megatronx's Forum Posts

  • > Knowing Nintendo the name would probably be something like wii 2 HD


    Instead of Wii 2, why not just "Wii Wii"?

    Now THAT would be *********

    LOL XD

  • I'm not British, but I live in Britain. 5 years moved from Poland which was under cominists regime for around 5 decades ( which was **** btw) so i'm not veery attached to Royal Family and for me they are more like subjetcs of observation, but not interest. So I'm probably on the same boat as you deadeye. Hawever I've got loads of British mates so I've got some opinion on how they percive Royall Family. Some of them just lough, and say that's Britain is still a mediviel country, some others are proud of it and pumping their egos, and some don't care at all. I personly agree with Ashleys mom, however:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Have I won a cookie?

    And the 'Evolution at work' is just brilliant. Would love to see this being spoken live by monthy python or allan partrige

    Edit@ but you have to admit that the new princess is FIT as HELL XD

  • Wii FIX


    If they going for hc audiances then

    Nintendo Overkill

    would be approprate.

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  • > Wii was called REVOLUTION. and new console is confirmed


    Yep, that's right.

    And of course, the Nintendo 64 was called "Project Reality".

    I think N64 was called Ultra 64 too.

  • Wii was called REVOLUTION. and new console is confirmed


    fhake or not?

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • Well you did say you wanted a HEADer.

    Oh lol

  • *

    This topic was inspired by 'what r your favorite games' topic *

    There was many great games made in all years of gaming therefore to make sure no one will skip them ( especialy younger gamers ) i decided to make this topic in which i would encourage you to put videos and wiki entries of the best retro games to create a nifty database:) ( up to previous generatio, so ps2, gc, xbox, gba etc ).

      Another World ( aka Out of this world ) <img src=""> Genre: Action Adventure Systems: Multi-platform Best Version: Another World (15th Anniversary Edition) WIKI: Another World Video: Another World INTRO HD (15th Anniversary Edition) Personal Comment: Just Amazing
      Rod-Land (Arcade) <img src=""> Genre: Arcade Systems: Multi-platform Best Version: MAME Arcade WIKI: Rod-Land Video: Rod-Land (Arcade) Personal Comment: One of the most addictive arcade games you would ever play!
      Seiken Densetsu 3 ( Secret of Mana 3 ) <img src=""> Genre: Action RPG Systems: SNES Best Version: ----- WIKI: Seiken Densetsu 3 Video: Seiken Densetsu 3 Personal Comment: If you haven't played it yet then i don't want to know you
      The Neverhood <img src=""> Genre: Adventure Systems: PC, PSX Best Version: PC WIKI: The Neverhood Video: The Neverhood Personal Comment: One of the most stylish, original and funny adventure games up to date. Great soundtrack.
      Quake <img src=""> Genre: FPS Systems: Mulit-platform Best Version: PC with mods WIKI: Quake Video: Quake Personal Comment: This game still playes like a charm Fast and frantic corridor shooter at it best.
      The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind <img src=""> Genre: FP-RPG Systems: Pc, x-box Best Version: PC with mods WIKI: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Video: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Personal Comment: Way better than oblivion in almost every aspect and with new mods it looks better too ( thaought mainly due to the art direction).
      Follout 1 <img src=""> Genre: RPG Systems: Pc Best Version: ----- WIKI: Follout 1 Video: Follout 1 Personal Comment: Best one in the series with great sotry, amazing character development and tension caused by time limit. Although the gameplay feels bit slow in this day and age it's a must play

    Thats all from me for now

  • ... fe-details

    but in other recent interview he said that they finished working on consoles for now and now they will focus on delivering more games. ... 9398.phtml

    he mentioned as well that he would like to remake a link to the past. Well - I say Do IT MIYAMOTO! XD

    And from the other hand i fancy this


    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • oh i sure am, i would do almost anythng to see riddic 3

    i hear it may release this summer or autumn.

    i heard they shoot some photos in some desert for the movie.

    god riddick was one of the coolest movies ever, and critics just bashed it, idiots

    Well, second one wasn't very good i guess. They tried to much to make it epic, and what they've got was just a ridiculles story. But First one from tho other hand was great Apparently riddicks writter said third one will be more like the first one. uff

  • > Maybe it's been said, but support for html within apps would be great, so we can put html links inside.


    > And dunno if its possible but transparent background for app, so you can see the background of the website if specified, but that's secondary feature.


    I'm with you on the HTML. I could've sworn there was an example posted for C.0x where someone posted a way to make clickable links... I infact recall doing the example myself and it worked great.

    Personally, I'd like greater HTML and webpage type functionality for no other reason than being able to create ad-supported games with more robust ads.

    Javascript --> HTML links

  • Screem - Ive seen screem 2... or 3.. can't remember.

    Someone here is hopeing for riddic 3 like me? XD

  • Blizzards Blackthorne is in veins of Another World and PoP also. Oh and Heart Of Darkness is very nicely animated. Another world, Flashback and Heart Of Darkness ware made by the same dude, thought Flashback is really missing out on good atmophere.

  • If someonehas 100% of the market then he can set highest price, so id on't think this would be a good idea.

  • thats weird, even though wii's game were fun and innovative (the remote)

    ps3 and xbox 360 had HD graphics since years. and nintendo is just now doing this?

    its only months until ps4 or xbox460 comes out with superHD (you know)

    either way i hate consoles but if i had to buy a console i would get a wii (raving rabiids^^)

    360 and ps3 they r going to have at least 8 years span, therfor 2014 for the new consoles would be more accurate.

    Whatever next N console will be , N will come up with something different - they want just come out with bummped specs and say 'there u go - our new hit console'.

  • Unfortunately i do not own an iDevice.