed all of it down.

  • Here's stuff that I've seen around the forum:

    1.To get shadows blurred all you need is to apply shader to shadow layer

    2. There is a fairly recent post about placing shadow under sprites here in general forum, but you got to search for it.

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    Very exciting! When modularity gets rolled out this will be absolutely amazing.

    For those worrying about how this will affect the nature of the C2 community, a quick look to a fundamental free market should assuage any concerns - competition is a great incentive!

    Also, no one should expect people doing things for free for other, unless it's for friends or for charity.

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    is it possible to give buyers Steam keys with games sold on the asset store?

    Your game would have first to be on steam anyway. But probably in the future connecting with steam might be considered by scirra.


    Tom Yeah, the store is going to rock!

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    My track is up. Are you guys able to preview it cause I can't for some reason? ... xplorer-52

  • no response yet?

    megatronx have you found a way around this?

    > Hello,


    > Is there a way - is it possible to have nested lists in the list box?


    > Thanks!


    Nope :/