megatronx's Forum Posts

  • You can't necessarily do it all yourself. Sounds like you might need someone to bounce ideas off, maybe a partner who can help you take it that next stage. Possibly a designer to flesh out those ideas more.

    That's absolutely true across all of what i do, I always need someone to bounce ideas off. Unfortunately I'm that lone wolf freelancer working always from my bedroom :/

  • Hey,





    Thanks for your replies.

    In general, I just can't get out outside the prototype stage. Everything is working as intended, might have bit of graphics and idea for overall plot line and characters, I even do reorganize and streamline the code, but them I'm like : well, now what? I have a lot of original ideas in each of my prototype I'd want to share with people. But once I have main mechanics down, I struggle where to begin with making an actual game. I'm kind of a person that has a really hard time organizing my ideas and laying them out on to some sort of progression curve. Maybe I need to find a producer? What are your thoughts?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Link's not working.

  • Looks cool Will check it out

  • Keep it simple.

  • I tried it, and so far so good to be honest. Not single jag. I'm using latest stable.

  • Scratch what I said:

    Screen tearing is even worse now. In regular non-scaled my game runs fine. Scaled up, the tearing is so bad I don't even want to play.

    Really that bad? Damn :/

  • glerikud I'd love if C3 had support for my 2D retro-arcade-styled game to run at 30FPS solid-all-the-time

    It must be 60fps. Even snes run games at 60fps.

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  • Hey folks,

    Whenever I finish my prototype, in most cases ( ones that are not influenced by inability to have something working well [solids] ), I don't know where to go next. Most of my prototypes are fun. Could you tell me about your development process? How do you handle it, and when you know that current amount of content is good to go full development? How do you start a game after prototype is finished?


  • It is possible. And it's not that hard or difficult. But it requires quite a lot animations and setups.

    This is a small part based on my very old project, which was unfortunately dropped because guy responsible for all sprite animations stopped answering to my email without any reason... Yeah don't know why but in game development people I only had problem with were always graphic designers/animators - quite few of them :/

    Hehe, me too.

  • Playing a game with myself.

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  • > Grouping layouts - can be as simple as folders, but would be very helpful in workflow, in editing and in game design.


    Grouping layouts? Something different than currently is in C2 (in Projects panel)?

    Different, yes. that's for layers panel and for events. For example being able to disable all 3 layouts by disabling group in editor as well as in events.

    if you require an addon, it should be downloaded automatically on opening capx.

    My crazy Idea of start up pop up would be a screenshot of last action you did before closing the program.